Posted on 03 March 2016 by

Victim, 31-year-old Timothy Cary.
A Kingsessing man who fatally shot a West Philly resident outside of a University City restaurant two years ago was sentenced to life in prison on Wednesday, according to reports.
Corey Gaynor, 28, was found guilty of first-degree murder in the shooting death of 31-year-old Timothy Cary on the early morning of April 14, 2014 outside Copabanana restaurant at 40th and Spruce. Gaynor fired at least 10 shots at close range at Cary following an argument inside the restaurant.
The Philadelphia Common Pleas Court jury deliberated 22 days before they found Gaynor guilty of the murder, and the judge sentenced him to the mandatory life in prison without parole, reports.
Posted on 02 March 2016 by
It took a little longer than planned, but Lulu Cafe, an Asian cafe and restaurant serving coffee, tea, snacks, and sweets, has finally opened at 4508 Walnut Street (next door to Hunter Gatherer Tattoo). The final inspection was on Tuesday, according to the cafe’s Facebook post, and it’s now ready to serve its customers.
The opening was anticipated and the wait was worth it. We checked on the new establishment on Friday, its opening day, and saw a sizable crowd inside.
The cafe’s specialty is milk tea. As one happy customer put it, “No more long trips to Chinatown for milk tea now!” The snack food menu includes popular Chinese and Taiwanese street food items (all garlicky and spicy), such as popcorn chicken, squid balls, sweet potato fries, and green beans. And you can top everything off with some shaved ice with three toppings of your choice.
Lulu Cafe is open daily 11:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. For more information, visit:
Posted on 01 March 2016 by
UPDATE (3/2/2016): A report about Wednesday’s rally can be found here.
West Philadelphia activists, parents and students will hold a rally on Wednesday morning to call for improvements to safety in and around the property of Andrew Hamilton Elementary School.
According to a report by ACTION United’s West Philadelphia chapter, neighbors in the vicinity of the school, located at 57th and Spruce Streets, have complained about litter, trespassers and drug activity in the schoolyard during nights and weekends. They are calling for more street lights and a lot light to be installed around the property, for a more consistent security presence and for better fencing to be constructed along the Frazier Street side of the property.
“Hamilton and the other public schools are important, valued institutions in our community,” says Chinara Bilaal, an ACTION United member. “School district and city officials need to ensure they are safe places for children to learn and play.” Continue Reading
Posted on 01 March 2016 by Mike Lyons
Three men were shot this afternoon on the 5500 block of Cedar Avenue, near Boys’ Latin Charter School.
Police say the drive-by shooting happened at about 1 p.m.. Three men ages 28-34 were found along the street when police arrived, according to All three were transported to Penn Presbyterian Hospital and will survive, a police source said.
Police said the men were targeted. “Those shot are known to us,” the police source said.
Police believe there were two gunmen. They were last seen in a white SUV traveling west on Pemberton Street near 55th.
Boys’ Latin Charter School was placed on temporary lockdown following the shooting. No students were injured.
Posted on 01 March 2016 by

FringeArts has big plans for our area this year. The organization, which hosts the Fringe Festival, a celebration of creativity and innovation in contemporary performance every September, wants to create a vibrant festival feel in multiple neighborhoods across the city and this year they’re focusing on West Philadelphia.
FringeArts hopes to be able to use he festival to leverage the power and skills that artists have in activating a neighborhood.
As Fringe Festival coordinator Jarrod Markman put it, “we would love to have an explosion of art in West Philly this year.” So FringeArts is seeking new artists and venues in the area.
“I know there are a ton of artists out in West Philly and we would love to have them use our platform to gain exposure and connect with the larger arts community,” Markman wrote in an email. “We are looking for artists of all sizes and mediums. Artists that perform for friends in their backyard to artists that put on larger events at venues. We are looking for painters, event curators, DJ’s, dancers, digital artists, etc!”
An open call for artists is launching today, March 1. Interested artists can find more information here.
FringeArts also would love to add more West Philly venues to their list – big and small. More information can be found here.
This Thursday, FringeArts representatives will hold a brainstorming session with leaders and artists from West Philadelphia at The Rotunda, from 11 a.m – 12 p.m. If you’re interested to participate, please contact Jarrod Markman at
The 2016 Fringe Festival will be held September 9th – 24th. For more information about FringeArts, visit their website:
Posted on 29 February 2016 by

Photo from
Neighborhood residents are invited to learn more about the Philadelphia Water Department’s Rain Check program at Garden Court Community Association‘s general meeting, which will take place this Wednesday (March 2) at Mosaic Community Church (51st and Sansom).
Rain Check is a program that helps residents manage stormwater at their homes. All participants will receive a free rain barrel and can also sign up to have a downspout planter, rain garden or porous paving installed at a reduced price. Rain Check supports Philadelphia’s Green City, Clean Waters program which is working in neighborhoods across the city, adding green features to keep excess stormwater out of sewers.
Other perks of the meeting include dinner (provided by GCCA) and the opportunity to connect with neighbors.
Dinner with neighbors starts at 6:15 p.m., and program presentation is at 7 p.m.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are planning to attend the event please register at this link.
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