
"West Philadelphia"

A safer intersection at Baltimore and Springfield

Posted on 04 May 2015 by Mike Lyons


Updated intersection at Baltimore and Springfield.

The corner of Baltimore and Springfield avenues has long been a notorious corner, with pedestrians heading to and from Clark Park, cyclists, motorists and trolleys all converging at one oddly configured intersection. Hopefully some work recently completed by the City of Philadelphia’s Mayor’s Office of Transportation and Utilities and the Streets Department that includes a buffered bike lane and some redirection of vehicle traffic will make the intersection safer.

Several accidents have occurred at the intersection in recent years and residents have long asked for steps to be taken. The changes include flexible plastic poles that provide a wide protected area for pedestrians, allowing them to cross the intersection much more quickly.


Intersection at Baltimore and Springfield (archived photo).

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Walnut Hill neighborhood plan update meeting on Monday, May 4

Posted on 03 May 2015 by

WalnutHilllogoA community meeting to discuss updates to the Walnut Hill Neighborhood Plan will be held on Monday, May 4 from 6 – 8 p.m. at The Enterprise Center (4548 Market St).

Walnut Hill residents can take an active role in the planning process and vote on their top neighborhood priorities in the following areas: business and housing, streets and parking, healthy communities, and community development.

During the first neighborhood plan update meeting in February, participants were presented information on the changes that occurred in the neighborhood, including demographic changes, since the previous plan was written. A timeline outlining the planning process was also presented.

For more information related to the Walnut Hill Neighborhood Plan update please contact Daniel Levin, Special Projects Manager at The Enterprise Center CDC: or 215-895-4014.

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UCAL benefit auction underway; online bidding closes on May 4; live auction is on May 9

Posted on 01 May 2015 by

UCALThe annual benefit auction for University City Arts League, a great non-profit organization that offers art education and events to the community, is currently underway. Many amazing items are available for bidding, including beautiful art and jewelry pieces, handmade clothing items, oriental rugs, gift certificates to local restaurants and shops, tickets to various shows, books, vacation getaways, wine tastings and much more!

Online bidding closes at 10 p.m. on Monday, May 4. The live auction and party is on Saturday, May 9. Click here for more information.

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Spruce Hill May Fair returns on May 9; vending spots still available; used book donation drive underway (updated)

Posted on 01 May 2015 by

may fairUPDATE (5/1/2015): 

For the used book sale at the Spruce Hill May Fair, the Spruce Hill Center at 257 S. 45th will be open to receive used books at the following times:

Saturday, May 2: 3-5 p.m.
Tuesday, May 5: 6-7:30 p.m.
Thursday, May 7: 6-8 p.m.

You can also bring books for donation directly to the fair on May 9.

The annual Spruce Hill May Fair will return to Clark Park on May 9 and will bring dozens of local vendors, live music, food, raffles with great prizes from local businesses, book and plant sales, and games and entertainment for kids.

Vendors will be offering a wide range of arts and crafts, including many gift ideas for Mother’s Day, which is on May 10. There will also be booths set up with information about local groups and causes seeking public support.

The Spruce Hill Community Association, which organizes the event, still has a few vending spots open for interested individuals or organizations. Especially welcome are artists and crafters from West Philadelphia who would like to offer their works for sale, as well as any group or organization wanting to promote itself or a cause, event, or activity.

Application deadline is Friday, May 1. Tables are $30 to $40 (the tables and chairs will be provided). You can download the sign-up sheet here: Vendor Form.

For more information or if you have questions, please contact Mark Wagenveld at or 215-756-2070.

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SUV overturns after collision with another vehicle at 48th and Chester

Posted on 01 May 2015 by


A reader sent this photo of an overturned car at 48th and Chester this morning. The incident happened at around 8 a.m.

UPDATE: Here’s a witness report:

“It seemed like there were no serious injuries, although the driver of the SUV was taken away by Ambulance. Residents rushed to the SUV to help the driver out of his car. The other vehicle had substantial damage to the front end, but miraculously was drivable. A firefighter started it up and moved it away from the Trolley tracks.”

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From the McDonald’s at 40th and Walnut to Clark Park: May Day march, rally and celebration this Friday

Posted on 30 April 2015 by

MayDayUSAThe 8th annual May Day USA march and celebration will take place on Friday, May 1 in West Philadelphia. The event will kick off at 2 p.m. in front of the McDonald’s at 40th and Walnut Streets where a rally will be held calling for a livable wage for all workers. After the rally the participants will march to Clark Park (43rd and Baltimore) where a May Day family celebration will take place.

The Clark Park portion of the event is expected to start at 3 p.m. and will include the following activities and presentations, according to the event’s Facebook page: a DJ, live music, singers, poets, a BBQ by the Veterans For Peace Chapter 31 “Precision Grill Team,” children’s entertainment, and an array of notable speakers from Labor and other allied organizations in Philly. The annual Aggie Moran Human Rights Awards will also be presented.

The event is hosted by May Day USA Education Committee – Philadelphia (Facebook page), with participation by Fight for $15 and $15 Now organizations. The mission of this group, which was founded in 2006, is to educate people about the U.S. origins of May Day (celebrated as International Workers’ Day in many countries), so that “together we may reclaim our proud heritage.” For more information, go to May Day USA Education Committee’s Facebook page. You can also read about May Day here.

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