Posted on 19 November 2010 by WPL
A teenage would-be robber was twice chased off by potential victims earlier this week near 47th and Baltimore, the Metro reports. A 38-year-old man told police that a young man approached him at about 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday armed with a knife and demanded money. After being punch in the face, the victim responded by brandishing Mace.
About 10 minutes later a woman reported that a young man approached her near 46th and Hazel and demanded money and her cell phone. She refused. The man fled after saying, “You’re lucky you’re a f—— female.”
Posted on 18 November 2010 by WPL
If you have ever had a tinge of regret after hearing about a show at the Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts that you would love to see but couldn’t afford, then you should read on.
The West Philly Rush Hour program makes a limited number of $10 tickets available two hours before every show (except the Dance Celebration performances) to West Philadelphians. The tickets will be available at the Center’s box office two hours before each show for one hour. So, for example, if a show starts 8 p.m., then tickets will be on sale from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Tickets are available on a first come-first serve basis and they only can be purchased in person. There is a two-ticket maximum. Seating will be located throughout the venue, subject to management discretion.
To get the tickets you must show proof of residency (valid driver’s license or non-driver’s license photo ID) in one of the following zip codes: 19104, 19131, 19139, 19142, 19143, 19151 and 19153.
The program does not currently offer tickets for the Dance Celebration performances, but will offer $5 tickets for Philadelphia International Children’s Festival events in April.
Here’s the Center’s schedule.
Posted on 18 November 2010 by WPL
Civic Life
• Garden Court Community Association general meeting • 7 p.m. • Community College of Philadelphia West Regional Center (4725 Chestnut St.)
The main item on the agenda is a discussion about “aging in place” – how to assist senior members of the community to stay in their homes. Several guest speakers will be on hand to talk about everything from housing plans to simple repair and maintenance assistance.
Arts and Music
• Luis Bravo’s Forever Tango • Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts (3680 Walnut St.) • 7:30 p.m. • Tickets: $38-$58.
For tango lovers, or even tango likers. This show features all the extravagance that is tango and Argentina.
• Flat Mary Road/Charles Latham/Sour Mash • Green Line Cafe (4426 Locust St.) • 7 p.m. • Cover: $5-$10 sliding scale • All ages.
• Camerata Philadelphia • University City Series at West Catholic Conservatory Recital Hall and Auditorium (4501 Chestnut St.) • 8 p.m. • Tickets: $20 general admission, $10 students/seniors.
The orchestra will perform Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quintet in E-flat for Horn & Strings, K. 407, Dmitri Shostakovich Chamber Symphony in C minor, Op. 110a, Franz Joseph Haydn Cello Concerto No. 2 in D Major, Op. 101, Hob. VIIb:2.
Food and Drink
• Malt Enthusiast Lew Bryson • Pennsylvania Breweries update book signing • Dock Street Brewery (701 South 50th St.) • 7 p.m. • Free
The beer and whiskey man will be signing updated copies of his literary beer tour of the Commonwealth. Dock Street and Four Worlds Bakery will also debut a new bread, Dock Street Beer Bread, which will be available for tasting during the signing.
Posted on 16 November 2010 by WPL

Diners and pedestrians at the McDonald’s at 40th and Walnut Streets felt the wrath of PETA first-hand at lunchtime today when a pink stretch Hummer limo unloaded a small chanting, dancing troupe of little people dressed as chickens (and one had a mustache) at the restaurant to protest suppliers’ treatment of chickens.
Each of the four performers chanted, “Cluck you McDonald’s, I’m not a nugget” while other protesters held up signs. One even did a robot dance to the loud music coming from a boom box sitting on the sidewalk. Similar protests have been done in New York, including one at a McDonald’s on Times Square.
Posted on 16 November 2010 by WPL

Cindy Miller was kind enough to pass along about 10 photographs from various time periods. We will post them occasionally. If you want them all, write editor [at]
Posted on 15 November 2010 by WPL

The Spruce Hill Community Association recently hung the receipts for voting in their precinct in organization’s front window at 257 South 45th St. Voters in West Philadelphia went overwhelmingly for Democrats Joe Sestak and Dan Onorato for U.S. Senate and Pennsylvania governor respectively. Both men lost, of course, in the November 2 election.

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