Posted on 09 March 2020 by

UPDATE: Tiberius has been found and returned to his owner.
“Tiberius”, a 9-year-old, 60-pound male chocolate lab mix has been missing since Saturday, March 7. He slipped out of his collar while at his pet sitter – in an unfamiliar neighborhood – on Saturday around 11:30 p.m., at the intersection of Baltimore Ave. and Melville St. He was last seen after midnight on Sunday, March 8, at 46th and Market Street by the El.
The dog was not wearing a collar when he ran away. He is microchipped.
Please call Tina Cairns at [phone number removed] if you see him.
Posted on 06 March 2020 by

Photo by West Philly Local
The Fresh Grocer supermarket at 40th and Walnut, which has operated in that location since 2001, has closed its doors. It was reported last month that the store management had agreed to free the space this month after a four-year legal battle with the landlord – the University of Pennsylvania, which ended the Fresh Grocer’s lease in 2016.
Penn has signed a lease for 40th and Walnut with Acme Markets. The new supermarket is not expected to open until Fall 2020, according to a report by The Daily Pennsylvanian. The space will undergo renovations in preparation for Acme’s opening.
Posted on 05 March 2020 by

Coach Duane Jones of the West Philly Tarheels by Morris Park/Papa Playground, the Tarheels’ home field, which has recently been torn up for replacement work on a sewer under the field. (Photo by Sam Newhouse)
The Philadelphia Water Department (PWD) is currently working on infrastructure improvement projects across the city. But some work has put out a West Philly youth football organization, and their coach is concerned the work will leave his home field even worse off than it already was.

The West Philly Tarheels on the field. (Photo courtesy of the Tarheels)
Coach Duane Jones of the West Philly Tarheels said preseason drills for his Pop Warner football organization are due to start in Morris Park at 66th and Lansdowne – also known as Papa Playground – in March. But ongoing work to repair a sewer running under the field will prevent them from playing there until April at the earliest, if the project finishes on schedule. Jones is also concerned the field, already uneven and prone to divots and instability that have caused more than a few twisted ankles, might be even more unstable after the work. Continue Reading
Posted on 03 March 2020 by
Sofar Sounds has made it to West Philly! This is immersive experience that offers secret gigs and live, intimate concerts around the world, including neighborhoods all over Philadelphia. And now it is going to hold West Philly gigs a few times a month.
Sofar events feature three acts (most shows are music but some are poetry/comedy) and guests do not know who is performing until they arrive at the show.
Guests purchase tickets to the event based on which neighborhood they choose, and they find out the exact location of the show by email the day before. Ticket prices range from $15-$20.
This month, there will be some shows celebrating women and Women’s History Month. Here’s what’s happening in West Philly and University City:
Thursday, March 5
Sofar Philadelphia show in University City
Theme: Women Take The Stage
Ticket link:
Friday, March 6
Sofar Philadelphia show in Spruce Hill
Ticket link:
Friday, March 20
Sofar Philadelphia show in University City
Theme: Comedy show
Ticket link:
Posted on 27 February 2020 by WPL
The School District of Philadelphia has sent out a message to parents and guardians about the coronavirus.
So far, there are no confirmed coronavirus disease cases in Pennsylvania, and Philadelphia residents are at low risk of becoming infected, according to the message. The School District is working closely with the Philadelphia Department of Public Health and taking into consideration the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
“The School District of Philadelphia holds the well-being, health, and safety of students and staff as a top priority,” reads the message. Continue Reading
Posted on 27 February 2020 by
The race for the 188th state house seat is beginning to heat up. The community is invited to hear from all four candidates – incumbent Rep. Jim Roebuck, Karen Dunn (Facebook page link), Gregory Benjamin, and Rick Krajewski – at a community forum/debate organized by the Penn Democrats (Facebook page link) on Monday, March 2.
The 188th House District (map) includes parts of Spruce Hill, Squirrel Hill, Walnut Hill, Spruce Hill, Garden Court, Beige Block and University City. Roebuck has held the seat since 1985.
The event will take place at the University of Pennsylvania Houston Hall (3417 Spruce St), Room 218 (Ben Franklin Room), starting at 5 p.m. Here’s the event Facebook page.
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