
"West Philadelphia"

Student dies after being stabbed by classmate near 46th and Market (updated)

Posted on 16 January 2015 by

UPDATE (Saturday, 12:18 p.m.): Police say both youths are from near 38th Street and Haverford Avenue. The alleged assailant now faces a homicide charge. Police are not releasing any names because both are juveniles. It is likely, however, that the alleged assailant will be charged in adult court and his name will be released later.

UPDATE (9:42 p.m.): Several media outlets are reporting that the 14-year-old boy died. 6ABC reported that the boy died at 8:55 p.m. at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

UPDATE (7:40 p.m.): Police say a 16-year-old boy, also a West Philly High student, has been arrested and faces aggravated assault and related charges. A confrontation between the two boys reportedly began earlier in the school day in the high school’s cafeteria.

6:24 p.m.: A 14-year-old West Philadelphia High School student was stabbed this afternoon three blocks from the school, according to police. The student was reportedly stabbed in the chest and is listed in critical condition this evening. The stabbing occurred near 46th and Market at around 3:25 p.m. Police are searching for another student, who reportedly ran up behind the victim while he was riding his bike and stabbed him.


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MLK Day events, volunteer opportunities

Posted on 16 January 2015 by

mlk-day-logoMartin Luther King, Jr. Day is rapidly approaching, and there are many opportunities to volunteer and celebrate starting this weekend. An hour or two of your time is all it takes to make a difference on this special day. If you know of any opportunities or events not mentioned on this list please take the opportunity to share in the comments below. And go to to find more events in your area.


MLK Day of Service at Bartram’s Garden

54th and Lindbergh Blvd.

Jan. 19, from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Your volunteering will make a difference at Bartram’s Garden, where you will be inspired by the Garden. You will also get a free T Shirt and Lunch!

To register email


“What’s in your mind? What’s in your hands?”

Organized by the Philadelphia Community of Leaders

Harambee Charter School – 640 N. 66th Street

Bartram High School – 2401 S. 67th Street

Jan. 19, from 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

At these two locations you will find an organized community celebration with open discussion and teach-in, an opportunity to learn about the role people young and old play in creating awareness to social justice and consciousness raising. Everyone will be invited to learn about the legacy of activism by Dr. King. There will then be an opportunity to speak out about the agenda for increasing activism in 2015 as well as recognizing those who have been consistent in their efforts in our collective advancement and forward progress.  Continue Reading

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Three West Philadelphia artists receive $15k Transformation Award

Posted on 15 January 2015 by

The Leeway Foundation, which supports women and trans artists who create art for social change, has announced their newest grantees to receive a $15,000 Leeway Transformation Award. Three out of nine award recipients are long-term West Philadelphia residents: Annie Mok, Debora Kodish, and Ezra Berkley Nepon. The award celebrates their long-term commitment to art, the work they’ve been doing in the community, and their tremendous impact. The Leeway Foundation provided some more information about these wonderful artists and their work:

AnnieMockAnnie Mok (Literary Arts and Visual Arts): Annie is a comic book creator who seeks to affirm the lives and experiences of trans women and survivors. Through her fictional and memoir-based comics, she aims to agitate, engage and encourage inquiry. Annie works to inspire personal and artistic confidence by breaking down feelings of isolation within her community. In her art, Annie explores themes of trans women’s identity, long-term effects of sexual abuse and disability stemming from mental illness. Annie creates space and prioritizes artists and readers who identify as trans female, disabled, queer, and/or people of color.  Continue Reading

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Girl Scout cookies go on sale this week

Posted on 14 January 2015 by


Girl Scout pop-up cookie shop at Lil’ Pop Shop. January, 2014. (Photo by Amy Kwasnicki)

It’s Girl Scout cookie time again! The cookie sale season starts Thursday, Jan. 15, and local Girl Scout troops, Junior troop 91143, Brownie 93273, and Daisy 91569, are passing along information on their cookie table locations and schedule (see below). Cookies will be on sale from Jan. 15 to Jan. 25. All the classics are $4 a box, plus gluten-free Trios (peanut butter, oatmeal, and chocolate) will be offered for $5.

Orders of 12 boxes or more can also be delivered (please contact Amy at; cash only).

Eastern Mountain Sports
3401 Chestnut Street

Thursday, Jan. 15 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Friday, Jan. 16 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Saturday, Jan. 17 2:30-5:00 p.m.
Thursday, Jan. 22 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Friday, Jan. 23 4:00-6:00 p.m.  Continue Reading

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Armed Rite Aid robber wanted for multiple jobs in West Philly

Posted on 14 January 2015 by Mike Lyons

Screen Shot 2015-01-14 at 11.56.23 AM

A still from police video below.

Police are looking for a serial robber who targets Rite Aids and other commercial locations around West Philly.

Police say 49-year-old Cartel Wright (also known as “Kevin Jones”) of the 5900 block of Upland Street is a suspect in at least nine armed robberies dating back to September. Wright allegedly robbed the same Rite Aid on the 5000 block of City Avenue three times between late September and late December. He is also wanted for robbing another Rite Aid on the 5200 block of Baltimore Avenue in mid December and the McDonald’s at 52nd and Chestnut on Monday, Jan. 12.  Continue Reading

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West Philly Earthship and other development news from around West Philly

Posted on 13 January 2015 by

Here’s a roundup of some development projects going on in West Philly neighborhoods.

West Philadelphia Earthship


The Earthship is being built from recycled materials. (Photo from West Philadelphia Earthship IndieGoGo page).

A vacant lot at 675 N. 41st Street will soon become the location for the first ever urban Earthship, a completely sustainable building built from recycled materials, reports. The idea of an urban Earthship was proposed by Rashida Ali-Campbell, founder of Yeadon-based nonprofit Love, Loving, Love, Inc., and the lot owner, Thomas L. Miller, liked it so much that he donated the lot to the cause.

The West Philadelphia Earthship will house a Philadelphia branch of Love, Loving, Love, Inc., which specializes in holistic health education. The organization is planning to offer healthy-living workshops and other free community activities in their new Earthship office, according to

The foundation of the Earthship has already been laid, and the main construction is planned to start in February. It will take about six weeks to complete, but it depends on how successful the fundraising campaign for the project is. To support the West Philadelphia Earthship, go to this IndieGoGo page. For more information about this project, read’s article hereContinue Reading

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