
"West Philadelphia"

Around the courts: Green Line robber and others sentenced, hearings scheduled

Posted on 04 January 2013 by Mike Lyons

gavelWe often get asked about the status of many of the criminal cases we have reported. The following post is an update of some notable crime stories that have appeared in West Philly Local. There are likely some we have overlooked. If there is one that you are particularly concerned about, leave a comment and we will follow up. All of the courtrooms mentioned are in the Criminal Justice Center, 13th and Filbert.

• Jerome Brooks

Brooks has been charged with murder and related offenses after he allegedly ran down 52-year-old Deanna Teal in early December on Chester Avenue near 49th Street. Teal was pronounced dead at the scene. His preliminary hearing is scheduled for Feb. 22 in courtroom 306.

• Armen “Gooch” Terzian

Terzian, co-owner of Cafe Clave on the 4300 block of Locust Street, faces charges of ethnic intimidation, possession of an instrument of crime, terroristic threats and simple assault following an incident outside the cafe in November. The most serious charge, aggravated assault, has been withdrawn. His trial is scheduled to begin today, Jan. 4, at 10 a.m. in room 706.

• Torin Myer

Myer was arrested last May and charged with robbing Green Line Cafe locations on Locust Street and Lancaster Avenue (twice) and the Chipotle Restaurant on the 3900 block of Walnut Street. Myer, 23, pleaded guilty to several charges and on December 20 was sentenced to two-and-a-half to five years in prison and mandatory drug and alcohol treatment.

• Wesley Crawford and Raphael Zappala

Crawford and Zappala were arrested last January and accused of taking part in running a large LSD ring out of a home on the 4800 block of Florence St.

Crawford faced 15 charges related to the operation. In September he pleaded guilty to one count of possession with intent to manufacture and deliver narcotics, a count of conspiracy to manufacture and a count of criminal use of a communication facility. He is scheduled to be sentenced on Jan. 29 in courtroom 705.

Zappala, who faced 12 charges, pleaded guilty to one count of possession with intent to manufacture or deliver and was sentenced on Sept. 25 to one year probation.

• James Lippert and David Eisenstadt

Lippert and Eisenstadt, both 50, were arrested in late June in connection with an alleged marijuana growing operation run out of a home at 1123 S. 48th Street in June. Witnesses at the time said they saw police remove several garbage bags and planting pots from the home.

Lippert was charged with possession with intent to manufacture and deliver, possession of marijuana and two related charges. His next court appearance is a pre-trial conference scheduled for Jan. 17 in courtroom 705.

Eisenstadt faced a similar list of charges. The case against him was dismissed in November for lack of evidence.

• Amin Gibbs

Gibbs was arrested on Dec. 4 and charged with the Nov. 17 murder of 22-year-old student Zykia Sanders. Sanders was shot outside of the West Park Apartments near 45th and Market. Gibbs is scheduled to appear Feb. 19 in courtroom 306 at 9 a.m. for a preliminary hearing.

• Hakim Benson

Benson was arrested Oct. 5 and charged with a dozen gunpoint robberies in West and Southwest Philadelphia, including the Sept. 28 armed robbery of the CVS at 4849 Market St. Benson, 20, pleaded guilty on Dec. 19 to robbery and gun charges. He is scheduled to be sentenced on March 22 at 8 a.m. in courtroom 705.

Mike Lyons


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Charges dropped against younger brother in El shooting

Posted on 03 January 2013 by Mike Lyons

The District Attorney’s Office today withdrew attempted murder and related charges against 16-year-old Eric Early, who was arrested with his brother Matthew in connection with the Dec. 12 shooting at the 46th Street El, which was caught on surveillance video.

Eric Early, who turned 17 a few days after the shooting, was charged as an adult. The shooting made national headlines. Surveillance video from the train and at the station shows both brothers in an argument with an older man in a Chicago Bulls hat. The argument was reportedly over the Bulls-76ers game earlier that night at the Wells Fargo Center. Police say surveillance video shows that, after exiting the train, Matthew Early turned and fired one shot from a handgun, striking the man in the stomach and another man in the leg.

Matthew Early is charged with attempted murder and gun-related charges. His preliminary hearing is scheduled for Jan. 17 at 9:30 a.m. in courtroom 1006. He is currently being held in lieu of $2.5 million bail. Matthew turned 18 two days before the shooting.

Mike Lyons

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Garden Court residents invited to discuss neighborhood’s future

Posted on 03 January 2013 by WPL

philadelphia2035As the Philadelphia City Planning Commission continues working on a new District Plan for West Philly neighborhoods as part of the Philadelphia 2035 plan, area community associations are asking residents to provide input on how they envision their neighborhood in the future. This Saturday (Jan. 5), Garden Court Community Association is holding a meeting for Garden Court residents (45th St. to 52nd St., Locust St. to Cedar Ave) where the University City Southwest 2035 plan will be reviewed. The meeting will be held from 12-2 p.m. at 4725 Chestnut (Community College of Philadelphia) and lunch will be served.

Here’s the GCCA announcement:

GCCA will be asking for residents’ input on the following two topics:

1. Five Redevelopment Areas for University City Southwest

The Philadelphia Planning Commission has identified five areas to target for redevelopment in University City Southwest:

40th Street Station Area
46th and Market Streets
Baltimore Avenue (west of 50th)
Woodland Avenue
Lower Schuylkill Development Site

2. Garden Court Neighborhood

As surrounding areas develop, what do residents hope will stay the same about Garden Court? Let GCCA know what features give the neighborhood its character and what you would like to preserve and what you would like to improve.

Please RSVP to GCCA Zoning Chair Mariya Khandros at:

FYI, the 2nd public meeting on the University Southwest District Plan will take place Wednesday, Jan. 23 at Kingsessing Recreation Center. More information is coming soon.

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Christmas tree recycling info

Posted on 02 January 2013 by WPL

recycling-your-christmas-treeHappy New Year, everyone! Now many of you will start thinking about what to do with your Christmas tree. Of course, you can just take it outside on your trash pick-up day and it will be collected by the city. But, if you want to get rid of your tree in a more eco-friendly way, here are some options.

Christmas Tree and Electronics Recycling Day – Saturday, Jan. 5

Bring your tree to Clark Park (43rd & Chester) on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and it will be turned into wood chips instead of landfill. The mulch produced from the recycled trees will be used in neighborhood parks and gardens. Suggested donation is $10 per tree which will go to support UC Green and its neighborhood greening efforts. For more information, please contact Sue MacQueen at 215-573-4684 or

You can also drop off your used household electronics, including computers and anything else with a plug! This is a great opportunity to safely dispose of any potentially harmful materials. For more information, contact Seth Budick at 215-243-0555 or 

– If you want to keep your tree a little longer please keep in mind that the Streets Department starts accepting trees for composting and mulching beginning Monday, Jan. 7. You can drop off your tree at one of sanitation convenience centers through Saturday, Jan. 19. The Southwest Philadelphia Sanitation Convenience Center is located at 3033 S. 63rd St., near Passyunk Ave. For more information call 215-685-4290 or visit this page.


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34 Trolley is back

Posted on 31 December 2012 by WPL

Baltimore Avenue

After a week-long service disruption due to the fire at Elena’s Soul, Route 34 trolley has resumed normal operation this morning. SEPTA advises to expect some residual delays while full operations are restored.

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University Avenue Bridge to close for three weeks

Posted on 31 December 2012 by WPL

UniversityAvenueBridgeThe University Avenue/34th Street Bridge crossing the Schuylkill River in the Grays Ferry section will be closed for repairs and cleaning for approximately three weeks beginning Wednesday, Jan. 2, according to a PennDOT announcement. The bridge is part of a common route to access Interstate 76.

The bridge will be closed to all traffic, including pedestrians. During this period drivers should expect an increase in traffic and are advised to detour over Grays Ferry Ave., Woodland Ave. and 38th St. The bridge, which is a double-leaf drawstring bridge, has been in operation since 1930 and was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1994.

In addition, Penn Public Safety has posted an announcement that Spruce Street will be closed to vehicular traffic from 34th Street to 38th Street from 12:00 a.m. (midnight) on Friday, Jan. 4 to 5 a.m. on Monday, Jan. 7, 2013, for installation of a crane. Drivers are advised to follow marked detour signs during this time.


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