Posted on 25 February 2012 by WPL
Neighbor Margie is looking for a foster home for her kitten Perry:
“In early January, during our first cold spell, I rescued a mother and 3 kittens from under a porch on 49th St. The mother and two of the kittens are in stable situations (one kitten is adopted, another possibly adopted).
Unfortunately, the third kitten, Perry, has a mild physical condition that requires some extra care. He has been with a cat rescue friend the last two weeks (while I was away), but she can’t keep him past tomorrow. I really can’t have him back in my place! My old cats (19 and 14 years old) won’t tolerate him. They are so glad that I’m back, and are spending a lot of time with me. I’d hate to lock them out of the office (I work at home). Also, it’s very hard for me to work with Perry in the office and he only wants to play; I really don’t have anywhere else he could be.
Would you consider fostering Perry? It would only likely be for a couple of weeks. He would love to have a cat(s) to play with, and he is okay with dogs. He behaves totally normal and has lots of energy. He is a purr machine! He needs to have his butt wiped twice a day, and should eat soft canned food mixed with water and fish oil (which I would provide) to keep his stools loose, and can’t use clay litter. He has been neutered and had his first round of shots. Would anyone here like to have adorable Perry in their lives for a short while? I would SOOO appreciate it.”
If you would like to foster Perry, please contact Margie at: margie [at] or 267 275 7010.
Posted on 24 February 2012 by WPL
West Philadelphia Catholic High School erupted into celebration earlier today when the Archdiocese of Philadelphia announced that it would not close as expected.
The school, which was put on the Philadelphia Archdiocese closing list in early January and was supposed to shut down in June, will stay open after today’s announcement by Archbishop Charles Chaput, NBC reports. All four Catholic high schools on the closing list will remain open. Chaput said that the community support was substantial after the January announcement and that the cash pledges and donations to keep the schools open reached $12 million. The plan is to raise $100 million in five years to keep all four Catholic high schools open.
Posted on 24 February 2012 by WPL
After six years of operation, Wake Up Yoga is closing its West Philly location at 49th & Baltimore. The announcement was posted on their website and Facebook page. The studio will be staying open through April 17 when the last class will be taught.
To read the announcement click here.
Wake Up Yoga has two other locations – in Fairmount and South Philadelphia.
Posted on 23 February 2012 by WPL
Update (2/24): Rosie appeared at her apartment door (inside her apartment building!) early Friday morning. She was limping, but otherwise doing okay.
Neighbor Suzanne is looking for her dog Rosie (pictured) who was attacked by another dog last night and escaped during the fight. Rosie was seen by campus police near her home at 42nd & Baltimore, but got scared and ran north-west, then was seen around 44th & Locust, at about 10:15 a.m.
Rosie was injured during the fight (not known to what extent) and her collar came off when she was attacked. She is microchipped.
Please report any sightings to Suzanne at 202 812 2837.
Posted on 23 February 2012 by WPL

Fire at Spring Garden & Budd. (Photo by Scott Buchanan)
Reader Scott Buchanan emailed us with this information:
“…On Monday (Feb. 20) the house at Spring Garden & Budd Street (in West Powelton) burned out. The one resident, an older gentleman named Victor Martinez, had been living there for 14 years but now has no place to go. He’s able to stay at the Red Cross Home through Friday, but he doesn’t have any family and is on a very limited income, which is making finding a new residence extremely difficult.
Another neighbor (Sarah Esposito) and I have been trying to organize the neighbors to help get him afoot again.”
Scott and Sarah have set up this page where you can donate money to help Victor:
Posted on 22 February 2012 by WPL
Il Rimedio, a restaurant that will offer “modern northern Italian cuisine,” will replace the once popular Rx at 45th and Spruce, where the brunch used to be worth waiting in line for on a Sunday. After about four weeks of displaying the sign “Closed tonight due to technical difficulties,” a new notice appeared on Rx restaurant’s door today (see below). As many locals suspected, the restaurant is changing hands. The Rx name, which opened under new ownership in 2010, played off the pharmacy that was previously located in the space. For those whose Italian is a little rusty, Il Rimedio translates as “the remedy.” Let’s hope so.
Stay tuned for more information on the new restaurant and its owners.

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