
"West Philadelphia"

Lost beagle. Update: Found!

Posted on 09 November 2011 by WPL

A small female beagle was lost at 4:15 p.m. She is possibly injured. She was attacked by an unleashed dog at 47th and Osage and took off down Osage. She is wearing a leash. If you’ve seen this dog please contact Maureen at: prewitt[at]

Note: This is not Mitsi, the beagle who’s been lost for three weeks now.

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Last weekend of Curio’s Eurydice

Posted on 09 November 2011 by WPL

There are only three performances of Curio Theatre‘s Eurydice left. This Thursday, Friday and Saturday are your last three chances to see this fabulous, critically acclaimed play. Tickets are $15-20 and can be purchased here. All performances begin at 8 p.m.

Eurydice at Curio Theatre

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Mariposa hiring again

Posted on 09 November 2011 by WPL

Mariposa - New BuildingMariposa Food Co-op is expanding into a space five times bigger than its current location and needs more help. Currently, the store is hiring for part-time cashier positions and also looking for an intern starting this winter.

The cashiering position is hourly based and includes benefits. For more information and to apply please go to this page.

Mariposa Food Co-op is also looking for an energetic self-starter seeking professional experience in membership management and communications to help open their new food co-op. This position is unpaid, but includes some perks. For more information and to apply for this position please go here.

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Just another murder?

Posted on 08 November 2011 by WPL

The following commentary is in response to a fatal shooting early Saturday morning near 49th and Springfield. The author, Renee Tapp, is concerned about the horrific crime and what she perceives as apathy among residents.

On Friday night I awoke to guns shots and by the time I looked out of my bedroom window, a crime scene had been established by the police. After reaching out to the community through West Philly Local about the constant violence occurring on the Springfield corridor, I was shocked by the lack of interest or response from the readership of this blog.

It is my concern that this neighborhood is only interested in crime that happens to members of the community. At this time, I understand there is only a limited amount of information to share, however I worry that the readership has been able to dismiss this crime because the victim wasn’t from our neighborhood. For me, it does not matter where the victim is from, but rather someone perceived our neighborhood as an acceptable place to commit murder.

A human being was killed outside my house on Friday. Either direction on Springfield Ave resonates with the aftermath of a tragedy. As November begins, I am forced to ask, how much has changed since the rape and robbery near Springfield in September? I do not feel more safe now than I did then.

I would hope that the problem solving that has been so prominent on the blog in the last few days addressing non-crime issues, such as dogs off leash, can extend to addressing the on-going crime in our community. Or perhaps, we should continue to ignore these persistent problems until it is one of us, and then feign shock at how this could possibly be.

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Shooting victim at 49th and Springfield identified as murder suspect

Posted on 08 November 2011 by Mike Lyons

Maki Thomas (Photo from ABC6 website).

UPDATE: A commenter helped clarify this story. A jury found Thomas not guilty of the murder charge on Sept. 13, which explains why he was free. We should have done a little more homework before we speculated on that.

Police say the man fatally shot near 49th and Springfield early Saturday morning was 26-year-old Maki Thomas, who was arrested last year in connection with a 2001 murder.

Thomas, who was connected with home addresses in the Overbrook section and the 4100 block of Cambridge St., reportedly called police on a cell phone at about 1:10 a.m. after he had been shot in the head and neck. Police arrived to find Thomas unconscious at the wheel of a Nissan Maxima, which was still running. He was pronounced dead at 1:23 a.m.

Thomas was arrested in April 2010 in connection with the March 2001 murder of Quentin Armstrong in front of a deli at 52nd and Warrington. Police had been looking for Thomas for years and almost had him in 2009 when he used his real name to check into a Haverford medical facility to reportedly get a gunshot wound treated. He fled before police arrived.

Police caught Thomas when he was detained at an Atlantic City casino for trying to pass counterfeit bills.

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Parrot found near 47th and Larchwood

Posted on 05 November 2011 by WPL

A parrot was found on the 4700 block of Larchwood Ave. on Friday. If you think this is your pet please call 215-221-2129 with description.

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