
"West Philadelphia"

Power restored along Spruce, 43rd to 45th

Posted on 28 January 2011 by Mike Lyons

power lines
Temporary power lines supplying electricity to University Mews at 45th and Spruce, one of several buildings along Spruce Street that was without power on Thursday.

PECO crews worked into Friday night to finally restore full power to about 800 residents along Spruce Street between 43rd and 45th Streets. The outage began early Thursday morning when a Philadelphia Gas Works crew reportedly looking for a leak accidentally severed a power line that powered several buildings along Spruce Street. Power remained out to most residents through late Thursday.

Residents of University Mews at 45th and Spruce got full power back late on Friday thanks to two large generators placed along 45th Street near Spruce. The switch from generators to full power was completed at 9:06 on Friday.

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West Philly’s Four Worlds Bakery featured on NBC

Posted on 28 January 2011 by Mike Lyons

In case you missed this …West Philly’s very own local bakery, Four Worlds Bakery (4634 Woodland Ave.), was featured on NBC10 earlier this week. This place takes the cake, as it were. We picked up three baguettes here the other day for a fondu shindig and they were very, very good. Enjoy.

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That snow isn’t all misery…

Posted on 28 January 2011 by Mike Lyons

While many of us were slogging through the snow a lot of folks were over at Clark Park having fun. If you know people in the pictures, leave a comment below. We’re trying to put names to faces. Send us your storm photos and we’ll try to get them up on the site – editor – at – .

– Mike

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Governor asks for aid for Windermere fire victims

Posted on 26 January 2011 by Mike Lyons

Here is some potentially good news for victims of the fire at Windermere Court Apartments.

Governor Tom Corbett has called upon the Small Business Administration to declare Philadelphia a disaster area so that low-interest loans can be made available to victims.

“The apartment building was home to students, families and retirees who now have nothing left. In order to help these victims recover from this disaster, I have asked the federal Small Business Administration to make low-interest disaster loans available to help replace lost and damaged property,” Corbett said in a statement issued yesterday. “I urge the SBA to take prompt action on this request.”

If Corbett’s request is granted, the SBA would make low interest, long-term loans available of up to $40,000 to replace personal property. The loans are based on each applicant’s financial qualifications.

The question that will likely arise for many made homeless by the fire is their status on the lease. We had heard that some residents were not listed on leases and we are still trying to figure out how that would affect their eligibility for a loan or other aid.

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Film screenings tonight in West Philly

Posted on 25 January 2011 by Mike Lyons

Two film screenings are on tap tonight in the hood.

Entrapment or Foiling Terror? • 7 p.m. • Calvary Center for Community and Culture • 801 S. 48th St. • Free

Journalists Anjali Kamat and Petra Bartosiewicz tell the stories of Muslim communities in New York and New Jersey grappling with increased law enforcement scrutiny chalked up to the “War on Terror.” Specifically, they detail three cases, including the “Newburgh Four,” four men accused of bombing a community center in Newburgh, New York. The cases question the FBI’s use of paid informants in conducting the investigations of “homegrown terror.”

Exit Through the Gift Shop • 8:30 p.m. • Dock Street Brewing Co. • 701 S. 50th St. • Free

A Los Angeles immigrant turned street artist … OK I could write a lot about this film and not do it justice. Go see it. Here’s a preview:

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The kindergarten queue

Posted on 25 January 2011 by Mike Lyons

We’re not sure whether to laugh or cry after this ABC6 story about parents braving frigid temps to get their kids into Penn Alexander’s kindergarten, which is capped at 50 students. We’re happy that such a school exists (full disclosure: we have a child there) and that parents care so much about their child’s education, but we’re sad that they are so scared of the alternatives that they feel they have to sleep outside on the coldest night of the year to get in.

This kind of stand-in-line, first-come-first-serve enrollment system obviously isn’t sustainable. Penn Alexander, which prides itself on small classes, is filling up quick in the lower grades as parents move to the neighborhood (some before they even have children) looking for the Holy Grail of a nice urban neighborhood and a good public school.

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