
"West Philly"

COVID-19 Updates: Masks now mandatory outside if you can’t keep safe distance; Green re-opening phase may be delayed

Posted on 29 June 2020 by

Masks or facial coverings should now be worn in all indoor public spaces and outdoors if you can’t keep safe distance (at least six feet) from others , according to a new order by Philadelphia officials. This new rule doesn’t have to be followed if you’re around people in your household and is not mandatory for children under 8 years old. Although it is a requirement, it will not be enforced by police, according to Philadelphia Health Commissioner Dr. Thomas Farley.

Philadelphia was expected to enter the Green coronavirus re-opening phase this Friday (July 3), however, this could now be delayed due to an increase in new COVID-19 cases in the city. Some 143 new cases were reported on Friday. Philadelphia officials said on Friday that there may be a second wave of the epidemic developing in the city and that they’re keeping an eye on it before announcing their plans on the Green re-opening phase this week.  Continue Reading

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Art on display on West Philly porches this Saturday. Check out the map

Posted on 26 June 2020 by

Map created by Dre Grigoropol

At the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, when art galleries and museums are closed, West Philly artists will put their work on their porches for everyone to enjoy! The very first West Philly Porch Art Show will take place this Saturday, June 27, from 2 to 6 p.m. with over a dozen artists participating in the event. The organizers, West Philadelphia Community Art Alliance (Facebook page), are excited to bring this event to the West Philly community:

“This is the first time many of us have seen art [in real life] in many months!”

Here’s the list of participating artists:  Continue Reading

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Public spraygrounds to open starting July 6

Posted on 25 June 2020 by

As an alternative to public pools, the city’s spraygrounds will be allowed to open this summer. Beginning Monday, July 6, 91 public spraygrounds will start to open in Philadelphia on a rolling basis. All spraygrounds will be staffed at all times to make sure that everyone is safe on-site. COVID-19 safety measures at spraygrounds include the following rules:

• Limited capacity based on sprayground size
• Social distancing of at least six feet

To find a sprayground near you and its hours of operation, go here.

Public pools will remain closed this summer due to COVID-19.

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Free COVID-19 testing this Friday (June 26) in Mantua

Posted on 25 June 2020 by

A special one-day event will support West Philadelphia’s underserved community as COVID-19 restrictions have started to relax in the city. This Friday, June 26, from 8:30 a.m to 3:30 p.m., the Family Practice and Counseling Network (FPCN) will be offering free COVID-testing event at Church of Faith at 38th and Brown Streets. Testing will be available to all – no symptoms, no insurance, no PCP (primary care provider) and no referrals will be required.

Here are more details:

• From 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Residents age 65 and older (first come, first served).

• From 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. – Everyone.  Continue Reading

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University City Science Center recruiting West Philly residents for new job training program

Posted on 23 June 2020 by

The University City Science Center is launching a free STEM job training for their workforce development program with a particular interest in recruiting participants from West Philadelphia. This is part of the Science Center’s effort to create greater access to and new pathways into family-sustaining STEM jobs for under- and unemployed Philadelphians.

As part of this new program, the Science Center is now accepting applications for the first cohort of trainees for their free STEM job training program – “Building an Understanding of Lab Basics (BULB)”. The program is open to Philadelphians age 18 or older with a high school degree or GED interested in science, technology, engineering and/or math (STEM) field. Applications close on Monday, June 29.  Continue Reading

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Philadelphia to enter Green coronavirus re-opening phase next Friday

Posted on 22 June 2020 by

As COVID-19 spread in Philadelphia continues to slow down, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf included the region in the list of 12 more counties allowed to move from Yellow to the Green re-opening phase beginning Friday, June 26. The Green phase allows re-opening of all businesses, including limited indoor operations for in-person businesses, such as hair salons, restaurants, and gyms/spas (at 50 percent occupancy and by appointment).

Masks are still required when entering a business and social distancing protocols must be followed.  Continue Reading

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