Posted on 08 April 2015 by
Get ready, get set, go! A bike package from Spruce Hill business Keswick Bikes (kids’ 20” bike, helmet, bell) is just one of the exciting auction items featured at the 11th annual Saint Mary’s Nursery School (SMNS) “Spring for Our School” Silent Auction & Cocktail Party Fundraiser. SMNS is a non-denominational, Reggio Emilia – inspired nursery school and afterschool program located at 3916 Locust Walk.
The fundraising event will include catered hors d’oeuvres, Yard’s beer, wine, great community, and an exciting silent auction to benefit the program. The after party will take place at City Tap House from 8:30-10:00 p.m. Proceeds will help SMNS make essential playground improvements including an organic “green” shade for the playground. Continue Reading
Posted on 08 April 2015 by

On Saturday, April 11, thousands of people throughout the city will take to their neighborhood streets, parks or lots for the annual Philly Spring Cleanup. This will be the 8th Spring Cleanup organized by the city and supported by many local organizations. As always, there is an opportunity for everyone to participate in this important neighborhood cleaning and beautification event, and you can now choose and sign up for projects in your area (see map below) by visiting the Philly Spring Cleanup website.
Or just step outside your house or apartment building and pick up some litter, dead leaves and sticks!

Posted on 07 April 2015 by

There may be some progress in the ongoing efforts to re-open Squirrel Hill Falls Park, the enigmatic gated pocket park at 48th and Chester that has been locked for years. The Friends of Squirrel Hill Park community group have launched a new campaign that they hope will help give the park new life. The newest effort to reopen the park, which was designed and built in 1996 by West Philly artist Danielle Rousseau Hunter, comes after Friends Rehabilitation Program Inc., the organization that owns the lot, indicated that they are interested in an agreement about the park’s reopening. All earlier efforts seem to have fallen through (read our previous story about the park here).
Community support is essential in this process, and the Friends of Squirrel Hill Park are asking all interested residents to participate in a short survey and sign a petition titled “Let’s make progress at Squirrel Hill Park!”
“As a neighbor of the long blighted former park at 48th and Chester, I would like to see something positive at this corner. The park is waiting to once again become a great amenity to our neighborhood, and we are ready to join together to make it happen. We ask Friends Rehabilitation Program to work with the Friends of Squirrel Hill Park to help us bring new life to this unused community space,” the petition reads.
The survey includes such questions as what type of programming you would like to see at the park and how much help you can offer to the Friends of the park.
For more information and to access the survey please go to the Friends of Squirrel Hill Park website. You can also find more information about the neighbors working to reopen the park on the group’s Facebook page.
Posted on 06 April 2015 by
Just recently we reported a high number of car break-ins in the Cedar Park area and vicinity. On Friday, April 3, undercover cops from the 18th Police District arrested a man who was breaking into a van parked near 47th and Larchwood. The incident happened at around 12:45 p.m., according to a tweet by Joe Murray of the Southwest Detectives.
When the unidentified man was brought in for questioning he confessed to 10 more thefts from vehicles. The man has 26 prior arrests, including 16 for burglary and theft, according to Murray.
It is not known yet which car break-ins this person had a hand in. Over the past month, there have been at least 15 thefts from vehicles reported in the area between S. 48th and 51st Streets and Spruce St. and Baltimore Ave., according to Crime Reports. Also there were four car break-ins just south of Baltimore Ave between 46th and 48th.
Posted on 06 April 2015 by
As was reported recently, Philadelphia’s first bike share program, Indego, is expected to launch on April 23, and some bike docking stations already started popping up in our area. Eleven stations are planned for West Philadelphia for the initial phase of the program, though unfortunately only as far west as 44th Street near the Supremo Shop ‘n Bag.
This bike share station is being installed in front of Penn’s School of Dental Medicine on S. 40th Street near Spruce.

Posted on 03 April 2015 by Mike Lyons
It’s that time of year again when all sorts of friends and neighbors gather together to eat good food, have fun, and raise college scholarship money for Cedar Park neighborhood kids.
This year’s annual Gary Bronson Memorial Scholarship Fund fundraiser will be held April 12 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the St. Francis de Sales Parish School auditorium (917 S. 47th St.). The event will feature food and drink from local restaurants, including Gold Standard Cafe, Fu Wah, Aksum Cafe, and others. It will also feature live music from West Philly based singer-songwriter Gretchen Elise, kids activities and music from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.; prizes from local West Philly artists; gourmet gift baskets; and gift certificates to West Philadelphia businesses.
Tickets are $40 and sponsorship packages are also available. Go to the Cedar Park Neighbors website here for tickets and more details.
This is one of our favorite events of the year and the money goes to support terrific young people. Since it began the scholarship fund has raised thousands of dollars and given out 149 scholarships to 71 young Cedar Park residents. Last year’s event raised $10,000 to provide scholarships for eight students.
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