

Clark Park cleanup followed by beer on Saturday (updated)

Posted on 16 April 2014 by


Do you love Clark Park and want to help tidy it up for the summer? Here’s a fun opportunity for volunteering on Saturday, April 19, from 12 – 3 p.m.. The Fairmount Park Conservancy will be conducting a spring clean-up at the park in honor of Earth Day and volunteer help will be greatly appreciated. Help is needed with such activities as leaf raking, branch collecting, flower and tree planting, mulching, trash and debris removal, weeding, and sweeping.

But here’s the fun part: The first 30 volunteers at the clean-up event will receive gifts such as a daypack, aluminum water bottle, locally-sourced bandana and – for those aged 21 or over – three wooden nickel tokens, each good for a pint at the after-party. The party will be held at Local 44, a neighborhood pub specializing in craft beer, and will include free samples of Local 44’s comfort food. The after-party is sponsored by Great Lakes Brewing Company.

If all this sounds pretty good to you, go here to sign up.

Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 worldwide.

UPDATE (4/16/2014): There has been a great response to this volunteer opportunity and there are no more “free beer” spots available, according to the Great Lakes Brewing Co. Earth Day website. But all volunteer help is appreciated.

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Repair the World: Philadelphia moving to West Philly, looking for volunteers

Posted on 08 April 2014 by Annamarya Scaccia

999969_283675881796273_126179195_nIn an effort to address hunger in the region, Repair the World: Philadelphia, a regional nonprofit mobilizing Jewish youth to help improve communities, will launch its Food for Thought Awareness Weekend on Friday, April 11.

The West Philly branch of Repair the World will host three events during its awareness weekend, which ends Sunday, April 13: a community-wide food drive on Friday, the annual Walk+Run Against Hunger 5K event in conjunction with the Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger on Saturday, and a West Philly lot beautification with Cedar Park’s Jewish Farm School on Sunday. You can find details for each event below.

Repair the World: Philadelphia, which launched its fellowship program in October, is also preparing to move into their brand new office space at 4029 Market Street, according to Leah A. Silver, RTW: Philly’s fellow and social media coordinator. Silver told West Philly Local that the nearly 2,000 square foot office will likely be used for community meetings, trainings, and social events, as well as serve as the regular hub for Philadelphia’s Repair the World Fellows. There is no confirmed date for the move, but Silver said it’s mostly after May 15th.  Continue Reading

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MLK Day of Service projects, events

Posted on 17 January 2014 by

mlk-day-logoDr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is approaching and we have we compiled a list of events and service opportunities in our area on Monday, Jan. 20. We hope you can find an hour or two to participate in some of the events or projects listed below. If you know of more events or service opportunities, please post them in the comments. Also, go to to find more volunteer projects in your area.

8:00 a.m.-1 p.m. – Girard College (2101 South College Ave) – Philadelphia Futures will host free college readiness workshops for middle and high school students and parents. The five different workshops will be geared toward the various stages of the college-going process, and will be led by the Philadelphia Futures staff. Students and parents are encouraged to capitalize on their day off of school and work and participate in a workshop that will help to put them (or their child) on the path to college. The workshops are open to all Philadelphia residents. You can reserve your workshop seat by signing-up at

9:00 a.m. – Various Day of Service opportunities are available through Repair the World Philadelphia. Sign up until midnight on Friday, Jan. 17 to take part in such projects as beautification and cleanup of the Martha Washington School (766 N. 44th St) or building mobile libraries to be placed in various public locations around West Philadelphia. For more information and to sign up, go here.

9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. – MLK Day of Service at Bartram’s Garden (54th Street and Lindbergh Blvd) – Volunteers are needed to clear brush, vines, and invasive species to open up the wooded trail, which runs along the adjacent stretch of the Schuylkill River, for pedestrians. Lunch and a free t-shirt will be provided for volunteers (while supplies last.) To pre-register, email:

10:00 a.m. – Bible Way Baptist Church (52nd & Master) hosts a Commemorative Worship Celebration. The service will begin promptly at 10:00 a.m. and conclude around noon. As part of the celebration, the MLK Community Service Award will be presented to previously chosen individuals who have served in this community to ensure a better life.

10:00 a.m.; 3:30 p.m. – Join community activist Rev. Paul “Earthquake” Moore for the Annual MLK Day of Service. The day will kickoff at 10:00 a.m. with restoration and clean-up at New Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church, 7001 Woodland Ave. At 3:30 p.m. there will be a re-enactment march starting at 65th St. & Woodland Ave. After the march, Martin Luther King Jr.’s I Have A Dream speech will be recited by Rev. Paul “Earthquake” Moore at New Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church. Assistance is needed with the re-enactment march. Visit for more information.

11:00 a.m. – 5 p.m. – Martin Luther King Sharing the Heritage Celebration at the African American Museum (AAMP), 701 Arch Street. Free admission. Celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, donate food for the ChAAMPs Against Hunger Philabundance Food Drive, engage in hands-on service projects, explore exhibits, watch great performances and more! For more information, click here. Hip Hop Fundamentals will also be performing their show “Civil Rights Movements: The power of youth engagement through the eyes of Dr. King.” They will begin the family-friendly show at noon.

All day – More than 250 students, staff and volunteers from YouthBuild Philadelphia Charter School, an innovative alternative education program offering a second chance for former high school dropouts, ages 18-21, will repaint classrooms, hallways and community spaces at Thomas G. Morton Elementary School in Southwest Philadelphia (2501 S. 63rd Street) to honor the life, legacy, and service of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Morton Elementary, a K-5 school that serves 800 students, has not been repainted in several years. Volunteers from YouthBuild Philly will spend the morning of January 20 painting engaging and meaningful murals throughout the school to make the space a brighter and friendlier learning environment. The mural project will give special attention to the classrooms that house special education and autism support programs.

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Project MEOW volunteer trappers help reduce feral cat population in West Philly

Posted on 22 November 2013 by

Merlot TSC

Project MEOW trappers like to make certain that their feral cats are well cared for during their spay or neuter surgery. Here’s Merlot, a newcomer to an established colony, being held in a warmed towel while he recovers from anesthesia. While PAWS is often used for local feral cat spay and neuters, The Spayed Club in Sharon Hill will hold feral cats overnight, which helps trappers make certain their cats are mostly recovered before being returned to them.

If you have too many unowned cats on your block, why not consider getting in touch with some of your neighbors and getting involved? Project MEOW can show you how to trap, may be able to provide transportation and recovery, and has traps to loan with a small deposit. It takes a team, and a lot of like-minded neighbors to solve a problem, but if many people volunteer to trap on their own blocks, very soon you will begin to see a lot less stray cats and kittens wandering around.

Project MEOW volunteers have reduced the numbers of kittens born every year on their own streets, often working alone or with one other neighbor. Want to stop the tide of spring kittens? Contact to see how starting now can make a huge difference during the 2014 “kitten season.”

(Project MEOW’s Tracylea Byford contributed to this post. Photo credit: Dr. Sarah Alexander of The Spayed Club in Sharon Hill)

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Bartram’s Garden seeking volunteers for annual Greens Sale

Posted on 20 November 2013 by

Bartrams-volunteersPreparations have begun for the Bartram’s Garden Greens Sale, which is on Saturday, Dec. 7 (more about it later). Volunteers are sought who can lend a hand to help support this popular annual event. Volunteers are needed from Sunday, Dec. 1 – Saturday, Dec. 7 for a variety of tasks, including decorating wreaths, assisting in the Garden Shop, and greeting visitors. Click here to sign up to volunteer.

Please note that volunteers who share their talents for 10 or more hours in one calendar year can receive a complimentary Bartram’s Garden Membership. Click here for more details.

(Photo courtesy of Bartram’s Garden)

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Help neighborhood kids. Volunteer opportunities at school libraries

Posted on 07 November 2013 by Mike Lyons


Photo from

Do you have a couple of hours a week to spend in a neighborhood school library and make a big impact on a kids’ lives?

Budget cuts across the city have left neighborhood schools desperate for help to keep their libraries open. The West Philadelphia Alliance for Children (WePAC) is recruiting volunteers to read to students and help staff libraries in the neighborhoods. An orientation session for new volunteers will be held Friday, Nov. 8 beginning at 2 p.m. at the Powel School at 35th Street and Powelton Avenue.

Many of your neighbors have volunteered with WePAC. You will have to fill out some background check forms and complete the orientation before volunteering at a school. WePAC is looking for volunteers who can commit to at least two to three hours a week.

Call 267-443-3224 for more information.

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