
"West Philadelphia"

‘Them That Do’ Profiles of West Philly block captains: JoAnn Manuel, 5200 Pennsgrove Street

Posted on 18 December 2013 by

Editor’s Note: West Philly Local is proud to present the seventh in a series of vignettes of local block captains drawn from Them That Do, a multimedia documentary project and community blog by West Philly-based award-winning photographer Lori Waselchuk. Go to Them That Do for more information, updates and additional photos.

We’ll present the next profile on Wednesday, Jan. 8.

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JoAnn Manuel, 5200 Pennsgrove Avenue

JoAnn Manuel stands on her front porch steps on the 5200 block of Pennsgrove Avenue on the day of the summer block party. Friends, family and residents enjoy food, music, and children’s game. (Photo by Lori Waselchuk)


Stoop culture is big on Pennsgrove. Climb the eleven steep steps up to JoAnn Manuel’s front porch, pass through a small iron balustrade gate at the top, look left and right, you will see through every one of her neighbors’ identical porches. Look across the street for an eye-level view of all the porches on the odd side. Pennsgrove’s heartbeat pulses from these stoops.

“We gather!” says Manuel, who has been the block captain since 2001. “It happens in the evenings, especially on Saturdays. It’s a good way to share with your neighbor the things going on.”

Manuel’s first act as block captain generated lots of stoop talk. She petitioned the city to correct the misspelling of “Pennsgrove” on their street sign. Manuel remembers, “My neighbors were surprised. They told me, ‘We called our street Penngrove.’”

Manuel decided to raise money for more block improvements. Through her block’s association (5200 Pennsgrove Street), she applied to the Philadelphia Activities Fund for a grant to fix the pole lights set next to each house’s stoop. “Eighty percent of the pole lights were out.”  After two unsuccessful applications, she finally received $1,500. She hired an electrician to fix the lights. With the rest of the money, she and some neighbors bought and planted flowers to spruce up the green spaces and vacant lots on the block.

Manuel applies for money each year and receives around $500, which they use to buy paint for houses, flower boxes for sidewalks, as well as maintain the exteriors of the five vacant houses on the street.

Manuel works hard to keep up vacant properties to prevent squatters from moving in. She even used the porch of one vacant house to host a weekly after-school reading and gardening program for 4th and 5th graders.

Manuel joined forces with Urban Tree Connection’s Sue Witte. Witte, who is also a children’s librarian, would meet with kids to work in the community garden at the corner of Pennsgrove and 53rd Street, and then retreat to the stoop to read books.

Witte remembers how important that porch became to her and the children. “We would begin and end on that front porch. It was our space, and everybody knew it.”

Perhaps the greatest celebration of the Pennsgrove stoop culture is its annual block party, which is set for the first Saturday of August every year. Almost all of the residents participate.

“Morning time is set up time. We are up early. Everybody is excited about the day, getting their own space ready. But we all share in the work,” Manuel explains.

The residents sell raffle tickets to pay for the moonwalk and kids games. The cooking, eating and drinking happen on the steps and porches. “The stoops are where we hang out and talk. Some say its gossip. I say it’s a culture of neighbors being neighbors.”

Lori Waselchuk

Lori’s note: A search to find more information about the Philadelphia Activities Fund led me to a 2011 pdf file with contact information; a Facebook page; and critical articles like the piece “Council’s Secret “WAM” Fund”, by Ryan Briggs found in Metropolis Report, about the Fund’s political impact and lack of oversight.

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Food trucks now year-round at The Porch at 30th St Station

Posted on 18 December 2013 by


Photo courtesy of University City District.

Here’s some great news for West Philly mobile gourmet food lovers: the University City District has announced that there will be no winter break in mobile food service at the Porch at 30th Street Station while other Porch events and happenings will resume in April 2014. The city’s most buzzed-about food trucks will be on site every Monday and Tuesday from 7:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. and every Wednesday and Friday from 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Here’s the Porch food truck schedule through the holidays. We’ll post the early 2014 schedule soon.


Undrgrnd Donuts


Schmear It

Wednesday (No vending on December 25)

Cow and the Curd
Spot Burger (Facebook page)
Street Food (Twitter)
Sum Pig


Mac Mart
Mama’s Meatballs (Facebook page)
Milk + Sugar (Facebook page)
The Tot Cart (Facebook page)

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Support Cedar Park Holiday Basket, PEC Toy Drives

Posted on 17 December 2013 by

Recently, West Philly Local wrote about efforts, initiated by some local businesses and politicians, to help neighbors in need during the holidays. Some of those campaigns are still underway, so if you missed our post, click here. And here are two more opportunities to help make the holidays brighter for many local families and children.


Photo via

  • Cedar Park Neighbors (CPN) is holding a Holiday Basket Drive this month and your financial help and support are needed to make it a success. A suggested donation is $36, which will help feed two families. This is a great chance to show your commitment  to “neighbors helping neighbors.” In 2012, CPN was able to reach over 660 Cedar Park residents in need, according to the information posted on its website. To donate to the CPN Holiday Basket Drive, please click here. Also, volunteers are needed at the basket packing and distributing event, which will take place on Saturday, Dec. 21 from 8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. at Renewal Presbyterian Church (47th and Cedar Ave). Please email Michelle and Beverly at: for more information.
  • Local 44 is collecting donations of new and unwrapped toys or personal care items for the People’s Emergency Center, a West Philly shelter that offers support services to women and children. Please bring your donations to the Bottle Shop at 44th and Spruce anytime through Thursday, Dec. 19. For a list of personal care items needed most, visit this page.

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Corner Queens Cabaret every Monday night at Curio Theatre

Posted on 16 December 2013 by

CornerQueensCabaretCurio Theatre is continuing an exploration of gender this season and invites interested and open-minded folks to the Corner Queens Cabaret, a brand new drag cabaret show that kicked off last week on Curio’s Corner Stage (48th and Baltimore). The weekly shows are presented by a group of seven local artists and friends who began meeting once a week a year ago to perform in drag. In an effort to support the artists, Curio has offered them the Corner Stage for a limited time to put on a show.

Performers in the cabaret are not just Drag Queens and Kings; audience members are welcome to sign up to perform in upcoming shows. The Corner Queens Cabaret is designed to “allow a spectrum of artists to get on stage, take a risk, and have a great time.”

To help the audience get into the mood before the show, Curio has partnered with The Gold Standard Café who serves special $20 food platters for two with complimentary wine (you can also order from the menu and BYOB).

Shows run every Monday, except December 23, beginning at 9 p.m. The last show is on March 3, 2014. Admission is $5 cash at the door. For more information, visit:

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Demolition of 40th St Methodist Episcopal Church has begun

Posted on 16 December 2013 by


Demolition crews have begun tearing down the 40th Street Methodist Episcopal Church to make room for retail space. The two-story Romanesque-style church has stood at the corner of 40th and Sansom for 136 years. The construction of the new space, which will host Dunkin Donuts, Zesto Pizza and a couple of other retailers, is expected to be completed by April 2014.

(Photo by West Philly Local reader Karl Munkelwitz.)

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The Blockley to close after losing liquor license, leaving future of historic music venue unclear

Posted on 13 December 2013 by WPL

Blockleyvenue-e1321828354330The Blockley, a popular music venue located at 38th and Ludlow, will close its doors at the end of this month, its owners revealed on Facebook last night. The venue, which has had brushes with the law over serving underage patrons, lost its liquor license “without much notice,” the post read. The license has to be moved out of the building by the end of the year.

The last performances at the venue are currently scheduled for December 27 and 28 and all 2014 performances have been canceled, according to the Facebook post. The Blockley staff also told Philadelphia Magazine that they’re working on a big farewell concert.

The venue opened in 2009 and has hosted numerous music performances since. The place was particularly popular among college students and was shut down temporarily for allegedly serving minors.

The Blockley’s location, which includes an intimate stage and dance floor, has long been a staple of live music in Philadelphia. When it was the Chestnut Cabaret, the venue was a frequent stop for up-and-coming acts in the 80s and 90s, including the Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Pogues, Phish, Sonic Youth, The Roches, Soul Asylum, The Meat Puppets; local acts such as Schoolly D and the Dead Milkmen; and established favorites like John Lee Hooker, Albert Collins, Parliament and Blue Oyster Cult.

It is still unclear what will happen to the property after The Blockley leaves.

(Photo via

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