
"West Philadelphia"

West Philly film project ‘MAYA’ reaches fundraising goal

Posted on 29 February 2012 by WPL

We are happy to report that West Philly-based independent film project “MAYA” has reached and even slightly exceeded its funding goal on Kickstarter and will begin shooting in the first week of April. Thanks to everyone who supported it!

The film’s director, Dan Papa, is very excited that they hit the goal and says that they can’t wait to start shooting. They are still casting for the male lead role and should have a decision on that within the next couple of weeks.

A couple of crew members are still needed for this project, so anyone interested please email Dan at danieljamespapa [at] Here‘s the film’s Facebook page.

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Enjoy Cooking with Cat Ladies, help stray cats in West Philly

Posted on 28 February 2012 by WPL

Here’s one delicious way to help stray cats and kittens in West Philadelphia. City Kitties, a local non-profit volunteer-run feline rescue organization, are bringing back their favorite fundraising event – Cooking with Cat Ladies. The event will take place the evening of Saturday, March 10, at a volunteer’s home.

The hostess, who is an extraordinary cook, will prepare a mouth-watering five-course feast for the event guests. A $50 ticket purchase reserves your seat at the table, where you will enjoy the dinner and the company of other City Kitties volunteers and cat lovers. The menu is not yet finalized, but it will be vegetarian with vegan and gluten-free options.

Seats are limited and City Kitties would like to fill up the table by this Thursday, March 1, so don’t delay in purchasing your ticket. To check out the menu and to reserve your seat, visit this page.

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Popsicle shop in the works on 44th Street in former Unitea space

Posted on 28 February 2012 by WPL

Vacant storefront at 265 S. 44th St.
(archive photo)

A popsicle shop is planning to open soon at 265 S. 44th Street in the vacant space formerly occupied by Unitea coffee & tea shop.

Local resident Jeanne Chang is going to open Lil’ Pop Shop in early April if licensing and inspections go as planned. Chang lives right around the corner from the shop and says she’s very excited about opening in West Philly. The shop is planning to sell artisan popsicles with rotating seasonal flavors using local dairy and produce. We’ll keep you posted on the progress.

This part of 44th street features three other businesses – Tampopo, Local 44 and recently opened Honest Tom’s Taco Shop.

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Corgi-Basset Hound mix missing from 43rd & Osage. Update: Found!

Posted on 27 February 2012 by WPL

This dog went missing today around 2:00 p.m. He escaped from his backyard at 43rd & Osage. If you have seen him, please call 267 253 6014. The owner says that he is very kind and friendly, a good companion for the last seven years.

NOTE: This dog is not the same one that was found earlier today at 43rd & Osage.

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What’s On Your Plate? screening tonight at The Rotunda

Posted on 27 February 2012 by WPL

Where does the food we eat come from? Two 11-year-olds are trying to find the answer to this question in a provocative and witty documentary about kids and food politics. What’s On Your Plate? is screening tonight at 6:30 p.m. at The Rotunda (4014 Walnut Street). Two girls, Sadie and Safiyah, take a close look at food systems in New York City and its surrounding areas. With the camera as their companion, the kids visit supermarkets, fast food chains, school lunchrooms and talk to their families, food activists, farmers, and the viewer in their quest to understand what’s on all our plates.

The film screening is part of monthly Food Justice Movie Night presented by The Agatston Urban Nutrition Initiative (AUNI). A free dinner and discussion about the food system in urban areas begin at 6 p.m.

Here’s the film’s trailer:

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Lost white Persian cat (43rd & Osage)

Posted on 25 February 2012 by WPL

Very friendly Ferdinand has not been seen since early last weekend, and his family is very worried about him. If you have seen him, or picked him up thinking he was lost, please contact Daphne at 917 687 6428. Ferdinand knows his block well, and has never been off the premises for more than a few hours.

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