
"West Philadelphia"

Today is Election Day! State House seats and city questions on the ballot

Posted on 02 June 2020 by Mike Lyons

UPDATE: Tonight’s curfew will begin at 8:30 p.m. to allow residents time to vote and return home after voting.

It’s Election Day across Pennsylvania. In West Philly, voters will cast primary ballots for competitive races for state House of Representatives and Auditor General, select delegates to this year’s party conventions and respond to two ballot questions related to Philadelphia.

Polling places around the city have been consolidated, so find your polling place here if you aim to vote in person. Polls are open until 8 p.m. If you are in line by then, you will be able to vote.

There are a couple of things you can do if you still have your mail-in ballot. You can still mail it in following Gov. Tom Wolf’s emergency declaration extending the mail-in ballot deadline a week to June 9. Or, you can drop off your ballot at one of the several drop-off points around the city, including the Lucien E. Blackwell West Philadelphia Regional Library at 125 S. 52nd St. (52nd and Sansom).  Continue Reading

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Music, dancing, neighborly love & social distancing on 4600 block of Larchwood

Posted on 29 May 2020 by

Andy Niedermeier Social Distancing Concert. May 3, 2020. (Photo credit: Helena Grace)

Many people are finding life under social distancing isolating. However, my block has made homebound life into an opportunity to come together as a community. My name is Andy Niedermeier, and while I should have been away at college, I have come to cherish this time bonding with my neighbors.

It began when some of the younger kids on my block had birthdays. Parents of the birthday children asked if some of the neighbors could come out to their porches and sing ‘Happy Birthday’ together at an appointed time. These birthday celebrations turned out bigger than planned. The sidewalks were covered with chalked birthday wishes and people from almost every house on block came out onto their porches to sing. I was moved by this sweet gesture, which brightened what could have been a disappointing birthday for these kids. This is now custom – bringing the block together to give birthday wishes to neighbors young and old.  Continue Reading

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Mail-in ballot drop off opportunity in West Philly this Saturday

Posted on 29 May 2020 by

West Philly residents who are voting by mail-in or absentee ballots in the June 2 primary election can drop them off this Saturday, May 30 from 9 to 11 a.m. at Boys Latin School (55th and Cedar). Personnel from the Board of Elections will be collecting ballots all across the city this weekend as part of a mobile ballot drop-off initiative. Click here to see other locations.

You can also use the drop box (open 24/7) installed at the City Hall, between the Octavius Catto statue and the south entrance:  Continue Reading

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102 car procession for 102-year-old West Philly veteran

Posted on 27 May 2020 by

Narberth Rice, a U.S. Army veteran born and raised in West Philadelphia, a former City of Philadelphia employee and great-great-great grandfather of more than 60, was surprised by a 102-car procession on his 102nd birthday on Saturday.

The birthday celebration was organized by Mr. Rice’s family in partnership with Oak Street Health caretakers and included an outdoor dance party in the parking lot at 4820 Wyalusing Avenue. Due to social distancing protocol, all participants were wearing masks and gloves.

More photos are below.  Continue Reading

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Online forum for state House seat in 188th District (Cedar Park, Kingsessing, Spruce Hill etc.) this Thursday

Posted on 27 May 2020 by Mike Lyons

The Pennsylvania chapter of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women is hosting a live online forum on Thursday, May 28 for candidates running in next Tuesday’s primary for the state House of Representatives 188th Legislative District seat.

The forum will run live on the coalition’s Facebook page beginning at 6:30 p.m. and Cherri Gregg of KYW News Radio will be the host.

Candidates for the seat include longtime incumbent James Roebuck, his long-time aide Karen Dunn, 51st Ward Leader and activist Greg Benjamin and community organizer Rick Krajewski.

Originally scheduled for April 28, the Pennsylvania primary was moved to June 2 because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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City to allow food trucks, walk-up service at restaurants in “Yellow” re-opening phase

Posted on 27 May 2020 by

Your favorite food trucks may be coming back soon as the city has started lifting some restrictions on business operations imposed at the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak in March. Pennsylvania governor Tom Wolf announced on Friday that Philadelphia will move to the “yellow” re-opening phase on June 5 when many businesses can reopen (under state safety guidelines), including retail stores, childcare centers, and day camps.

While dine-in service at restaurants will still be prohibited, the City of Philadelphia has lifted restrictions on walk-up service in the yellow re-opening phase. Walk-up customers will be required to wear facial coverings and practice social distancing. Lines may not exceed 10 customers.  Continue Reading

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