Posted on 03 April 2020 by

Spring at the Woodlands.
The Woodlands Cemetery will be closed to visitors on Mondays and Tuesdays starting April 6th to allow crews to work safely on the site as the landscaping season begins. The gates will remain open to the public on Wednesday – Sunday from dawn to dusk, as long as there are resources to do so, and social distancing rules are followed.
The Woodlands administration is also asking community members and new visitors to follow key rules: Continue Reading
Posted on 03 April 2020 by
UPDATE (Friday, April 3, 2020): Starting Monday, April 6, recycling will be picked up in Philadelphia every other week (through May 15th or further), so there will be no recycling collection next week. Residents are asked to put out their recyclables the following week. Trash collection will continue every week.
(4/2/2020): The coronavirus pandemic has started disrupting some city services, according to reports. Some neighbors noticed that their trash was not picked up yesterday. Delays with trash collection in the city should now be expected, reports Plan Philly, as more sanitation workers are calling out of work.
“While delivering on-time collection services remains an essential core service, residents are asked for their patience and cooperation while we work to deliver service,” the City’s Streets Department representative told Plan Philly.
If your trash or recycling hasn’t been picked up, you can report your block to 311.
UPDATE: The Streets Department is currently one day behind and will be working into this weekend to make sure all trash and recycling are collected. Residents should continue to set out their trash on their normal collection day. Continue Reading
Posted on 02 April 2020 by
Shakespeare in Clark Park (SCP) is working on their Summer 2020 production of Pericles, which is scheduled to run from July 29 – August 2, and is currently seeking community artists, ages nine years old and older. But this time, recruitment and training will be online.
Pericles will be an open-air circus adventure, and the show producers want to involve a Community Troupe who’s interested in learning juggling, tumbling, and a little bit of Shakespeare! No prior experience is necessary.
If you’d like to know more, fill out the Google form here. This doesn’t commit you to the troupe, and is just a way for SCP folks to contact you and send updates on how to apply to be a part of the show. Rehearsals are tentatively scheduled to begin in May. Continue Reading
Posted on 02 April 2020 by
Posted on 01 April 2020 by WPL
Visit UCD’s new Digital Dining Days website
To help support local restaurants in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, University City District has launched the Digital Dining Days website, an in-progress online guide to restaurants offering takeout, delivery, gift cards, and staff fundraisers in West Philadelphia. The website will be continually updated as conditions at restaurants change. If you don’t see a local favorite on the list, please email UCD at and let them know! As of April 1st, the website includes information on around 80 local restaurants, cafes and eateries. Continue Reading
Posted on 01 April 2020 by
Councilmember Jamie Gauthier is inviting residents to join her at a 3rd District Virtual Town Hall this Thursday, April 2, at 4:30 p.m.
Participants will receive the latest information on City services and resources available during the COVID-19 crisis. There will also be an opportunity for small-group discussions.
The Town Hall will be accessible both via video chat and by phone. For more information about how to join in, click here. The event is co-hosted by University City Science Center and Venture Cafe Philadelphia. Continue Reading
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