
"West Philadelphia"

Baltimore Avenue Dollar Strolls return in June

Posted on 02 April 2013 by WPL

Dollar StrollHave you been missing those one dollar samosas, mini burgers, pizza slices, craft beer, cupcakes, yoga certificates, theater tickets and other items that Baltimore Avenue Dollar Strolls bring to the neighborhood every summer? We have some good and bad news. Let’s start with good – this hugely popular event is coming back this summer and will again include tons of great $1 deals on Baltimore Avenue from 42nd to 50th Streets, from a growing number of participating local businesses.

The somewhat sad news is that there will be only two strolls this summer, down from four strolls in 2011. We hear that it’s a great effort and expenses to put this event together (the attendance grew to 20,000 visitors in 2012), with little revenue for participants, so the organizers had to make the decision to cut the number of the strolls for this year.

This year, the Baltimore Avenue Dollar Strolls are scheduled for June 13 and September 12, to ring in and close out the summer season. We’ll let you know more later about who will take part in these events and what they will offer.

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West Philly Foods CSA taking apps for fresh produce, bread, pies, pesto and even beer

Posted on 01 April 2013 by Mike Lyons


Here’s another CSA option in West Philly. The West Philly Foods CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program is taking applications for the upcoming growing season.

Run by The Enterprise Center, this CSA includes a box of fresh, locally grown produce – from herbs to tomatoes to berries –  delivered monthly and optional items, including jams, pies, baked goods and bread. The program even includes shares for beer, pesto and flowers.

The program is also committed to providing fresh produce to low-income residents around the Walnut Hill and surrounding neighborhoods. The program also employs local youths in the program and helps connect a growing network of young urban farmers.

Pick-up locations include the Walnut Hill Community Farm at 46th and Market and Milk and Honey Market at 45th and Baltimore.


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Music, food trucks and a Little Circus: The Porch programming starts on Wednesday

Posted on 01 April 2013 by WPL

the_porchSpring is finally here and The Porch, once a congested parking lot and now an animated public space adjacent to the second busiest train station in the country, is getting ready to start its 2013 season programming. Beginning this Wednesday, April 3, all are welcome to stop by The Porch between 11:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. on most weekdays and enjoy gourmet food trucks, live music, street performers, fitness bootcamps, and a beer garden. Here’s more information on what’s coming up this month.


Lunchtime Accordion Serenade, Mondays & Fridays, Noon – 1 p.m.

Experience the beauty of solo accordion, from Eastern European to South American, Polka to American Jazz.


WXPN Philly Local Wednesdays, Wednesdays, Noon

Live music every Wednesday from Philly’s rising stars.
April 3 – Dante Bucci
April 10 – The Fleeting Ends
April 17 – Christie Lenée
April 24 – The Splashing Pearls


Gourmet Food Trucks

Wednesdays, 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
The Cow and the Curd
Cupcake Carnival
Lucky Old Souls
The Sunflower Truck Stop

Fridays, 11:30 a.m. -2:30 p.m.
Just Jackie’s Food Truck
Say Cheese
Spot Burger
Sweetbox Cupcakes


Bodyrock Fitness, Thursdays, 6 p.m.

Put your lunch break to work for you with fitness programming from University City’s BodyRock Bootcamp.

April 4 – Bootcamp
April 11 – Bokwa
April 18 – Zumba
April 25 – Bootcamp


Give And Take street performers and The Little Circus

The Give and Take Jugglers and Little Circus shows feature juggling, comedy, vaudeville, circus arts and theater.

Wednesday, April 3, 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Street Performers

Friday, April 12, 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. – Little Circus


Backpack Gallery, Friday, April 5, 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Combining contemporary visual art and performance, the Backpack Gallery brings the art to you.


The Porch Beer Garden, Thursday, April 18, 3-8 p.m.; Friday, April 19, 3-8 p.m.

Experience the Outdoor Beer Garden at The Porch at 30th Street Station. Bridgewater’s Pub will offer German and craft beers. Enjoy the fresh air and live music.

For more information about events at The Porch at 30th Street Station visit

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Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunts 2013 (updated)

Posted on 30 March 2013 by WPL

easter-egg-huntAs always, we are publishing information on upcoming Easter egg hunts in West and Southwest Philadelphia. If you know of any other Easter egg hunts, please drop us a line at: or post in the comments below.


Saturday, March 30


Easter Egg Hunt and Crafts & Fun in Clark Park

Where: Next to the toddler playground (43rd and Chester)

When: 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. (rain or shine!)

Who: Age 1 – 8

The event is being hosted by the Renewal Presbyterian Church (47th and Cedar). Participants should sign up for the egg hunt at the beginning of the event. Contact information:  e-mail:, phone: 267-564-5105.


Spring Egg Hunts at Walnut Street West Library

Where: 40th & Walnut

When: 10:30 a.m.

Who: Preschool age kids


When: 1 p.m.

Who: School age kids

The Spring Egg Hunts are sponsored by the Friends of the Walnut West Library. Contact information: Phone: 215-685-7671.
Eastwick Library’s Spring Egg Hunt

Where: Free Library of Philadelphia Eastwick Branch, 2851 Island Avenue

When: 1 p.m.

Join the Friends of Eastwick Library for a Spring Egg Hunt inside the library. Contact information: Phone: 215-685-4170.


Woodland Presbyterian Spring Fling and Egg Hunt

Where: Woodland Presbyterian Church, 42nd and Pine

When: 12:30-2:30 p.m.

Come out this Saturday to the Easter Spring Fling at Woodland Presbyterian at 42nd and Pine. Hot Dogs, lemonade, basket making, egg decorating, balloon animals, face painting, egg hunt and more! The Egg Hunt begins at 1 p.m. Enter a raffle to win some delicious honey bunny bread. Make a Easter Egg Race Car with the Build-It-Bus.


Sunday, March 31


The Great St. Mary’s Easter Egg Hunt

Where: St. Mary’s Church, 3916 Locust Walk

When: after Easter Sunday service, approximately at 1 p.m.

All children and their families are welcome. BYOB (Bring Your Own Basket).

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Friday at A-Space: A personal account of human rights and AIDS in China

Posted on 28 March 2013 by WPL


Dr. Wan Yanhai.

Dr. Wan Yanhai, a prominent Chinese AIDS activist, will be in West Philly this Friday to tell his story of fleeing his country in 2010 and discuss human rights in China. Dr. Wan will join West Philly AIDS activist Kate Krauss in the discussion. A portion of the film “The Central Plains” will also be screened.

Dr. Wan organized China’s first HIV/AIDS telephone hotline and was instrumental in advocating for the rights of tens of thousands of families who became infected with HIV/AIDS in Henan Province due to illegal blood selling practices. He later expanded his work to advocate for the health of injection drug users, sex workers, and other marginalized groups affected by AIDS.

Dr. Wan is also a co-founder of the Beijing LGBT Center, the first gay community center in China. He has won numerous human rights awards and is currently the director of the country’s foremost AIDS-awareness group, the Aizhixing Institute of Health Education. He has been detained by the authorities three times in the past 12 years, including a month-long detention in 2002 that made international headlines.

On May 10, 2010, Wan Yanhai together with his family fled China and moved into the home of Ms. Krauss in West Philadelphia, where they stayed for several months before continuing on to various academic appointments. Dr. Wan currently lives with his family in New Haven, Connecticut.


Katie Krauss.

Katie Krauss is Executive Director and Founder of the AIDS Policy Project and has worked on a wide range of AIDS issues, from AIDS vaccines to Medicaid and housing for people with AIDS in Philly.

The event will be held at the A-Space gallery (4722 Baltimore Ave) beginning at 7 p.m. Snacks will be available. A $5 donation is suggested. To RSVP please email:

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Property assessment appeal deadline approaching fast

Posted on 28 March 2013 by Mike Lyons

The deadline to appeal property assessments under the new Actual Value Initiative (AVI) is fast approaching. First-Level Review Request forms are due in the Office of Property Assessment (OPA) by Sunday, March 31 (or 30 days after you received your assessment notice).

The OPA recommends submitting other documents that may help the office consider your case. These could include photos or recent third-party appraisals. The First-Level Review Request form should have been included with the new assessment notifications. If you need a new form, they are available to download here. The forms should be mailed here:

Office of Property Assessment
P.O. Box 51498
Philadelphia, PA 19115

They also can be dropped off at:

311 Walk-In Center in Room 167 at City Hall
Municipal Services Building Concourse-level, 1401 JFK Blvd.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your appeal, you can file another appeal with the Board of Revision of Taxes. That appeal is due by Oct. 7, 2013.

Below is a video produced by the City as a guide to the appeal process.

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