Posted on 22 October 2019 by Mike Lyons

The development boom along the 4200 block of Chestnut Street will continue with a seven-story, 102-unit building that will likely begin construction early next year.
Developers presented the plan to the Spruce Hill zoning committee last night as part of the city’s Civic Design Review process required for buildings of a certain size and use. But neither the SHCA nor the city itself has much oversight over the “by right” project, the second major “by right” project on that block this year. A 278-unit building is underway nearby at the former site of the Christ Memorial Church at 43rd and Chestnut. Continue Reading
Posted on 22 October 2019 by Mike Lyons

West Catholic High parking lot at 46th and Chestnut.
West Catholic High School has been bitten by the development bug.
Located at 45th and Chestnut, about a block from an El stop, the school sits on property most developers would love to get their hands on. A small group representing the school asked the Spruce Hill Community Association zoning committee last night to rezone the school’s parking lot at the corner of 46th Street and Chestnut to make it enticing to developers and clearing the way for a large, potentially seven-story apartment building. The revenue from a possible development deal would fund the school’s refurbishment and provide a scholarship endowment. Continue Reading
Posted on 21 October 2019 by
A 3-alarm fire broke out on Monday morning at a large auto body shop located at 59th and Irving, according to multiple reports. The fire broke out shortly after 10 a.m. and soon the whole building was engulfed in flames:
The heavy smoke from the fire was seen from many blocks away: Continue Reading
Posted on 21 October 2019 by
A monthly Spruce Hill Community Association (SHCA) Zoning Committee meeting will take place tonight (Monday, Oct. 21) at the Spruce Hill Center (257 S. 45th St).
One of the items on the agenda of the meeting is a “by right” development for construction of a new 7-story mixed use building at 4240 Chestnut Street. The building will include 102 residential units on floors 3-7 with a garage for 40 underground parking slots, 34 bicycle spaces and trash rooms. The first two floors will house new space for Intercultural Family Services, currently located at 4225 Chestnut St., with a separate entrance, elevators and services.
A “by right” development means that the developer doesn’t need to apply for a zoning permit to proceed with construction. However, some developers still want to present their projects to the community for informational purposes. A community RCO (Recognized Community Organization), such as SHCA, has no legal sway over a “by right” project, but it can make suggestions and recommendations that a project’s development team can consider and potentially implement. Continue Reading
Posted on 18 October 2019 by Mike Lyons
The neighborhood group fighting a proposed apartment building on a piece of land tucked away down a narrow alley near 51st and Spruce will hold a public meeting on Monday, Oct. 21 that will include City Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell, who is sponsoring legislation to rezone the parcel.
Developers Callahan Ward want to build a 33-unit building with ground floor commercial at 303 S. 51st St., where a defunct auto body shop sits in the middle of the block, surrounded by the backyards of several adjacent properties. The only access to the property is via a small alley. Callahan Ward can build the building “by right,” meaning they don’t need community approval. Continue Reading
Posted on 17 October 2019 by

The 20th annual Peoplehood, a West Philly-based parade and community gathering, will take place Saturday, Oct. 19. The event once again will feature giant puppets, created by Spiral Q puppet makers with the help of community members.
The parade starts at the Paul Robeson House (4951 Walnut) at 1 p.m. and marches along West Philly streets to Clark Park (45th & Chester) for a participatory giant puppet performance around 2:15 p.m. Continue Reading
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