Posted on 09 August 2012 by WPL
This week don’t miss the Second Friday on Lancaster Avenue, an event that fosters a great sense of community and showcases local talent and businesses in Powelton Village. Here’s what’s happening on the Avenue, from 34th to 45th Street, this Friday, from 5-9 p.m.:
The Community Education Center will be hosting a Summer Garden Series with an Open Mic Night, Poetry reading and performances (3500 Block). Green Line Cafe (3649 Lancaster Ave) will host a few acoustic players and free snacks. The 3800 block will feature music and Art by Emil Baumann and Jazz artist Alfie Pollitt at Art on the Avenue. The Make your Mark building (3861 Lancaster Ave) will be transformed to a small concert venue featuring performances by Drexel students. In addition to art and music, business owners will display their merchandise and food trucks and street vendors will be out on the sidewalk from 5-9 p.m. Please check the flyer below for Block by Block listings or visit the event’s Facebook page.

Posted on 08 August 2012 by WPL

This information came from neighbor Samantha who lives at 48th and Springfield.
“A grey cat with white markings has been hanging out by my apartment building for the past few weeks: northeast corner of 48th and Springfield. I don’t see it everyday, but it was hanging around tonight (August 7). I have attached pictures, though they are not too good because the cat kept moving around.”
Here’s the cat’s description provided by Samantha:
Young, grey, cat – maybe around 6 months?
Unsure if male/female.
White markings: white stomach, white paws, white spot over right eye, white ring around end of tail.
A little scared/skittish, but can be called over with a little patience and seems very friendly; appears to have nice temperament.
The cat lives outdoors; Samantha cannot bring it inside. Also, the cat’s stomach is bulging (pregnant or FIP?).
If you have any information about this cat, please leave a comment below.
Posted on 08 August 2012 by WPL
The Fall edition of the Go West! Craft Fest is scheduled for September 29 at The Woodlands (rain date – Sept. 30) and vendor registration is going on right now. The fest organizers would love to see some new faces, so if you are a local artist or crafts person and would like to become a vendor, fill out an online application that can be found here. The application deadline has been extended until Friday, August 10. Available tables are 6’x6′ ($40) and 10’x10′ ($60).
Each category of work has its own quota: jewelry, home goods, paper goods, bath & beauty, etc. and only works created by the seller are permitted. For more information, please email

One of the vendors at Go West! Spring Fest. Photo by Stephanie Ricci.
Posted on 08 August 2012 by WPL
The Annual Giant IAC Rummage Sale is on Saturday, August 11 at the Calvary Church. Books, records, gently-used clothing, toys, games, housewares, small furniture and many other items will be on sale. Proceeds will help cover expenses for the IAC Solidarity Center office. See the flyer for more information.

Posted on 07 August 2012 by WPL
First Lady Michelle Obama will visit West Philly on Thursday, August 9. She is expected to speak at the University of the Sciences’ Bobby Morgan Arena (730 South 43rd Street) at 2 p.m. As of 12:30 p.m. today, tickets (first-come, first-serve) were still available at the Obama West Philadelphia Headquarters, 209 South 52nd Street (between Walnut and Locust). As far as we know, stopping by and picking them up is the only way to get them.
Posted on 06 August 2012 by WPL
Update: We are getting conflicting reports about the man’s university affiliation, so we have removed that detail until we can clarify.
Police say a recently dismissed professor jumped from the 4th floor of a brownstone apartment building at 4114 Spruce Street in an apparent suicide this morning. Police say the 44-year-old man lived on the 4th floor. He was pronounced dead at 6:49 a.m.
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