Posted on 12 June 2019 by
Dear West Philly Local editors,
Last week, in a City Council member’s office, I was told they got more calls from West Philadelphia about funding libraries than from any other part of the city! Probably because of you running my library story earlier this year – thank you!
Here’s another announcement:
Join Free Library ‘Friends’ and Staff, before City Council’s Budget Vote Thursday, June 13th. We will gather INSIDE of City Hall on the 4th floor, at 9:30 AM. Please bring your ID to get into the building. All are welcome!
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Posted on 10 June 2019 by
If you have points saved in the Streets Department and Recyclebank’s program Philacycle, make sure to use of them by the end of the month. The popular recycling rewards program will be discontinued on June 30, according to an announcement by Streets Commissioner Carlton Williams. The Streets Department can no longer afford the rewards program in the current market due to increased recycling costs.
Effective June 30, 2019, Philadelphia residents that participated in the rewards program will no longer be able to earn reward points and access the Philacycle website. Points are redeemable at Residents are strongly encouraged to redeem those points as soon as possible as there is a limit on availability of some items. Continue Reading
Posted on 07 June 2019 by

Over 90 porches are participating in this year’s West Philly Porchfest. Check out the full map on
West Philly Porchfest is returning Saturday, June 8, with free music performances taking place around the area from 12 – 6 p.m. This year, 95 porches are hosting shows featuring musicians and groups representing a variety of musical genres.
Just like last year, all performances are divided into three groups. From 12 to 2 p.m., shows will be held on porches on and south of Baltimore Ave. between 43rd and 52nd Streets. From 2 to 4 p.m., performances will be held between Baltimore Ave. and Walnut St. from 41st to 50th. And finally, from 4 to 6 p.m., check out performances between Baltimore Ave. and Market St. from 46th to 59th streets. Continue Reading
Posted on 05 June 2019 by
This summer’s first Baltimore Avenue Dollar Stroll will be held Thursday, June 6, from 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. Stroll the avenue from 43rd to 52nd Streets and enjoy $1 deals – food, drinks, dessert, merchandise, theatre tickets, and even a 15-minute business consultation!
Before heading to the Stroll, check out the map below for more info on participating businesses and their offers. University City District will also have paper maps available at the two UCD tents located at 50th and Baltimore, and at 43rd and Baltimore near the entrance to Clark Park.
Also, don’t forget about live music and entertainment. While strolling, check out performances by The Ramblers at 48th and Baltimore, playing your favorite 90s songs as Mardi Gras Jams, Clancy and Lolli’s face painting & balloons at 49th and Baltimore, and Positive Movement Drumline at 50th and Baltimore (shows at 6 p.m., 7 p.m., and 8 p.m.). Continue Reading
Posted on 05 June 2019 by Mike Lyons

Architect Brian Phillips from architecture firm ISA presents proposal to convert church near 46th and Spruce into apartments (Photo by West Philly Local).
Developers presented a plan to the Garden Court Community Association (GCCA) last night that would convert the Good Shepherd Community Church near 46th and Spruce into apartments and add another smaller building on the property.
The proposal, made to a standing-room-only crowd, was met with mixed reviews. Preservationists welcomed the adaptive reuse, while many neighbors near the property at 314-316 S. 46th St. opposed the plan.
“We simply can’t absorb any more high-density housing in this area,” said Eric Santoro. Continue Reading
Posted on 04 June 2019 by
Beginning Tuesday, June 4, University City District will be holding events at the brand new public space, Trolley Portal Gardens. The public is invited to 40th and Baltimore every Tuesday night in June, from 5 to 8 p.m., to enjoy food from some of favorite food trucks, a mix of free music and family-friendly activities with local arts groups.
Here’s the full schedule through June 24th:
June 4:
Food: A new perspective on traditional American picnic foods from Haley Quinn’s plus popsicles from Ice Cave
Activity: The Green Tambourine will provide live music
June 11:
Food: Award-winning sweet and savory waffles creations from Foolish Waffles plus popsicles from Ice Cave
Activity: Make Mandalas with staff from the University City Arts League Continue Reading
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