
"West Philadelphia"

Fresh Food Hub survey for Mantua, Belmont, West Powelton residents

Posted on 13 November 2012 by WPL

The West Philadelphia Fresh Food Hub, a non-profit grocery truck that brings fresh and healthy food to Mantua, Belmont and West Powelton residents, is gathering community input that will help them create a strong, locally-owned business that serves everyone.

If you live in one of the above mentioned neighborhoods, you are encouraged to participate in the Food Hub’s Fall 2012 Community Input Survey. The survey takes less than 10 minutes to complete and to thank you for your time and honest responses, the Food Hub will provide you with a fresh produce voucher.


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A mural tribute to returning vets at 42nd and Woodland

Posted on 13 November 2012 by Mike Lyons

clark park

A small section of the new mural near 42nd and Woodland depicts a soccer game in the Clark Park bowl. The mural, “Communion Between a Rock and a Hard Place,” illustrates the transition returning vets are making.

West Philly’s newest mural is a tribute to returning vets and a depiction of their journey from the war zone to a life back home.

Flanking a parking lot near 42nd and Woodland, the mural also contains verse from members of the Warrior Writers group, a non-profit that helps veterans convey their experiences through artistic expression. Phillip Adams and Willis Humphrey designed and installed the mural, which is entitled “Communion Between a Rock and a Hard Place.”

One side of the two-mural installation depicts soldiers on duty. The other includes a scene of Clark Park. Together they represent the two worlds that many returning vets are trying to reconcile.

The mural was financed in part through state and local grants and the city’s Mural Arts Program. Organizers hope the mural will help people better understand the transition to civilian life that many vets are experiencing. Read more about the mural here.


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Two important neighborhood meetings Tuesday

Posted on 12 November 2012 by WPL

There are two important community meetings taking place in West Philly on Tuesday, Nov. 13. If you want to help shape up the future of your neighborhood, you are encouraged to attend these meetings or at least one of them since they are scheduled within an hour from one another.

  • Philadelphia City Planning Commission Meeting – 6:30 p.m., Enterprise Center (4548 Market St.)

The Philadelphia City Planning Commission is inviting residents to the first meeting about their University City/Southwest Philly District Plan. The plan will make recommendations for zoning changes, city-owned land and facilities, and public investments and, when finalized, will have some far reaching implications for West Philly’s future development. Here’s what you can expect at the meeting:

– Learn about the planning process and existing conditions

– Help shape future development and public investment

– Work with Planning Commission staff and your neighbors in small groups.

For more information about this project visit: There is also a need for volunteers who help facilitate table exercises with community members. If you’re interested, contact Andrew Meloney at: or 215-683-4656.

  • Annual Meeting of the Spruce Hill Community Association, 7:30 p.m., Spruce Hill Christian School Chapel (42nd & Baltimore)

This is Spruce Hill Community Association‘s biggest meeting of the year, where neighbors are invited to come renew their dues and vote for officers and directors to the 2013 Board. The full slate of nominees and their bios will be available at the meeting.

In addition, Matt Bergheiser, Executive Director of University City District, will present the project on rejuvenation of the 40th Street Trolley Portal. Plans and renderings of the proposed design will be shown and residents’ input and feedback is welcome.

All neighbors are welcome. Light refreshments will be served and the first 50 people to arrive at the meeting will receive free leaf bags. Spruce Hill is bounded by Market St., Woodland Ave., S. 38th St., and S. 46th St. For more information, visit the event’s Facebook page.

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Old West Philly High likely to become lofts aimed at grad students, faculty

Posted on 10 November 2012 by Mike Lyons

West Philly High

Andrew Bank of Strong Place Partners presents his firm’s plan for the future of the old West Philly High School building during a community meeting Saturday.


The old West Philadelphia High School building will be converted into loft apartments aimed primarily at graduate students and junior faculty from nearby universities, the leading bidder told residents during a meeting Saturday.

The New York-based Strong Place Partners, whose purchase of the building will likely be approved next week, plans to build about 300 apartments in the building ranging from small studios to a few apartments as big as 1,600 square feet. The firm’s president, Andrew Bank, said the tentative design will attempt to retain much of the 100-year-old school’s existing infrastructure, including one of the school’s large theaters and its gym.

“Our intention is to preserve the history and in some way preserve the character of the high school,” said Bank, who grew up in suburban Philadelphia and whose grandmother attended West Philadelphia High School.

Bank was speaking to community members during a public meeting at the new West Philadelphia High School. Those in attendance included members of the board of the West Philadelphia High School Alumni Association.

“We would hope that the tenants would be residents of West Philadelphia,” said Alumni Association president Paula McKinney-Rainey.

But Bank said that most of the tenants, who he expects to be associated with universities, would likely be transient. None of the units will be for sale. He said no allowance would be made for subsidized housing or housing aimed at senior citizens. He did add, though, that he believes the rents would be “comparatively affordable” to other housing options in the city.

West Philly

The development plan calls for the preservation of as much of the building’s historic character as possible.

The ground floor of the building will house about 15,000 square feet of retail space and include businesses “geared toward enhancing the lifestyles of the building’s residents.”

Bank said the target demographic for the project included residents in their mid 20s to mid 50s associated with the universities. The project would be the largest private residential building aimed primarily at university-associated tenants west of 47th Street.

Bank said he expected rents to start at $800-$850 per month for a studio of about 400 square feet and that new residents will likely be able to move in by 2016.

“Renovation is much more difficult than new construction,” Bank said of the lengthy construction timeline, which includes zoning changes.

The development also calls for the scaling back of the wide sidewalks along Walnut and Locust streets and a “massive improvement of the streetscape” around the building.

The project will also impact the future of the empty lot on the southwest corner of 48th and Walnut, where the Windermere Apartments stood before fire destroyed that complex in 2011. Bank said the owners of that lot have been waiting to see how the old West Philly High would be developed before they made any decisions.

Parking for the building’s projected 400 or so residents was a concern repeatedly raised by those attending Saturday’s meeting. Bank said his firm will hire a parking consultant to devise a plan. He projected that roughly 10 percent of the residents would own cars, a guess he said that is consistent with other projects he has worked on near universities. If the consultant’s number is larger, he continued, the plan will expand parking.

“Parking is a revenue source, so I have no problem adding it,” he said.

Strong Place Partners’ bid is expected to be approved during a meeting of the School Reform Commission on Nov. 15. Bank would not comment on the bid amount or the expected cost of the renovation.

Once the firm’s bid is accepted, it will negotiate the agreement of the sale with the District before developing a construction timeline and beginning the zoning process, which is when residents will have more opportunities to comment on the plan.


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Second Friday Scavenger Hunt tonight on Lancaster Ave

Posted on 09 November 2012 by WPL

As the weather seems to be improving, why not go out and try your luck in the Second Friday Scavenger Hunt tonight on Lancaster Avenue, from 5 to 8 p.m. Collect as many tickets as possible at the 15 participating businesses in order to be in the running for some great prizes.

Here’s are the rules:

1. Start at the Community Education Center (3500 Lancaster Ave).
2. Pick up your Lancaster Avenue tote bag with a list of all participating businesses.
3. Visit at least 10 out of the 15 locations listed to collect as many tickets as possible to increase your chances of winning.
4. There will be bonus 5 tickets for those who visit Vintage Villa Antiques.
5. At 8 p.m., make your way to 3848 Lancaster Avenue for live music and drawings of the winners!

Prizes include $25 gift cards at Powelton Pizza, Central Resellers Market and Vintage Villa Antiques.

There will also be a prize for the person who checks in the most on foursquare at the different locations and a bonus random drawing from a bowl for a bag of goodies.

Also while you’re on the scavenger hunt, feel free to drop off canned goods or other non-perishables at CEC to support a local food pantry.

Finally, make sure to check out a new exhibit by ceramic artists Angela Klaerner Clark and Jimmy Clark opening at the Art on the Avenue Gallery. The gallery is located at 3808 Lancaster Ave and the opening reception is from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. For more information visit

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Celebrate joy of reading at PIC Family Book Festival

Posted on 09 November 2012 by WPL

This Saturday, families with young children are invited to a fun and educational event: the Parent Infant Center, which provides early learning and after school care for infants to grade 6 and is dedicated to promoting literacy and pre-literacy as a family activity, is organizing a Family Book Fest at the Rotunda (40th & Walnut). This is a free event and open to the public from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

There will be lots of reading, crafts and other family fun activities for ages 7-under. WXPN’s Kathy O’Connell, host of Kids’ Corner, will join in with read-aloud stories, followed by a concert with Two of a Kind.

Bring a slightly used children’s book for the swap table and take home some new stories to share with your family.

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