Posted on 03 April 2024 by
Easter in March snuck up on the Friends of the Walnut West Library this year, too late to hold our annual Egg Hunt last week – but after so many dreary days of rain this week – what better way to spend this Saturday afternoon outside with the kids!
And the Easter bunny has cordially agreed to stick around one more week! (bring your camera)
Note: Due to scheduling conflicts, we’re holding the event in the afternoon this year.
The Egg Hunt for very young children begins at 2 p.m. And at 3:15 p.m. for not quite so little children (to age 10).
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Posted on 03 April 2024 by Mike Lyons

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A near total (for us in Philly) solar eclipse is coming on Monday, April 8. Philly is not on the “path of totality,” but we will get a very respectable 89 percent coverage of the sun, according to NASA, which should be enough to plunge the city into mid-day darkness for a few minutes.
The moon will start moving in front of the sun at about 2:08 p.m. and peak eclipse will begin at 3:23 p.m. Hopefully it will be a clear day for maximum eclipse awesomeness. If so, you definitely want to check this one out because the next solar eclipse this good won’t be for another 20 years.
So where to go for peak eclipse viewing and astronomical camaraderie in West Philly? A good place to start is at The Woodlands, which is hosting an eclipse viewing get together on April 8 from 2-4:30 p.m. The Woodlands offers a lot of open sky to get a good look. Plus a librarian from the Walnut West Library will be organizing an eclipse-themed storytime complete with music and dancing.
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Posted on 02 April 2024 by
In an ongoing effort to make voting more accessible for Philadelphia citizens, the City Commissioners Office has opened the first of 10 new and permanent satellite election offices (SEO) at 4029 Market Street. The grand opening attended by state and city officials, including Mayor Cherelle Parker, took place this morning.
Satellite offices will be installed in all 10 council districts and will be open 7 days a week. At each office, residents will be able to register to vote, request and receive a mail ballot, complete it and return it.
“As Chairman Commissioner of the Philadelphia City Commissioners, I am thrilled to unveil the first of our 10 new Satellite Election Offices,” Chairman Sabir said prior to today’s event. “These offices represent a significant step forward in our commitment to making voting more accessible and convenient for all Philadelphia citizens.”
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Posted on 02 April 2024 by
West Philly parents and guardians: here’s a chance for you to exchange unwanted children’s clothes and shoes for more desirable items. The 4th Annual Spring Clothing Swap for Babies and Kids is scheduled for next Saturday, April 13, from 10 a.m.-12 p.m.. The event will again take place on the 4200 block of Regent Square, the side street across from Clark Park on the east side.
Porches on the block will be labeled by size/age. Drop off your clothes on the corresponding porch starting at 9:30 a.m. Please note that only clothing and shoes in good condition (no stains or rips) will be accepted. Accepted sizes are 0-3M through 8Y.
For more information, visit the Facebook Event page or email:
Posted on 29 March 2024 by
Here’s an update on the proposed redesign of 47th and 48th streets south of Market that was presented in the past six months at a series of community meetings attended by hundreds of neighbors. The City is moving on with the 48th Street repaving project and has put the 47th Street layout redesign and repaving on hold, according to the Garden Court Community Association newsletter.
The 48th Street redesign will run from Kingsessing Avenue to Market Street. The plan incorporates traffic calming measures and greener travel options, proposed by the City and supported by neighborhood residents and neighborhood community groups.
“Under this design, 48th Street would remain a two-way street with parking on both sides, but its excess width would be re-organized to create substantially shorter crosswalks and a northbound bicycle lane fully separated from vehicular traffic,” according to the newsletter.
Repaving of 48th Street is expected to take place this spring.
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Posted on 26 March 2024 by
The annual Easter Egg Hunt organized by Renewal Presbyterian Church and scheduled to take place on March 23 at Clark Park, was cancelled due to persistent rain. But more egg hunts are planned in the neighborhood this and next weekend. Here are some of them. If you know of more community egg hunts, please post them in the comments below.
Easter Sunday, March 31:
St. Mary’s Church, Hamilton Village (3916 Locust Walk)
The annual BYOB (Bring Your Own Basket) egg hunt and potluck coffee hour will take place on Locust Walk right after the 11 a.m. Holy Eucharist. For more details, visit:
Calvary Church (48th and Baltimore)
Calvary Church is hosting an Easter Egg Hunt from 10:15 – 10:45 a.m. outside the 48th St entrance (inside in case of inclement weather). Also, all are invited to Easter Sunday events at the church and at Cedar Park (50th and Baltimore). More info:
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