
"West Philadelphia"

Mall schmall: Shop at home for the holidays

Posted on 10 December 2010 by Mike Lyons

We know. The easy thing to do is get some kind of worthless small appliance for your uncle or your in-laws. Maybe even two if they are on sale. Stay strong. Help is on the way.

We suggest: one sweet West Philly hoodie from Vix Emporium, two gift sets from Dock Street, three books from Bindlestiff, four meals from Desi Chaat House, five Green Line mugs, six Studio 34 Pilates classes, seven Community Acupunctures, eight Four Worlds loaves, nine Younglove’s purses…

OK, lame. But you get the point. There are lots of great, affordable, unique gift ideas around the neighborhoods. In addition to the shops above and a bunch of others, a couple of holiday fairs are also going on this weekend:

Second Saturday Holiday Craft Sale • Saturday, Dec. 11, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. • The Rotunda • 4014 Walnut St.

This is a big one. It includes more than 30 local vendors with local goods.

Holiday Craft Sale University City Arts League • 4226 Spruce Street • Saturday – 6 p.m.-9 p.m., Monday-Friday, 3 p.m.-9 p.m.

Several local artists will have jewelry, pottery, handwoven clothing, handmade cards and a bunch of other amazing stuff for sale.

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Preservation Hall Jazz Band tonight: Hot jazz on a cold night

Posted on 10 December 2010 by Mike Lyons

Tonight is a good chance to hear some great music in a nice venue at a great price – if you live in West Philly and can prove it.  The Preservation Hall Jazz Band, a New Orleans staple, is playing tonight at 8 p.m. at the Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts‘ Zellerbach Theater (3680 Walnut St.)

The band is performing its “Creole Christmas” show, which is always a hot draw in New Orleans. If that weren’t enough enticement, tickets are only $10 if you have ID showing that you live in one of the following zip codes:  19104, 19131, 19139, 19142, 19143, 19151 and 19153. The ticket price is part of the West Philly Rush Hour Program.

Tickets are available two hours before the show for one hour. So tickets for tonight’s show are available from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. You can only buy them at the Center box office and a limited number are available on a first-come-first-serve basis. The seats will be located throughout the venue at the management’s discretion. Up to two tickets are available per person and the purchaser must show a valid driver’s license or non-driver’s license ID that shows the zip code.

Here’s a tase of the band – in Rotterdam no less:

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West Philly Friday

Posted on 10 December 2010 by Mike Lyons

A sampling of things going on around the hoods today. There may be more in the happenings section (our ever-expanding listings). Send your listings to editor [at]

Bell & The Bees/Kevin James Holland/Uke Ellington • 7 p.m. • Green Line Cafe • 4426 Locust St. • Cover: $5-10, sliding scale. • All ages
Here’s Uke Ellington with a nice little take on the Jackson 5:

Members-only sneak preview • 7 p.m.-10 p.m. • University City Arts League • 4226 Spruce St.

UC Arts League members get a sneak preview of the handcrafted items up for sale in the annual Holiday Craft Show and Sale. The show is open to the general public on Saturday from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. and then again Monday through Friday 3 p.m. to 9 p.m.

The Philadelphia Science Fiction Society presents fantasy novelist Ellen Kushner • 9 p.m. • The Rotunda • 4014 Walnut St. • Free

Ellen Kushner is a writer of fantasy novels and the host of the radio program Sound & Spirit, produced by WGBH in Boston and distributed by Public Radio International.

Emil Baumann: Return To The Future exhibition opens today at the Second Floor Gallery • 6 p.m.-9 p.m. • 3809 Pearl Street

Emil Baumann’s present body of work and his exploration of yet another dimension of painting: Still Life. Also on display, Emil Baumann’s recent ceramic art. The exhibition will run Dec 10-Dec 23. For more information call: 215-382-1541.

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Today in West Philly

Posted on 09 December 2010 by Mike Lyons

A sampling of things going on around the hoods today. There may be more in the happenings section (our ever-expanding listings). Send your listings to editor [at]

Snow Caps CD Release Party/Kate Ferencz and The Chairman Dances • 7 p.m. • Green Line Cafe • 4426 Locust St. • Cover: $5-7 sliding scale.

Snow Caps is Andrew Keller. Here he is performing in Tulsa in 2009

“Baby Bird” by Andrew Keller (a.k.a. Snowcaps) from Taryn Jones on Vimeo.

WPEB Programming meeting • 6:30 p.m. • WPEB studios • 541b S. 52nd St.

Check out West Philly’s FM station here.

Books Through Bars 20th Anniversary Film Festival • 7: 30 p.m. • Cindergarden • 4823 Baltimore Ave. • Suggested donation $3-5.

Books Through Bars’ film festival continues tonight with the theme Immigration Detention: The Racialized Face of U.S. Incarceration. Mia-lia Kiernan, a Cambodian Community Organizer, will introduce the three films. See the full schedule and a description of the films here.

Andrew’s Video Vault at The Rotunda • 8 p.m. • The Rotunda • 4014 Walnut St. • Free

This month installment of A.R. McElhinney‘s movie madness features:

Before I Forget [aka, Avant que j’oublie] (2007 / 108 minutes) In one of the great movies of the last decade Jacques Nolot writes, directs and stars as a gay man adjusting to his lover’s death, advancing age, and his failing body.

Poison (1990 / 85 minutes)  Todd Haynes’ masterful first feature is inspired by the writings of Jean Genet and propelled by Haynes’ own unique sense of collage.

The Meatrack
(1970 / 65 minutes)  A young boy grows up to be a hustler in this time capsule of a more carefree and groovy era.

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City releases plan to green-up blighted land, a few West Philly parcels

Posted on 08 December 2010 by Mike Lyons

City and private planning officials last night unveiled an “action plan” to turn 500 acres of vacant lots, desolate schoolyards and derelict parks into revitalized green space.

Green2015: An Action Plan for the First 500 Acres is the result of cooperation between the city and PennPraxis, the hands-on branch of the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Design. It’s ambitious and expensive, although the city maintains that the costs will be kept low thanks to private and community partnerships and the fact that many of the sites under consideration will be relatively easy to green-up.

The idea is to create green space where there isn’t much, particularly for the 200,000 or so Philadelphians who live further than a 10-minute walk from a public park. A caveat: These spaces won’t necessarily be turned into “parks.” Some will be spruced up school playgrounds, for example. Many are an acre or less.

The city is inviting citizen feedback here.

Here are some “opportunity sites” in West Philly that the plan mentions:

Walnut Hill Community Park and Farm (pictured left). This project on a quarter-acre lot near 46th and Market is actually already underway and will include a pocket park and an urban garden (p. 79).
• Like the Walnut Hill location, Penn Park, a 24-acre site near 30th and Walnut, is part of the “first 100 acres” where work has already begun.
Garden Court – the tennis courts and the community garden. (p. 81)
48th and Woodland playground, near the Kingsessing Rec Center (p. 81)
4716 Baltimore Ave (p. 84)
5302 Lindbergh Blvd. (a 17-acre city-owned plot).
• The schoolyard at University City High School/Drew Elementary (p. 88)
4601 Market – The Provident Mutual site (p. 95)
If you’re up for it, here’s the plan in full:

Green 2015

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Shout out to Honest Tom

Posted on 07 December 2010 by Mike Lyons

Tom McCusker makes some damn fine tacos and now Channel 10 knows it too. Oooo, and he wants to make and bottle his own hot sauce. Bring it on Honest Tom.

View more news videos at:

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