Posted on 29 April 2020 by
The city’s ban of single-use plastic bags, which was expected to go into effect on July 2nd, has been postponed until January 2021. The July start date for the new regulation was reconsidered by the City because of the disruption of work of many businesses amid the COVID-19 pandemic. A July start date was not realistic in light of the pandemic, Mayor Jim Kenney said last week.
The ban is now expected to go into effect on January 1, 2021, and enforcement is expected to begin next April.
The ban will affect businesses like supermarkets, convenience stores, gas stations, take-out restaurants, farmer’s markets and even food trucks. They will have to either switch to paper bags or offer their customers an option to buy a reusable bag.
Posted on 28 April 2020 by

Worf (responds to Worfie) is an indoor/outdoor cat that’s been missing from his home at 50th and Hazel since April 15th. He got stuck hanging in between two fence panels by one rear leg and when his owner freed him he ran away.
The cat was last seen running into a yard on Larchwood Ave.
He’s an older cat, all black with some grey, a tipped ear, larger fangs, boxy looking, and is pretty friendly. He most likely has some kind of injury on a rear leg, according to the owner.
If you see this cat, please email Matt at: or call 267.973.3491.
Posted on 27 April 2020 by
Pennsylvania liquor stores have been closed since March 18th due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But starting this Monday (April 27), the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board has expanded the list of Fine Wine & Good Spirits stores that accept orders for curbside pickup. Now three West Philly stores – 43rd and Chestnut, 49th and Baltimore and at 51st and Lancaster – are included in the list. Continue Reading
Posted on 24 April 2020 by

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This year, Ramadan is being observed by Muslims all over the world from April 23rd to May 23rd. This is a reminder that some halal restaurants in the area close or have special hours during this month.
Saad’s Halal at 45th and Walnut will be closed for the month of Ramadan. The popular Spruce Hill restaurant, which has been offering takeout in the last few weeks due to the COVID-19 health crisis, will reopen on May 24th. For more information, visit their website.
Manakeesh Cafe across the street from Saad’s will remain open for takeout and delivery, but will have special hours – from 7:00-9:30 p.m. During Ramadan, Manakeesh offers special packages and platters that can be pre-ordered for free delivery. Check out the flyer for more info. To order online, go here.
Posted on 23 April 2020 by

The West Craft Fest‘s Spring edition was supposed to be this Saturday at The Woodlands. Unfortunately, the popular community event featuring dozens of local artists and artisans was cancelled due to the COVID-19 outbreak, but folks are invited to check out the vendors’ unique offers at a “virtual craft fest” on social media. You can find lots of great Mother’s Day gift ideas there.
On Saturday the Fest’s Facebook and Instagram pages, offers, features and vendor updates will be posted with the hashtag #VirtualWestCraftFest. You can follow those pages if you haven’t already, check out the full list of vendors, and make a purchase online if you can (many will offer discounts that day!). Continue Reading
Posted on 23 April 2020 by
Penn Medicine is looking for sewing volunteers who can make disposable cuffs for powered air-purifying respirators (PAPRs) (see photo). The supply of cuffs will be crucial for keeping the staff safe while treating COVID-19 patients.
If you want to help, please review the instructions here and here and watch two videos (Video 1, Video 2) to see how to make the cuffs and how the cuffs are used.
Penn Medicine will provide the fabric, zippers, elastic and a pattern to make 25 cuffs. You would need to provide your own thread and be able to pick up and drop off materials at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Continue Reading
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