
"West Philadelphia"

South Philly man shot, abducted on 49th and Springfield

Posted on 09 December 2013 by WPL

A 38-year-old man was shot and abducted Sunday night near 49th and Springfield, according to various reports. Police say the man, a South Philadelphia resident, was driving in the area last night (around 10 p.m., according to a neighbor report), when a group of men traveling in a white van marked “Soft Touch Cleaning Service” opened fire on him.

The man’s car crashed into a utility pole. The men allegedly jumped out of the van, bound the victim with duct tape and drove him to Northeast Philadelphia where he was shot again and robbed, ABC6 is reporting. The man was found around 11:30 p.m. lying in the street on the 7500 block of Summerdale Ave in Northeast Philly, according to He was transported to the hospital and is listed in very critical condition with three gunshot wounds.

The man was robbed of $3,800 during the attack and initially told the police that he was attacked after leaving SugarHouse Casino. However, police now say that the man wasn’t at the casino before the attack. A police source said that the attack may be drug related. The investigation continues.

Some neighbors reported hearing two rounds of gunshots last night at 10 p.m. near 49th and Springfield and police presence. According to a neighbor report, Springfield Avenue was closed this morning between 50th and St. Bernard, with a black Cadillac driven into a telephone pole.

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As holidays approach, more help coming to improve “West Philly’s Main Street”

Posted on 09 December 2013 by Annamarya Scaccia

Another holiday season has come to 52nd Street and efforts are continuing to help the teeming commercial strip regain its reputation as “West Philly’s Main Street.”

52nd Street Station after MFL renova

52nd Street Station after renovation.

Over the past five years, the Enterprise Center’s Community Development Corporation (TEC-CDC) has invested in the renewal of 52nd Street, a once busy commercial corridor hit hard by the 10-year Market-Frankford EL reconstruction project. Providing guidance and support, the neighborhood initiative group has worked to spur economic growth in the area, hoping to bring back its vitality.

As part of those efforts, TEC-CDC recently hired Akeem Dixon as the retail gateway’s first-ever Commercial Corridor Manager, made possible by support from the Philadelphia Local Initiative Support Corporation (LISC). In his role, Dixon will primarily oversee a cleaning contract managed by the center, funded in part by the Philadelphia Department of Commerce, aimed to “help make 52nd Street the best it can be,” said Bryan Fenstermaker, TEC-CDC’s senior director of programming.


52nd Street Station before the 2007-2008 reconstruction project / Photos: Wikipedia.

“Our [work] is to make 52nd Street the most attractive and vibrant corridor that it can be,” Fenstermaker told West Philly Local. “52nd Street is really the livelihood of West Philadelphia … A number of people grew up here on the corridor and remember what it used to be like. There’s no reason it can’t come back.”

Hiring a portal manager is a major development not only for the corridor, but for the local organization,  which has a hand in its planning and economic growth. According to Fenstermaker, the new manager will also serve as a soundboard for the “wants and needs” of the area, helping TEC-CDC leverage the requests of 52nd Street’s businesses and residents. Dixon will, in effect, act as a liaison for those partners involved in the corridor—be they local community associations or business owners and street vendors—so there’s full engagement among everyone who has a stake in 52nd Street’s success.

“What we would like to see is the businesses and vendors come together to support somebody that’s full-time on there as a sustainable practice,” said Fenstermaker. “We’re there to support the stakeholders and the corridor, so I see us being there long-term.”

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Where to buy a Christmas tree in West Philly

Posted on 08 December 2013 by


Curtis (left) and his crew are back in Cedar Park selling Christmas trees. Photo: Mike Lyons/West Philly Local.


If you’re looking for a Christmas tree, here’s great news: Curtis and his crew are back in Cedar Park, selling trees at the triangle across from Dock Street at 50th and Baltimore. Curtis & Co. are selling trees daily from about 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.

If you live in Walnut Hill or Cobbs Creek, we also spotted a Christmas tree selling place at 52nd and Spruce. Also, you can buy a Christmas tree at 39th and Lancaster, according to a neighbor report. If you know of more places where you can buy a Christmas tree in West Philadelphia please let your neighbors know in the comments.

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Supreme Shop ‘n Bag closed until Sunday morning

Posted on 07 December 2013 by WPL


The Supreme Shop ‘n Bag at 43rd and Walnut streets will be closed until tomorrow morning because of technical problems.

A worker there said the grocery store is experiencing issues with its computer system and plans to reopen at 11 a.m. on Sunday.






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Holiday Food Drive at Kingsessing Library

Posted on 06 December 2013 by WPL

Here’s another opportunity to help people in need this holiday season. Kingsessing Library (51st & Chester) is holding a holiday food drive this month and all donations will go to neighborhood food pantries. See the flyer below for more information.


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Neighborhood businesses, politicians lead holiday charitable giving

Posted on 06 December 2013 by

True to the holiday spirit of helping and giving, some local businesses and politicians are leading efforts to support various charitable causes this month. Here are more details on who’s doing what and how you can help.

Holiday Food Drive at Mariposa Food Co-op (49th & Baltimore)

Mariposa Food Co-op is accepting donations of canned and packaged non-perishable food items through Dec. 31. You can drop your donation into the donations box at the store. All donations will be taken to Pathways PA, an organization providing services for women, children and families in the Greater Philadelphia region, or to State Representative James Roebuck’s office for redistribution to neighbors in need. For more information please email or stop by at the store.

Petsuppliesdrive“ACCT Out For The Holidays!” Holiday Supplies Drive at Baltimore Pet Shoppe (4532 Baltimore Ave)

The Chester Avenue Dog Association and Baltimore Pet Shoppe are organizing the “ACCT out for the holidays!” holiday supplies drive in the neighborhood. Baltimore Pet Shoppe will be accepting donations until Dec. 20 for the Animal Care and Control Team of Philadelphia (ACCT) to help the homeless cats and dogs that will be staying in the shelter over the holidays. ACCT is in need of many items on their wish list. Baltimore Pet Shoppe is offering a 10 percent discount on all mylar balls, canned pate cat food, stainless steel bowls, and Kong L & XL dog toys that are getting donated to the shelter. The shop has a donation bin where you can drop off any items from ACCT’s wish list. You can also purchase these items online. For more information, visit Baltimore Pet Shoppe’s Facebook page.

Cafe Renata (43rd & Locust) donating a portion of all gift card sales to local charities

Katie Steenstra, the co-owner of Cafe Renata, which opened at the beginning of the year at 43rd and Locust Streets, has let us know of her business’s effort this month to give back and “help keep West Philadelphia as vibrant as ever.” Through Christmas, 15 percent of all Cafe Renata gift card sales will be donated to local West Philadelphia charities. The cafe owners also want to hear from you and let them know, on Facebook, Twitter, or right in the shop, where you think the donated funds would be most needed. On Christmas, they will announce where the raised funds will be donated.

December 13 – Support Kingsessing Library with The Gold Standard Cafe (48th & Baltimore)

Friday the 13th has a bad reputation, but Roger, Vince and Joey of The Gold Standard Cafe decided to “buck tradition by putting our bucks where our words are,” and make it a lucky day by donating a full 1/3 of their total proceeds on December 13 to their neighborhood (Kingsessing) library. Your donation will go to serve the reading and educational needs of the library.

Roebuck’s office a ‘Socks for Seniors’ drop-off point

The office of state Rep. James Roebuck, who currently serves as Democratic chairman of the House Education Committee and represents the 188th Legislative District in West and Southwest Philadelphia, is serving as a drop-off point for the “Socks for Seniors” drive. Residents are invited to bring pairs of new adult socks for nursing home residents by Friday, Dec. 13 to Roebuck’s office located at 4712 Baltimore Ave.

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