Posted on 28 September 2020 by
The Spruce Hill Community Association’s Zoning Committee is resuming its meetings this week after a several month break. This month’s meeting will be held Wednesday, Sept. 30 at the Restaurant School parking lot (4207 Walnut St.). Socially distanced seating will be available for attendees (all attendees are asked to wear masks or facial coverings). Parking is also available free of charge.
The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. and will discuss the following development proposals:
• 223 S. 44th Street – A zoning application has been submitted for a 5-unit building. Continue Reading
Posted on 25 September 2020 by
At the time of the pandemic, when we can’t enjoy theater, Curio Theatre Company is working on A Symphony for Saint-Georges – a multi-disciplinary, ambulatory installation designed to encourage social distancing.
The installation will include sculpture, music, dance, fencing, projections, and spoken word that will tell the story of Joseph Boulogne, Chevalier de Saint-Georges – a Black fencing expert, virtuoso violinist, and accomplished composer whose life is left out of history books.
The project is supported by The Spotlight Fund, created in honor of Curio’s longtime friend and supporter, West Philadelphia resident Mary Allegra, who passed away last year. The fund continues her legacy by funding projects and initiatives that serve the community but are not otherwise covered by the theatre’s annual operating budget. Continue Reading
Posted on 24 September 2020 by

The West Craft Fest held in spring and fall at The Woodlands will again take place virtually due to the ongoing pandemic. This Saturday, Sept. 26, work by West Craft Fest’s past vendors will be featured on its Instagram page (anyone who participated in the craft fest’s 2019 events is welcome to tag their IG posts with #virtualwestcraftfest).
Shoppers are invited to follow the Fest Instagram page and the #virtualwestcraftfest hashtag to find out what vendors have been creating, including some special one-day-only discounts. This is a great opportunity to shop for holiday gifts early and support local makers during these difficult times.
The December Fest, which was held at The Rotunda before the pandemic, will most likely be online-only also. The organizers hope that they will be able to return to the Woodlands in April 2021.
(Photo courtesy of West Craft Fest)
Posted on 23 September 2020 by Mike Lyons
Still haven’t figured out your plan to vote in November’s general election? Here’s some info that will help.
First, there are some important dates. Oct. 19 is the last day to register before the Nov. 3 election. Check your registration status here. There are a number of ways to register, including online, by mail and in person. This is a good place to start.
Once registered, you have two choices. You can vote in person on Nov. 3 at, likely, a reduced number of polling places. Or, you can vote right now – by mail. Continue Reading
Posted on 22 September 2020 by
St. Francis De Sales Church and Calvary Center are hosting a Red Cross blood drive on Friday, Sept. 25. For a limited time, the Red Cross will test all blood, platelet and plasma donations for COVID-19 antibodies as an additional health service to donors. There is currently a shortage of “COVID-19 convalescent” plasma needed to treat sick people, so the Red Cross is also seeking fully recovered COVID-19 patients.
The blood drive will be held at Calvary Center for Culture and Community (801 S. 48th St.) from 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.
To sign up to be a donor at this drive please go to the Red Cross website. Use sponsor code: St Francis Calvary Community. If you want to save time on the day of the donation please visit to pre-register. Continue Reading
Posted on 20 September 2020 by
Hundreds of residents gathered in Clark Park on Saturday to protest a rally planned in the park by far-right group “Proud Boys,” which never materialized. People held “Black Lives Matter,” “Fascists Go Home!” and other signs. Instead of confrontation, a peaceful pro-diversity rally ensued that included participation of local community leaders and West Philly-elected officials.
“These people came here to divide us, but look what they have done,” City Councilmember Jamie Gauthier said during the rally. Continue Reading
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