
"West Philadelphia"

Fantastic new public space in the works at Lea School; here’s how you can help

Posted on 30 March 2015 by Mike Lyons

Some of the naming opportunities in the Greening Lea project. Click to enlarge.

Some of the naming opportunities in the Greening Lea project. Click to enlarge.


Want to make a positive, indelible mark on the neighborhood? The West Philly Coalition for Neighborhood Schools has a way to become an important part of big undertaking. Its Greening Lea Project is offering naming opportunities for various parts of the evolving playground at the Henry Lea School.

The school’s playground was expanded last summer and a landscaped perimeter was added to part of the playground in 2012. Now coalition has its sights set on some bigger projects, including the addition of a new green stormwater infrastructure, brick pavers, large shade trees and rain gardens. New hoops will be added to the basketball court and seating will be added to the playground. The changes could make the Lea Playground a prime public recreation spot in the neighborhood.

If they can raise the money.  Continue Reading

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Friends of Walnut St. West Library seeking community feedback

Posted on 30 March 2015 by

walnutstlibraryfriendsA support group for a great local library is seeking feedback from community members and stakeholders that will help improve their work. The planning committee for the Friends of Walnut St West Library is asking for just five minutes of your time to share your thoughts about their work in bringing library services, programs and events in an online survey. The results of the survey will help shape the Friends’ support of the library over the next three to five years.

“The more we can learn about why or how people use the library (or don’t) and what community interests the library might meet, the better we can assess how to supplement the Friends’ support of the library moving forward,” the Friends of Walnut St West Library president Kathy Wheeler wrote in an email.

Another goal of the survey is to gather information on how folks learn about events so they can not only attend library programs but be able to volunteer their skills and time.  Continue Reading

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The Woodlands reaches ambitious fundraising goal, plans Mansion reconstruction

Posted on 27 March 2015 by


Hamilton Mansion.

Great news for the historic Woodlands Cemetery and Mansion and all those who participated in their latest ambitious fundraising effort of raising $218,000 to restore the Hamilton Stable, the only remaining outbuilding from the 18th century.

“The Woodlands community contributed over $218,000 to restore the stable’s façade – which means you helped secure an extraordinary $612,000 challenge grant to restore the [Hamilton] Mansion from the William B. Dietrich Foundation,” reads a recent message by The Woodlands Executive Director Jessica Baumert. The McLean Contributionship, Connelly Foundation, and Wunsch Foundation also provided generous support of this project.


Photos courtesy of The Woodlands.

In a addition to the restoration of the Hamilton Mansion and Stable, the re-construction of the Cryptoporticus has resumed. The contractors have been numbering each brick before removing them from the sagging arch (pictured right). Then, the 18th century bricks will be put back in their original location using a mortar.

The Woodlands also announced some new and annual programs taking place this spring (the Woodlands is located at 40th and Woodland).

Sunday, April 12 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Your West Philadelphia House: How old is it? Who lived there?

Join The University City Historical Society at The Woodlands for a “how to” workshop, and learn to research the history of your own West Philadelphia house! Uncover your house’s story!Cost: Free to members of University City Historical Society or The Woodlands, $10 for non-members. Make your reservations hereContinue Reading

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More turkey sightings in the hood and a note from Bartram’s Garden

Posted on 27 March 2015 by

More West Philly Local readers had encounters with wild turkeys roaming the streets this week and sent us photos. This one was spotted in front of the Penn Vet School yesterday.


Photo by Michelle Lorraine Eckert.

And here’s another sighting earlier this week near the trolley tunnel.


Photo by Jeannette Bennicelli.

Bartram’s Garden, a home to many wild turkeys over the years, has posted this message on their Facebook page after learning about turkey sightings on West Philly streets:

It appears as though the Bartram turkeys have expanded their search for a suitable mate onto the streets of West Philly. Not sure that they’ll find the kind of turkey they’re looking for on Baltimore Avenue or at the 40th Street trolley portal, but mating season does crazy things to a lonely turkey.

By the way, for those who don’t know yet, the West Philly turkey has its own Twitter account, which appeared in 2013 after the first sightings were reported here:


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Baltimore Avenue Dollar Stroll, 40th St concert series and more popular events returning this summer

Posted on 26 March 2015 by


Baltimore Avenue Dollar Stroll (Photo courtesy UCD)

Here’s some great news to drive your cold spring weather blues away. The University City District has announced the return of their signature events, including the Baltimore Avenue Dollar Stroll, University City Dining Days and 40th Street Summer Concert Series!

The Baltimore Avenue Dollar Stroll, where dozens of neighborhood businesses present a variety of $1 items and deals, including food, beer, event tickets and vouchers, will return on Thursday, June 25. The second Dollar Stroll is scheduled for September 24. Dollar Strolls take place along Baltimore Avenue, between 43rd and 51st streets, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.

In addition to the Dollar Stroll, another popular event is coming back this summer – the 40th Street Summer Series will be held the last Saturday of the month, from May to September, in the campus green space near 40th and Locust. We’ll post more information on the performances when it becomes available.

More than 30 of University City’s best restaurants will participate in the 11th annual University City Dining Days, which runs July 16 through the 28th. As usual, the deal includes three courses for three prices.

There is also a rumor that UCD will bring back its summer film series, which was a big hit back in the summer of ’13. We are still trying to nail down the details on that though. We’ll keep you posted.

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Turkeys are back on West Philly streets

Posted on 26 March 2015 by


Photo by Jennifer Wegner.

Wild turkeys are back in the hood! A reader spotted this one this morning on Baltimore Avenue. Another reader reported a sighting at the 40th Street trolley portal. These guys always seem to show up in the spring. The previous sightings in the area were reported in the spring of 2013.

UPDATE: The photo below was taken this morning at 38th and Woodland.

Turkey2 (2)

Hey, Watch Out Dude! (Twitter photo @engelser)


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