Posted on 31 May 2012 by WPL
Community members are invited to support local public schools and participate in these upcoming events at Henry C. Lea, Penn Alexander and Samuel Powel schools.
• Lea Elementary recently received a $3,800 grant from Lowe’s to redesign the school’s interior, brighten up the hallways and make Lea a more welcoming place for students. As a part of this effort the school is teaming up with the Renewal Church to hold a paint day this Saturday, June 2. This is the second paint day (the first one was on May 19) and adult volunteers are still wanted to fill in the afternoon shift from noon to 2 p.m. To sign up, please add your name to one of the teams on the Google Doc here. If you have questions, email David Fox at This is part of ongoing renovations at Lea.
• This Sunday, June 3, Penn Alexander School is holding the 2nd Annual Run for Arts and Sciences. There is a 5k run and a 1 mile fun walk beginning at 8:30 a.m. The course will loop through the University of Pennsylvania campus starting and finishing at Penn Alexander. The 5k run will be chip timed. All proceeds will support the Art and Science program at Penn Alexander. For more information, go here. Note: The online registration with a discounted price is closed, but you can download paper a Registration Form and bring it to the event. Also you can support this event by making a donation at the provided link.
• Alumni & Friends of Samuel Powel Elementary and Powel Home and School Association are hosting a silent auction and fundraising event on Saturday, June 9, from 6 – 10 p.m. This adults-only event will take place at Art on the Avenue, 3808 Lancaster Ave.
This is a very important fundraiser for Powel, as they are trying to raise a substantial sum to buy new Science Kits and other instructional materials for their students and to support additional music classes. This event is for current and future Powel families, friends, alumni and anyone who wants to come out to support Powel school and bid on some great items from local businesses. Go here to order tickets, become an event sponsor or benefactor and see all the great items you can bid on.
Posted on 31 May 2012 by Mike Lyons

Several residents who live near 50th and Springfield are taking their complaints about the African Cultural Center (Facebook page), a banquet hall that hosts everything from baby showers to raucous late night dance parties, to police tonight.
Residents say they have been complaining to police, the Liquor Control Board and the District Attorney’s office for several months about problems of noise and public urination at the center, which sits between residential homes and the train bridge that crosses Springfield Avenue. The Center includes an 8,000-square-foot banquet hall, with a stage and sound system, and a 1,700-square-foot reception hall with bar, both of which are frequently rented out for large events. These events include biweekly parties that run from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m., require a $10 admission and include “tight security,” according to advertisements. Many of the large gatherings are organized by promoters who are not directly connected with the African Cultural Center.
Tonight some of these residents plan to take their complaints to a public forum at the Philadelphia Police Department’s 12th District headquarters at 6448 Woodland Ave. The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m.
Phone calls to the Center’s owner, Murphy Orji, were not returned.
Posted on 30 May 2012 by WPL
Health Center 3 at 43rd and Chester (across from Clark Park) is inviting friends and neighbors to participate in a Walk-A-Thon this Saturday, June 2, from 9 to 11 a.m. This fundraiser will benefit preventive health programs at HC3. The event also raises awareness about healthy eating and a more active lifestyle through walking. Adults and children of all fitness levels can participate, and even family dogs are welcome.
You can choose one of the two routes – a full lap or a short lap around Clark Park. The full lap around Clark Park B and C is approximately 1/3 mile. The short lap around the “Dog Bowl” in Clark Park B is approximately 1/5 mile.
Registration fee is $5-$20 on a sliding scale at a discretion of each participant and participants experiencing financial hardship can register for free. Non-participants can make a donation. To register or donate, please follow this link. For more information, check out the event’s Facebook page.
Posted on 30 May 2012 by Mike Lyons
A Girl Scouts information and registration meeting will be held tonight from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the St. Mary’s Nursery School, 3916 Locust Walk (near 40th and Locust on the Penn campus).
Girls entering 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grades are eligible. If you can’t make tonight’s meeting but want more info, write:
Janine Van Patten (2nd and 3rd graders) –
Amy Kwasnicki (3rd and 4th graders) –
Posted on 29 May 2012 by WPL

Reader April Carter has just sent us this photo of stormy skies above 44th and Larchwood. Wow, looks menacing!
Keep sending us your neighborhood photos at To see more photos, go here.
Posted on 29 May 2012 by WPL
Neighbor Tara is looking for a permanent home for her foster cat Lucky who has been living with her since last July. Lucky is a big kitty, around 16 lbs. He is an excellent mouser and spider killer, and he loves to play with the laser mouse and catnip fish. He wants company, not necessarily cuddling, but the same room is good. The same lap is better. A good scratch under his chin makes his day. He is quite a character and is very opinionated.
Lucky needs a very special owner. When he came to live with Tara he needed to learn that people wouldn’t hurt him. Sudden movements like reaching down to pet him on the head made him duck and cower. Anticipating being hit, he would come back fighting. For the first months Tara couldn’t pick him up. He would turn into an angry, yowling, hissing, critter. Now she can hold him on her shoulder and he purrs and gives kisses.
Lucky needs someone patient, kind but firm. He probably should not go into a house with other pets or young children. For the right person Lucky will be the perfect pet. He is about nine years old, has a recent rabies shot and is in good health. If you’re interested in adopting Lucky, please email Tara at:
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