
"West Philadelphia"

Update on trash/recycling pickup delays

Posted on 20 July 2020 by

Due to a high volume of trash and recycling after the July 4th holiday, the tropical storm that hit our area on July 10 and the shortage of staff due to COVID-19, there have been lengthy delays in the collection, according to the Streets Department. The delays were up to four days last week, but the situation is expected to improve this week.

Over the weekend, the Streets Department brought in help from its Highways Division and other departments and has reduced the delays from 3 or 4 days to 1 or 2 days across the city, Streets Commissioner Carlton Williams said.

This week residents should still expect delays as crews continue to prioritize collecting materials not picked up from last week. Residents are asked to set their trash and recycling out one day later than their regularly scheduled day. Please note that recycling may take longer to collect as the city is prioritizing trash collection to mitigate public health risks.  Continue Reading

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Cool down at libraries, schools and SEPTA cooling buses this Monday as Heat Health Emergency declared

Posted on 19 July 2020 by

The City of Philadelphia’s Health Department has declared a heat health emergency for Monday, July 20 due to an expected high heat index. The city will be opening sites where Philadelphians can cool off safely, including libraries, schools, SEPTA buses, and spraygrounds.

In West Philadelphia, Haddington Library at 446 North 65th Street will be open to all residents from 1 to 5 p.m. on Monday. West Philadelphia High School at 49th and Chestnut Streets will also be open from 1 to 5 p.m. to everyone who wants to cool off. Visitors to both places will be required to abide by social distancing guidelines and wear a mask while inside.  Continue Reading

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The Rotunda hosting free virtual events throughout the summer; Black Women’s Arts Festival seeking performers, presenters, volunteers

Posted on 17 July 2020 by

rotundaThe Rotunda has been closed to the public since March due to COVID-19, but the pandemic has not stopped the popular West Philly venue and arts organization from offering many virtual events this summer: performances, classes & workshops and even festivals! All events are free and available to the public via Zoom or Facebook.

The list of events for the rest of the summer is below. On September 19 and 20, The Rotunda is hosting Philadelphia’s 14th Annual Black Women’s Arts Festival and is currently seeking participants – singers, dancers and other performers and poets, storytellers and other artists who can live stream (by Zoom) from their home or studio. Short film submissions and workshop presenters/speakers/panelists are also wanted. Artists will receive a stipend which will be decided based on fundraising. Volunteers and interns of all colors and genders are also sought to assist in planning and organizing for this event. Artists, presenters, and volunteers/interns can contact Cassendre Xavier, Founder & Director by email:

Donations can be sent via Paypal to (Please use the Friends & Family option) or use this linkContinue Reading

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Deadly shooting at laundromat near 49th and Chester

Posted on 17 July 2020 by

A 28-year-old man died Thursday evening from multiple gunshot wounds near 49th and Chester, according to police. The shooting took place at about 6:30 p.m., reportedly inside a laundromat located on the 1000 block of S. 49th Street.

Three unidentified men approached the victim and began firing. The victim, later identified by the police as Shawn Best, a Philadelphia resident, was transported to the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, where he was pronounced dead at 6:56 p.m.

The victim was reportedly with two children and there were about 10 other people inside the laundromat at the time of the shooting, according to NBC Philadelphia. No other injuries were reported.  Continue Reading

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School district plans to open Sept. 2 with two days a week, at most, in classrooms

Posted on 15 July 2020 by Mike Lyons

The School District of Philadelphia plans to open schools on Sept. 2 under a hybrid model that for most students will include two days a week in the classroom and three days a week online, officials announced Wednesday morning.

The plan calls for four-day-a-week instruction (Monday through Thursday) for special education students with “complex needs” and Pre-K students.

Students will also be able to opt-in to an all online “digital academy.” Registration for this program will begin at the end of July, according to the plan. Students who choose the digital academy will have to remain in that mode of instruction through the end of the first quarter and then can opt in to the hybrid model if they choose. More information on enrollment in the digital academy will be available later this month.  Continue Reading

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Large public gatherings banned in Philadelphia through February 2021

Posted on 14 July 2020 by

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, large public gatherings – 50 people or more – will continue to be banned in Philadelphia until at least through the end of February 2021, according to an announcement today by Mayor Jim Kenney. This decision means that popular outdoor events, like the Broad Street Run, which had been rescheduled for October 4, and the Philadelphia Marathon, currently planned for November 22, as well as Thanksgiving Day and Mummers parades will likely be cancelled.

The School District of Philadelphia is expected to make an announcement about the upcoming school year and whether the buildings will reopen tomorrow.

Philadelphia is currently in a modified Green phase of reopening, which allows social gatherings of up to 50 people outdoors.

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