
"Spruce Hill"

Historical Commission approves Historic District in Spruce Hill

Posted on 15 July 2024 by

Victorian vistas like this one on the 4200 block of Osage Avenue will be safeguarded going forward. (Photo by Tony West)

The Philadelphia Historical Commission (PHC) unanimously approved the creation of the Southeast Spruce Hill Historic District on July 12. The boundaries of this district run generally from Spruce St. to 39th St. to Woodland Ave. to 43rd St. It will encompass three smaller districts that already exist there in addition to more than 500 surrounding houses that share a distinctive Victorian architecture.

Historic Districts define and protect the external look of period “contributing” buildings, blocking demolition except when in dangerous condition and requiring outside repairs or additions to preserve the original appearance as much as possible. They do not impact building interiors.

Most of Spruce Hill has long been in the West Philadelphia Streetcar Suburb Historic District. This federal designation gives the neighborhood noteriety but no protection. The Spruce Hill Community Association began to push for a city historic district with enforcement power 37 years ago, but was repeatedly blocked by opposition from property owners who feared it would increase maintenance costs. That concern has been less widespread since SHCA, counseled by University City Historical Society, launched its latest bid in 2021. Many real estate developers have opposed it for decades.

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Philadelphia Historical Commission to consider Spruce Hill for historic district designation, to hold public meetings starting this week (updated)

Posted on 15 April 2024 by

Proposed Historic District designation area in Spruce Hill (image courtesy of SHCA).

The Philadelphia Historical Commission, the City’s preservation agency, is calling for public meetings to consider the proposal to designate a part of the Spruce Hill neighborhood as a historic district. The agency will hold two public meetings, on Wednesday, April 17 and Friday, May 10, when property owners and other interested parties are invited to comment on the proposed district. Both meetings will be on Zoom.

The proposed historic district consists of 572 properties and the boundaries are shown on the map above. The map also shows parts of Spruce Hill already designated as Historic Districts and properties included in the Registrar of Historic Places.

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Spruce Hill community meeting to discuss Historic District application and development

Posted on 12 February 2024 by

Community members are invited to a monthly Spruce Hill Community Association (SHCA) Board meeting this Tuesday, Feb. 13. There will be two main guest speakers at the meeting:

Representatives from St. Joseph’s University, which acquired the former USciences campus in 2022, will discuss their development plans in the area.

Also, representatives from Constant Springs Consulting will provide updates about the Historical District application process. Since last year, SHCA have been working on this application and even started a community fundraiser. If Spruce Hill is recognized by the City as a historic district it would provide an added layer of protection of historic structures amid a building boom in the area. Designation could also regulate exterior changes to existing buildings like masonry and window replacement.

The meeting, which begins at 7:30 p.m. will be in person for SHCA Board members and guest speakers. Community members are invited to attend the meeting virtually via Zoom. Click here to download the meeting agenda which includes a Zoom link.

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Pedestrian plaza proposed for 43rd and Spruce

Posted on 05 January 2024 by

A pedestrian plaza at 48th and Baltimore.

Spruce Hill residents have a chance to learn more about a new traffic calming and pedestrian safety proposal for the busy intersection at 43rd and Spruce Streets.

On Tuesday, Jan. 9, Nate Hommel, the director of Planning and Design at the University City District (UCD) will present a plan for a pedestrian plaza at 43rd and Spruce at the monthly Spruce Hill Community Association Board (SHCA) meeting.

Pedestrian plazas are permitted by the City of Philadelphia through its Streets Department. Pedestrian plaza hosts receive a one-year Pedestrian Enhancement Permit that is renewable for up to three years. To receive a Pedestrian Enhancement Permit, an application must be submitted and approved by the Street Department. Pedestrian plaza locations are subject to review by the City’s Chief Traffic Engineer.

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Annual Spruce Hill “Tot” Halloween Parade & Party details

Posted on 18 October 2023 by

West PhillyGet your spooky/funny/cute costumes ready for the annual Spruce Hill “Tot” Halloween Parade! The great neighborhood tradition returns Tuesday, Oct. 31.

Gathering begins at 4 p.m. at 45th and Larchwood, and the parade kicks off at 4:30. The parade ends at 42nd and Osage where party-goers are invited to get treats, like cider and baked goods, from “Little Osage” neighbors and local businesses.

Every year, hundreds of costumed tots (ages 6 and under) and their parents or guardians participate in the parade organized by the Spruce Hill Community Association. This is a fun and family-friendly event for the local community with plenty of trick-or-treating possibilities in the neighborhood!

For more October events, check out this post.

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Panel discussion, Q&A session on proposed Spruce Hill Historic District nomination postponed to June 27 (updated)

Posted on 13 June 2023 by

The area that will be covered by the “Spruce Hill Historic District.”

UPDATE: The meeting was postponed from June 7 to June 27 due to the smoke pollution in Philadelphia caused by the Canadian wildfires. 

Community members are invited to learn more about the Spruce Hill Community Association (SHCA) proposal to make a large part of its neighborhood, from roughly Ludlow Street in the north to Woodland Avenue in the south and 46th Street in the west to 40th in the east, a historic district recognized by the city. A panel discussion and Q and A will take place on Tuesday, June 27 starting at 7 p.m. at Resurrection Church (42nd and Pine).

The “Spruce Hill Historic District” would provide an added layer of protection of historic structures amid a building boom in the area. Designation could also regulate exterior changes to existing buildings like masonry and window replacement.

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