

West Philly organizations react to protests and civil unrest in Philadelphia, show support to Black Lives Matter movement (updated)

Posted on 04 June 2020 by

Over the last several days, many local organizations have posted public statements or messages reflecting on the protests and civil unrest in the city and on the issue of systemic racism, and showing their solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. We’re posting some of them below. Some of these messages include information on how you can help the local Black community and businesses in the aftermath of the recent events and also educational resources for non-Black individuals and families.

People’s Emergency Center (PEC):

“As we surveyed the damage of the weekend’s unrest in our neighborhoods, we shared a deep sense of sadness for business owners, community residents, and others who have invested so much to ensure access to vibrant commercial corridors to meet the needs of residents. And though it will take time and money, we believe the damage done to businesses can and will be repaired somewhat easily.  Continue Reading

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West Philly reacts to Trump’s Travel Ban

Posted on 30 January 2017 by

After President Trump administration issued the temporary Travel Ban for the citizens coming from seven majority-Muslim countries, many West Philly residents and a number of local groups participated in the Philadelphia airport protests over the weekend. We’re posting some photos and tweets from the airport and from around the neighborhood. Also, check out this recent story by on West Philly’s interfaith immigrant rights group, the New Sanctuary Movement.

Photo by Elaine Fultz.

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