
"West Philadelphia"

Subway franchise eyes Baltimore Ave location

Posted on 07 December 2011 by Mike Lyons

Former Pickles & Pies storefront. (Photo West Philly Local)

A deal is in the works to bring a Subway franchise to 4533 Baltimore Ave., the former site of Pickles and Pies. Franchise representatives reportedly shared plans with members of the Spruce Hill Community Association last night.

No zoning variance is required for the location, but there is a Zoning Board of Adjustment hearing scheduled for December.

Barry Grossbach, who handles zoning issues for the Spruce Hill Community Association,  said that the Subway franchise has applied for a takeout certificate, which is required of any restaurant. The Subway will likely have limited seating.

“Our zoning committee is still discussing the application for a take out certificate,” said Grossbach by e-mail. “[A zoning hearing] is scheduled for December 21st. We expect to have a decision before then.”

The zoning hearing will likely be at the regular ZBA spot – 1515 Arch St., 18th Fl.

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RENT School Edition playing at The Rotunda

Posted on 07 December 2011 by WPL

Rent School Edition logoReminder: Locally produced musical RENT: School Edition is playing at The Rotunda (4014 Walnut Street) through December 23. The producers and high school students cast in the show have done an amazing job. There are eight shows remaining: Saturday Dec. 10 @1 p.m., Sunday Dec. 11 @1 p.m., Sunday Dec. 11 @7 .pm., Saturday Dec. 17 @1 p.m., Sunday Dec. 18 @1 p.m., Sunday Dec. 18 @7 p.m., Thursday Dec. 22 @7 p.m., and Friday Dec. 23 @3 p.m.

Tickets are $10 ($5 for under 18, college students w/ ID, and senior citizens). To buy tickets go here.

Here’s a story in City Paper on this project, and here are some scenes from the show:

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News briefs: Trolley Car eyes West Philly; Choosing Lea; and Stanford Thompson plays on

Posted on 07 December 2011 by Mike Lyons

The Trolley Car Diner location on Germantown Ave. in Mount Airy. (Photo courtesy of Diner History blog.)

Trolley Car Diner eyes West Philly

Newsworks is reporting that the Mount Airy-based Trolley Car Diner, which also has a location in East Falls, is considering opening a spot in West Philly. Trolley Car’s owner, Ken Weinstein, told Newsworks that the University City District came to him about opening a location in University City. “University City District approached us probably six months ago and asked if we were interested,” Weinstein told Newsworks. “I thought that the University City area would be a good match.” Weinstein said he is considering a spot that would include outdoor seating, but that one has not yet been chosen.

Why I Chose Lea

West Philly resident David Hincher and his family were featured this week in Philadelphia Inquirer columnist Miriam Hill’s “Raising Philadelphia” column. Hincher’s essay details why he plans to send his daughter to the Henry C. Lea School (47th and Locust). He writes:

“The collective hope of all those hundreds of other parents in our area all in the same situation we are in, all working together to find a solution, and improve one school, has soothed that old public school issue panic like a strange balm. For the first time in years, my wife and I are in agreement and will likely apply for a voluntary transfer for our daughter to Lea Elementary when the time comes.”

Play on, Stanford

West Philadelphia resident Stanford Thompson, the man behind the venture Play On, Philly, was profiled this week in the Inquirer. The story reveals his passion of bringing orchestral music to schools in the city. He is currently working at Saint Francis de Sales (4625 Springfield Ave.) and plans to bring the program to the Lea School in January. He hopes to have 10 programs running throughout the city by 2020. He tells Inquirer music critic Peter Dobrin in the piece:

“To be completely honest, I’ve always been obsessed with the – how do I say this? – the lack of engagement of underserved communities. I consider myself to be among the communities I see in West Philadelphia and North Philadelphia and South Philadelphia, and I sit on the trolley and I think: All of those kids could fall in love with the orchestra. I fell in love with it, they can fall in love with it – if we give these kids the opportunity.”


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PIC’s First Annual Toy Swap this Saturday

Posted on 06 December 2011 by WPL

The Parent Infant Center (4205 Spruce Street) is organizing its first Annual Toy Swap this Saturday, Dec. 10, from 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

How does it work? You can exchange your new or gently used toys for tickets to “buy” other toys of similar value, OR you can buy tickets at the door on the day of the event.

What kinds of toys? All toys and games for children, including sporting equipment, are accepted. No books, please.

What are the expected conditions of the toys? Only new or gently used items are accepted. All toy sets and games are expected to be complete and in appropriate containers (original boxes or see-through containers). Only the following “singles” from a set are accepted: vehicles, dolls, balls, wooden train tracks and Legos or Duplos.

When and where can I drop off my toys? Toys will be accepted on Friday, Dec. 9 between 3:00 and 6:00 p.m. and on Saturday at 9:00 a.m. at PIC’s small gym.

If you have questions or if you’d like to volunteer at the event, please contact Clara Flores at: clara.flores.studio34 [at]

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Developers unveil plans to renovate squatters’ paradise at 49th and Locust

Posted on 06 December 2011 by Mike Lyons

An artistic rendering of the renovated Croydon building at 49th and Locust.

Developers unveiled plans to community members last night to transform the squatters’ paradise at 49th and Locust, the Croydon Building, into a 127-unit apartment building.

The Croydon has been an eyesore rising to the west of the West Philadelphia High School football field for years and was the site of 2007 murder. Extensive renovation work on the building, budgeted at about $10 million, could begin as early as late winter. The developers, the West Philly based Orens Brothers, still must get zoning approval, which is expected in January. Orens Brothers bought the building in July.

About a dozen community members perused plans last night during a public meeting at the Community College of Philadelphia’s West Regional Center at 48th and Chestnut. The renovation will include street lighting around the building, which will help light up the section of Locust Street on the building’s north side. Orens Brothers is interested in renovating the small blighted playground adjacent to the Croydon at the corner of 49th and Spruce, possibly turning it into a community garden. The School District of Philadelphia currently owns that piece of land.

“If we’re going to make the Croydon look like this,” said Scott Orens, pointing to an artistic rendering of the renovated building. “We don’t want something next to it looking like that.”

The renovated building will include one-, two- and three bedroom apartments and the market-rate rents will range from about $600 for a small one-bedroom to $1,300 for a three-bedroom. Amenities will include a 24-hour door person.

Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell has supported the Orens Brothers’ efforts to acquire the building, which should help facilitate the zoning process.

“I really don’t think we could have asked for a better organization to do this,” she said.

One resident, who lives on St. Bernard Street, voiced some concern about Orens Brothers’ plans to acquire the city-owned parking lot on the south side of Spruce Street to use for Croydon parking. She is worried that the cars parked in the lot during services at nearby churches will be forced to park on St. Bernard, which she says won’t be able to handle the additional traffic.

Orens Brothers sought to acquire the lot after community members during a meeting over the summer said they were concerned about the possible influx of cars that might accompany the renovation of the Croydon.

The Croydon has a checkered history. Known by squatters as “Paradise City,” the building’s rooftop was the site of a murder in 2007 after a squabble between two squatters. The school district was also briefly interested in acquiring the building as a site for the new West Philadelphia High School, but instead built on a nearby site at 49th and Chestnut.


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Free CPR classes on Lancaster

Posted on 05 December 2011 by WPL

Registration is now open for free “Family and Friends” CPR classes that will be held January 14, 2 – 4 p.m. at the New Africa Center (4243 Lancaster Ave.). This free training is being offered in hope of serving the surrounding community better and has a message that if more people knew CPR, more lives could be saved. The event is co-sponsored by Islamic Cultural Preservation and Information Council.

To register please call 215-222-0520 or 888-739-2234.

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