Posted on 27 July 2017 by

The Shakespeare in Clark Park production of Coriolanus opened last night to a big crowd in The Bowl near 43rd and Chester. The play follows the demise and vengeful crusade of Roman military leader Caius Marcius Coriolanus. The amazon all-female cast carries the work, and a pack of riotous citizens of Rome made up with Philadelphia residents keeps the play lively (see more photos below).
Coriolanus continues through the weekend, concluding Sunday. Shows run from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The rain location is the Harold Prince Theater at the Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts, 3680 Walnut St. Continue Reading
Posted on 26 July 2017 by
On Thursday, July 27, community members will gather for a remembrance event for West Philly community activist and green space advocate Winnie Harris. They will walk in her name and will pass out leaflets to “bring her killers to justice.” The event is organized by the Philadelphia Police 16th District and begins at 6 p.m. at 300 Holly St. See the flyer below for more details and if you want to participate in this event.
Almost six months have passed since Harris, 65, was found shot to death in her home on the 300 block of North Holly Street in West Powelton where she had lived for 40 years. In May, police released a flyer asking for the public’s assistance to identify two persons of interest in the investigation of the killing, which happened on February 3rd, 2017, but so far no arrests have been made. Continue Reading
Posted on 25 July 2017 by Mike Lyons
Councilwoman Helen Gym will host a community gathering “to protect healthcare and education” tonight at Malcolm X. Park (52nd and Pine) from 6-8 p.m.
The gathering is one of three she will host over the next few weeks as part of “Resistance Summer.” The gathering comes as the U.S. Senate decides whether to go ahead with a debate on repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act.
Feel free to bring lawn chairs or blankets to sit on for the event.
Gym will also be in Vernon Park in Northwest Philly on Aug. 7 and Columbus Square in South Philly on Aug. 9.
Posted on 25 July 2017 by

Photo by Kyle Cassidy
Shakespeare in Clark Park returns this week for its 12th season with five performances of Coriolanus, a timeless political tragedy of manipulation and revenge. This year, SCP will roll with an all-female cast led by Barrymore Award winner Charlotte Northeast as the title character. The professional cast of women warriors will appear alongside a Chorus of 50 Philadelphians who will become the riotous citizens of Rome. The production is directed by SCP Artistic Director Kittson O’Neill (Interact Theatre Company).
“It’s easy to see Coriolanus, a blunt war hero, as an indictment of “Macho” culture, but there is so much more to this story,” O’Neill, who is pulling double-duty as the director of the show, said in a statement. “By moving our production to a matriarchy I think audiences will more readily see themselves in our hero: we can all be inflexible, we all have deep prejudices and we don’t always get the glory we have rightly earned.” Continue Reading
Posted on 20 July 2017 by

Rendering of the 30th Street Station Plaza redesign concept.
At a public Open House held earlier this month at 30th Street Station, Amtrak presented its design concept for Station Plaza, one of the more visible projects of the widely publicized 30th Street Station District Plan.
Information boards were available at the Open House to help the public better understand the vision of the District Plan and Station Plaza design concepts. The public had an opportunity to fill out a station plaza survey. Those who didn’t attend the Open House but want to provide their feedback on the project can do so through an online survey.
But here’s what you need to do first: Learn about the station plaza concept. Click HERE to view the eight information boards that were on display at the July 12, 2017 Open House. Continue Reading
Posted on 19 July 2017 by

A group of local non-profits and Reading Terminal Market are teaming up to bring more fresh and healthy food to Parkside residents this summer. The first-ever Parkside Fresh Food Fest kicked off on Viola Street between 41st St and Belmont Ave on July 6 and will be held on select Thursdays from 6 to 7 p.m. throughout this summer. The festival brings fresh food to residents (via a food share program) and also includes cooking demonstrations from Reading Terminal, live entertainment and activities for families.
The next event in the series will take place this Thursday, July 20, and the remaining four events are scheduled on the following dates: Aug. 10, 24 and Sept. 14, 21.
The food share program was created after gauging residents’ interest in a potential subsidized Community Supported Agriculture service for East Parkside. Each food share includes fresh fruit, vegetables, locally-sourced eggs and/or dairy, and an assortment of other grocery items from Reading Terminal. Participation in the food share program requires a subscription (four-event subscription is $35), and some limited single shares ($10) will be available at each event. Information on each item in the food share package will be included along with a recipe card.
The series seeks to use food as the foundation to build community and utilize common public space. Attendees can also participate in organized art activities, bicycle safety workshops from the Indego Bike Share, and a Philadelphia Free Library Book Nook for children. Activities will vary each week and may include live music performances and a movie night.
The program is supported by the Knight Foundation.
More information about the fest can be found here. To subscribe to Parkside Market Food Share, click here and type the password “viola”.
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