Posted on 12 January 2011 by Mike Lyons
Cool photo from Clark Park at sunrise this morning. This is from the Clark Park twitter feed @clarkpark. The slopes, at least as we define them in West Philly, are indeed open. Schools are not.

- Clark Park at sunrise on Wednesday. (Photo from @clarkpark. See the original here.)
Posted on 11 January 2011 by Mike Lyons
Trash collection and snow removal
The City of Philadelphia announced that trash and recycling collection will be suspended tomorrow in anticipation of the heavy snow tonight. Folks who have Wednesday pick-up should put their stuff out for Thursday pick-up. The rest of the week will be on a one-day delay. There will also be no rear driveway collection. If you normally place it in a rear driveway, place it on the curb instead.
Also, there’s the new shoveling law that requires clearing at least a 36-inch path on sidewalks within six hours of the end of the storm. Doubt anyone will be measuring, but just sayin’.
Philadelphia public schools are closed Wednesday. The School Reform Commission meeting scheduled for 2 p.m. has also been canceled. The Parent Infant Center is open.
Posted on 11 January 2011 by Mike Lyons
At least three or four surviving cats have been pulled from apartments devastated by fire yesterday at Windermere Court Apartments. The feline aid organization City Kitties is offering help to pet owners whose cats survived the fire. The West Philadelphia-based organization has established an emergency fund for boarding, pet sitting, follow-up veterinary care, food, litter, carriers, and other basic needs.
For those affected by the fire, a form is available here to apply for funds. That same link provides a Pay Pal button for those who want to donate to the fund.
They write:
“We will not be able to write checks directly to victims, but will be able to purchase supplies for you, reimburse expenses, or pay vendors directly (veterinarians, boarding facilities, etc) up to a specific amount.”
Many residents were able to take their pets with them when they evacuated, but don’t have a place for them now. The PSPCA is housing many of those and the vet hospital at Penn is providing free medical care.
Posted on 11 January 2011 by Mike Lyons
Posted on 11 January 2011 by Mike Lyons

12:25 p.m.: We just stopped by the Salvation Army center at 5501 Market St. and confirmed that they are accepting donations of clothing and other household items. The entrance to the center is on Arch St. They are open until 4 p.m. today and open at 9 a.m.
11:03 a.m.: We just heard that the Salvation Army center at 5501 Market St. is accepting donations of anything accept furniture. We are trying to confirm that. Their phone number is 215-474-1010.
10:35 a.m.: We just got off the phone with the Red Cross and the Salvation Army. The Red Cross, again, suggested making donations at their website and urged people NOT to bring cash to the shelter at the Locke School at 46th and Haverford. The Salvation Army will issue vouchers to victims to shop for clothing at the Salvation Army Thrift Store (likely the one at 2140 Market). The person at the Salvation Army headquarters suggested dropping off clothes there. We’re now told that the best place to drop off donations is at the Salvation Army Center at 5501 Market St.
9:10 a.m.: We just returned from the fire scene. Firefighters are still spraying the northeast corner of the building. A firefighter we talked to said it would probably be “a couple of days” before residents will be allowed back in their homes to retrieve belongings. The heaviest damage seems to be the northwest corner of the building, where at least two floors are destroyed. That’s where the fire was heaviest when we arrived yesterday about 3:45 p.m. It spread east from there.
Just a reminder that West Philadelphia High School and Henry C. Lea Elementary are both closed today in the aftermath of the fire yesterday at the Windermere Court
Apartments complex at 48th and Walnut Streets. Also, SEPTA has rerouted the 21, 31 and 64 buses around the scene. We’re still trying to track down the exact detour route and we will post here when the routes are restored.
Many victims of the fire, which displaced folks from 89 apartments, are staying at an emergency shelter set up at the Locke School at 46th and Haverford. Red Cross workers will provide counseling and services there this morning, including the passing out of emergency debit cards. Red Cross Philly has asked those who want to help to donate money at its website.
Given what has happened in the past here with big fires, though, we suspect there might be some help organized in the neighborhood. Please let us know in the “comments” if you hear of anything.
We will continue to update this story as details come in so check back and send us any info you want to share with neighbors to editor – at –
Here’s a banner running at the Red Cross website (click to enlarge):

Posted on 10 January 2011 by Mike Lyons
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