Posted on 25 September 2018 by

The Mantua Greenway rendering.
Here’s an opportunity for local artists to help create public art in West Philadelphia’s Mantua neighborhood. Mt. Vernon Manor CDC and the Friends of the Mantua Greenway are seeking a qualified team of artists to work on public art installations along the future Mantua Greenway site, a new bike and walking trail. The project includes the design, creation, and installation of three community-supported, semi-permanent elements that “will inspire curiosity and foster engagement with the Mantua Greenway project during its construction phases,” according to the project description. Continue Reading
Posted on 20 September 2018 by Mike Lyons
A self-service pet washing facility is likely coming to a storefront near the corner of 47th and Baltimore.
The Cedar Park Neighbors zoning committee voted earlier this week to support a special zoning exception required by the city for the ground floor of 806 S. 47th St., which for many years was the location for Vincent Goffredo Plumbing and Heating. The proposal will soon go before the city’s Zoning Board of Adjustment for final approval.
The facility, which the owner told the committee will grow to include grooming services, will include six elevated stainless steel wash tubs – two each for small, medium and large pets. The large tubs will even include a ramp that will allow your Saint Bernard or Newfoundland to walk right into the tub. So if you’re tired of bending over the bath tub to scrub down your pup, this might be for you.
The service will include a dryer, shampoos and brushes. A small pet washing, up to 25 pounds, will cost $12. Mediums will cost $14 and larges will be $16.
Posted on 19 September 2018 by

Redesigned Garden Court community garden rendering provided by the Community Design Collaborative.
Community members are invited this Friday (Sept. 21) to learn more about a major fundraising effort in West Philly’s Garden Court neighborhood – the Corner Park Renovation project – which includes renovation of the community tennis courts and redesign of the community garden at 47th and Spruce.
Garden Court Community Association is partnering with the Community Design Collaborative on this project. The Collaborative prepared a plan and diagram for the redesign of the garden after conducting a community input process last spring. They will be presented at Friday’s event. The plan for the garden includes reconfiguring garden plots to allow more residents to garden, creating a new pedestrian-only entrance and gathering space with picnic tables and chairs, and more. Continue Reading
Posted on 17 September 2018 by
A monthly Cedar Park zoning meeting will get underway on Tuesday, Sept. 18 at the Calvary Center for Culture and Community (48th and Baltimore). One of the development projects to be discussed at the meeting is a proposal for a self-service pet washing space at 806 S. 47th Street, in the space formerly occupied by Goffredo Plumbing (see Google map above).
The new business requires a special exception for the first-floor commercial space in the three-story mixed use building because it’s an “animal service.” The residential use above will remain unchanged. Stay tuned for more information.
More details about tomorrow’s meeting, which begins at 7 p.m., is available here.
Posted on 14 September 2018 by

A couple of weeks ago we noticed that Indego bike share station disappeared from 40th and Woodland. No worries, the station is not gone, it’s been moved to another nearby location. It’s now on Baltimore Avenue near 40th, adjacent to the newly opened Trolley Car Station restaurant. This new bike share station is a part of the Trolley Portal Gardens project, which is officially opening on Sept. 27th at 5 p.m. And now you can hop on a bike and burn some of those calories after dining at the restaurant.
Posted on 13 September 2018 by

Photo courtesy of Clark Park Youth Soccer
The success of local community soccer programs depends on volunteer help. The fall season of Clark Park Youth Soccer begins on Sept. 22, and the program organizers are still looking for volunteer coaches.
It takes place on Saturdays at Clark Park, with kids ages 5 to 7 playing from 10:30 to noon, and ages 8 to 11 playing from noon to 1:30. Volunteer coaches will be asked to commit to being there most of the Saturdays through the season, until mid-November. The organizers try to assign three to four coaches to each team so that they always have backup. The program is especially in need of coaches to work with older kids from noon to 1:30 p.m. Continue Reading
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