
Reader rescues starving cat. Update: Cat was sick, abandoned by owners

November 21, 2011

Rescued cat

Update: City Kitties got in contact with James and moved the rescued cat to The Cat Doctor where she will be taken care of for two weeks before hopefully getting placed.

According to City Kitties, the cat is microchipped. When they reached the owners at the number listed, they said they put the cat outside because he was “acting sick.” His body temperature was 90 and PCV only 8. He is currently receiving a blood transfusion. This cat would have died today, no thanks to his former “owners” and he still might. City Kitties will try to raise funds to cover the cost of his vet bills.

We’ll post the link where you can donate money as soon as we have it.

Reader James rescued a cat that he found lying in the gutter near Clark Park. She looked starved and didn’t have a collar. James is afraid that the cat may not survive, but will work on getting her healthy.

If anyone knows whose cat this may be or wants to adopt her please call 203-243-7607 or email James at: james.buckley[at] James is allergic to cats and cannot keep her.

9 Comments For This Post

  1. Dan O Says:

  2. kyle cassidy Says:

    there’s a donation link on the city kitties web page (

  3. Melani Lamond Says:

    Many, many thanks to James Buckley.

  4. Melani Lamond Says:

    Oh, and of course, also thanks to City Kitties! If the cat survives, this will have been her lucky day, to get away from those horribly irresponsible former “owners.”

  5. AJ Says:

    One lucky cat. Former ‘owners’ need to be banned from having pets for life. Clearly they aren’t mature enough. God help them if they have kids.

    I recently took in a very young female dumped near a gas station because owners let her get pregnant. She is happy and healthy, and I’m keeping her. I wish people would think about their actions.

  6. brendan skwire Says:

    there is a special place in Hell for people who abandon their pets. especially when the pet is sick. For the record, there are low cost veterinarians in the city: girard animal clinic and paws are two examples. The SPCA is also inexpensive.

  7. mowfaux Says:

    James, it was utterly fantastic for you to save this cat from death. We need more people like you in Philly.

  8. j Says:

    remember this cat and how pissed you are when you’re eating your turkeys, pigs, cows and whatever.

  9. TerryC Says:

    I’m sorry I don’t remember anyone EATING this cat. And this is not a platform for self-righteousness (try down the hall a bit). If you need the burden of guilt to facilitate a lifestyle, it’s not much of one to begin with.

    I am -however- very pleased with this outcome. There are so many abused and abandoned animals it’s good to see a -seemingly- happy ending.

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