Posted on 04 April 2011 by Mike Lyons
This note has been passed around the neighborhoods by e-mail yesterday and today and we thought we should pass it along:
Our dog was viciously mauled late this afternoon. The dog that attacked (a big, dark, brindle pit bull terrier) was tied up outside Salt and Pepper at 47th and Chester, but broke its leash, raced across the street and attacked our dog. As we wait to learn about the extent of his injuries from the good folks at PennVet, I wanted to warn everyone to be especially cautious, especially those with small children and animals. Thanks to the kindness of a few strangers the police have identified the owner. Please be careful.
Posted on 04 April 2011 by Mike Lyons
Writer Ann L. Rappoport has discovered and written about a well-kept secret in West Philly: The bathrooms at The Restaurant School at Walnut Hill College (4207 Walnut St.). They are pretty magnificent.
Rappoport writes in today’s Phialdelphia Inquirer:
Entering it through the bar in the school’s international restaurant, I was greeted by hundreds of antique perfume bottles. Vintage ladies’ hats and beaded bags commanded notice, posed on vintage hat racks suspended from the walls and ceiling, which also host over-the-top sconces and chandeliers. Lace and feathered boas drape the stalls, recalling at least the French Quarter of the Big Easy, if not Paris itself. Somebody had a blast putting this together.
College president Danny Liberatoscioli had the initial idea to make awesome bathrooms to compliment the school’s restaurants.
“We’ve got this thing for restrooms here,” he told Rappoport.
Posted on 03 April 2011 by Mike Lyons

Click to enlarge.
If you are interested in or concerned about the planning process in West Philly or elsewhere in the city, then you should check out the courses offered by the Citizen Planning Institute aimed at helping residents learn the planning process. The institute is an outreach arm of the Philadelphia City Planning Commission.
The one-off evening classes begin April 25. The “core” courses include:
• The BIG Picture: Planning in the City, April 25
• Land Use and Zoning 101, May 5
• The Development Process: Nuts and Bolts, May 9
The cost for all three sessions combined is $30. Completion of the core allows residents to participate in “elective” courses on commercial development, public transport and healthy communities and environmental justice.
The deadline for applying for courses is April 8.
The application is available here in the column on the right side of the screen.
Posted on 02 April 2011 by Mike Lyons
Demolition crews knocked down the last couple of walls at the Windermere Court Apartments at 48th and Walnut Streets on Saturday. Fire devastated the building on January 10 and led to a protracted battle between residents, the building’s owners and the city. A class action lawsuit against the building’s owners, David and Sam Ginsberg, was filed in February.
There has been no announcement about plans for the half-block lot where the buildings once stood.

A member of the demolition crew watches as two excavators finish off the Windermere Court building at 48th and Walnut on Saturday.
Posted on 02 April 2011 by Mike Lyons
West Philly residents fanned out across the neighborhoods today to pick up trash, rake leaves and sticks and even clean up a stop sign or two as part of the spring cleanup activities around the city.

Cleaning a stop sign at 45th and Osage.

A helping hand at Cedar Park.
Posted on 22 March 2011 by Mike Lyons

The West Philly Tool Library is hiring a part-time tool coordinator. The job hours are from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturdays and occasional weekday nights.
Here are the job responsibilities (from an e-mail from the Tool Library):
• Maintaining and basic repair of tools
• Keeping the Tool Library organized and clean
• Accepting tool donations
• Checking tools in and out to members of the community
• Collecting late fees
• Performing simple bookkeeping
• Maintaining computer database that tracks tool use and member information
• Promoting the Tool Library and recruiting volunteers
• Communicating with the Steering Committee about areas for improvements
And here are the requirements:
• Basic knowledge of tools with a desire to learn more (strong knowledge of tools preferred)
• High level of organization
• Attention to detail
• Excellent communication skills
• Commitment to promoting community in West and Southwest Philly
This position pays $12.00 per hour. They are looking for someone who is committed to the project and reliable about running the Tool Library. They hope to hire for this position as soon as possible.
Please send your cover letter and resume to the attention of Michael Froehlich at info – at – or by mail to West Philly Tool Library, 4620 Woodland Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19143. Women and people of color are encouraged to apply.
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