
"West Philadelphia"

Construction on Chestnut Street Transportation Project to begin Monday, Aug. 7

Posted on 04 August 2017 by

The Philadelphia Street Department will begin work on the Chestnut Street Transportation Project on Monday, Aug. 7. The project includes several roadway enhancements to improve safety for all types of travel along Chestnut Street from 45th to 34th Streets, including the City’s first one-way parking protected bicycle lane.

Chestnut Street Transportation Project flyer (click to enlarge).

Chestnut Street is one of the busiest streets in the city with high volumes of pedestrian and motor vehicle traffic. From 2011 – 2015, 75 percent of the crashes on Chestnut Street happened between 45th and 34th Street, so the purpose of the project is to improve safety along this stretch for all modes for all transportation modes and pedestrians.  The project involves shortening the crossing distance for pedestrians walking, installing the one-way parking protected bicycle lane, and removing one motor vehicle travel lane, according to an announcement by the Streets Department.

Construction is expected to take about three weeks and there will be intermittent lane closures and parking restrictions for the duration of the project. Flaggers will be on hand to direct traffic and “No Parking” signs will be posted.  Continue Reading

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Theatre in the X is back with the premiere of ‘Running Numbers’

Posted on 03 August 2017 by Mike Lyons

Some of the best – and probably the most intimate – theatre in the city gets underway in Malcolm X. Park (51st and Pine) next week when Theatre in the X opens the world premiere of Running Numbers.

Running Numbers is a drama about a high school senior “whose dreams and desperation of going to college and overcoming his environment lead him to fast cash and dangerous situations.” The work is inspired by  “Financial Aid”, an incredible spoken work piece by Carvens Lissaint.

Cheyenne Barboza wrote Running Numbers and Christina May directs. The cast includes Abdul Sesay, Jarrett McCreary, Khadijah Davis, Iman Aaliyah, Aurica Hurst, Angelica Jackson-Thomas, Carlo Campbell, Walter DeShields, Niya Colbert, Brandon A. Drummond and Dwayne Alistair Thomas.  Continue Reading

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And another one’s gone … demolition of historic homes continues

Posted on 02 August 2017 by Mike Lyons

Two more historic homes are being demolished this week and at least one is to make way for student housing.

• Demolition continued this week on two Victorian semi-detached homes – at 620 and 622 S. 42nd. Located a stone’s throw from the University of the Sciences campus, the adjoined structures were built in the 1870s. The parcel’s zoning is RM-1, meaning a multi-unit structure will likely be built there with no zoning oversight.


• An Italianate mansion was demolished at 41st and Sansom to make way for student housing. The demolition recently drew citywide attention from Inga Saffron in The Philadelphia Inquirer. The building that will replace it will be built “by right,” meaning no zoning oversight is required.  Continue Reading

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Apartment building proposal for 4045 Baltimore Ave. parking lot back before Spruce Hill zoning for third time

Posted on 01 August 2017 by

A revised proposal to build a 49-unit, 6-story apartment building on a parking lot at 4045 Baltimore Ave. will be considered at an upcoming Spruce Hill Community Association zoning meeting scheduled for Wednesday, Aug. 2. Officials from New Horizon Housing, which owns the lot, presented the previous proposal at the Spruce Hill zoning meeting on June 16, but it wasn’t approved by the City’s Zoning Board of Adjustment. This Wednesday will be the third time the construction project will be presented to Spruce Hill residents.

Community members are invited to the meeting to learn more about the design alterations for the building.

“[There was] some trouble with the design [of the] entryway and elevator shaft prominence,” according to Spruce Hill Zoning Committee Chair Barry Grossbach. Also, the initial plan of having a commercial space in the building had to be reconsidered because the space is limited.

Wednesday’s zoning meeting will also consider an application for a commercial operation in a newly constructed residential building at 43rd and Sansom (123 S. 43rd St). The meeting will take place at the SHCA office at 257 S. 45th Street, beginning at 6:30 p.m.

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Free Movies in Clark Park beginning Friday, Aug. 4

Posted on 01 August 2017 by

Free Shakespeare in Clark Park performances have just ended, and now it’s time for some free movies. Movies in Clark Park, an annual program by University City District (UCD), kicks off Friday, Aug. 4, with a free screening of the classic E.T. the Extra Terrestrial. Film screenings will be held every Friday (weather permitting), through Sept. 1., beginning at 8 p.m. Please bring your chairs or blankets!

In addition to movie screenings, there will be food and dessert offerings from a rotating list of vendors and some extra activities from local businesses and organizations. Here are more details on the scheduled screenings and extra activities (courtesy of UCD):  Continue Reading

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Demolition of Wilson School building at 46th and Woodland underway

Posted on 31 July 2017 by Mike Lyons

Demolition of the Alexander Wilson School at 46th and Woodland is well underway, and the University of the Sciences expects to have a new residence hall and courtyard complex there by the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year.

The Wilson school was one of more than two dozen public schools closed in recent years. The USciences bought the building and land in the fall of 2014 for a reported $2 million. The university unveiled plans in the spring of 2016 for a 4- to 5-story dormitory over ground-floor retail and an open courtyard along Woodland Avenue (see rendering).

Photos West Philly Local


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