
"West Philadelphia"

A Red-bellied Woodpecker sighting

Posted on 06 March 2012 by WPL

Neighbor Claire King spotted this female Red-bellied Woodpecker last week in her backyard on Regent Street.

Photo courtesy of Claire King.


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Annual Garage Sale and Tool Drive at West Philly Tool Library

Posted on 06 March 2012 by WPL

toolsOn Saturday, March 10, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. the West Philly Tool Library is holding its Fourth Annual Garage Sale and Tool Drive. Hundreds of tools will be on sale, most of them as cheap as $1.

The Tool Library also accepts donations, so if you have tools in your basement that you no longer need, especially power tools, bring them along. Note: donations to the Tool Library are tax-deductible.

Finally, this is a great opportunity to become a member or renew your membership. More information about the Tool Library membership can be found here.

The Tool Library is located in a warehouse at 1314 South 47th Street, just south of Woodland Avenue.

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Mariposa’s new store opening March 17

Posted on 05 March 2012 by WPL

Mariposa’s new store at 4824 Baltimore Ave. (Photo courtesy of

Exciting news is coming from Mariposa Food Co-op. Mariposa has announced that the new store at 4824 Baltimore Ave. will open on Saturday, March 17 at 10:00 a.m. The last day you can shop at their old location at 4726 Baltimore Avenue is this Wednesday, March 7.

Mariposa is also going to reveal a new official logo to go with their new store. The logo was designed by their member-worker Cecily Anderson of Anagramist Design. Look for it this week on Mariposa’s Facebook and Twitter pages and on their website later this week.

Stay tuned for more news about the new store opening.

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A foster rabbit available for adoption

Posted on 04 March 2012 by WPL

Mr. Twilight is pretty much the best bunny ever. He is:

–House-trained and VERY good with the litterbox
–Friendly and easy to handle
–Quiet and not much of a chewer
–Already neutered
–Very healthy and already had a vet checkup this year
–Very soft and his coat does not need brushing
–Young, less than a year old so you’ll have him for a long time!

He is a really special rabbit. He’s available through Luv-N-Bunns Rabbit Rescue ( and he’s at a foster home in University City. He would love to meet you! Please email Natalie at nhdavid86 [at] if you want to take this beautiful guy home.

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Missing orange tabby cat (with one eye). Update: Found!

Posted on 04 March 2012 by WPL

Update (03/06): The owner reports that Clawdius is back home.

An orange tabby named Clawdius has been missing since Thursday. He has one eye, so he is very distinctive. He has a tendency to wander into open basements. He frequents the backyards between Pine and Osage on the 4400 block.

If you have seen him, please call Susan at 267-307-5957.

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Found small brown dog (43rd & Osage) (updated with photo)

Posted on 03 March 2012 by WPL

This dog was found on February 26 on the corner of 43rd and Osage and still hasn’t been claimed. Please email: afuentes68 [at] to claim or with any tips.

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