Posted on 13 November 2016 by
This Monday (Nov. 14), the Neighborhood Advisory Committee at the People’s Emergency Center is organizing a community discussion on whether Lancaster Avenue would benefit from a Food Co-op. This will be a focused group discussion facilitated by NAC, and residents who are interested in participating in it, are asked to register by emailing NAC Program Manager Kevin Brown at:
The discussion will take place from 5:30 – 7 p.m. in the Families First Building at 3939 Warren St.
Here’s the flyer with more information:

Posted on 11 November 2016 by Mike Lyons

A quick scan of the vote totals at precincts in West Philly make it clear that this decidedly not Trump country. Another indication is a few things dropped off this week at Manakeesh, the Lebanese restaurant and bakery at 45th and Walnut.
Manakeesh posted pictures on its Facebook page yesterday of flowers and notes dropped off since Tuesday’s election. In response to the pictures of swastikas and hateful graffiti being passed around, we think it’s appropriate to show expressions of love and solidarity. Continue Reading
Posted on 10 November 2016 by

Runners and walkers who regularly visit the historic Woodlands cemetery and mansion grounds will be happy to know that a new water fountain near the running path will be installed in the next few weeks. This became possible thanks to the success of last year’s Gobble Wobble 5K Run. This year’s Gobble Wobble, which has become an annual fundraising event for The Woodlands, will be held this Saturday (Nov. 12), and all proceeds will continue to go toward improving amenities on the grounds.

Click to enlarge
Registration for this event is still open (go here to register, $40 per person or team), and participants will receive a custom Gobble Wobble pint glass, a year long membership to The Woodlands, and the chance to win a Thanksgiving turkey or “tofurkey” from Mariposa Food Co-op. Clarkville is also sponsoring the race with beer at the finish line for all the runners.
The race starts at 10 a.m., and on-site registration opens at 9:00 a.m. If you’re not planning to run, you can also consider donating. For more information, go here.
And here’s some more exciting news from The Woodlands: Regular visitors may have noticed some construction work happening on the grounds and also near the Hamilton Mansion. Continue Reading
Posted on 09 November 2016 by
This year’s LOVE Your Park Fall Service Day, an event organized by Philadelphia Parks and Recreation and Fairmount Park Conservancy, will take place on Saturday, Nov. 12.
Hundreds of volunteers will step out to clean up their neighborhood parks and help prepare them for winter. We’re happy to let you know that West Philly’s Malcolm X Park, located at 52nd and Pine, will be this year’s signature “LOVE Your Park” site.
Mayor Kenney and other dignitaries will be present at the park on Saturday to show support to the volunteers, including Gregorio Cojulun Jr., the President of the Malcolm X Park Friends group.
Gregorio has been a member of the Malcolm X Park Friends since 1996, and has been its president since 1997. He is credited with helping to rid the park of crime and bring it back to life through his ability to motivate neighbors to get involved in the programming and stewardship of the park. Continue Reading
Posted on 09 November 2016 by ranafayez

Photo courtesy of Schmear It.
If you’re tired of following around the Schmear It truck for your daily bagel fix, here’s some good news. Philly’s only bagel truck has finally found a brick-and-mortar home in University City at 3601 Market St. in the uCity Square complex along with other businesses, such as Herban Quality Eats. As of last Wednesday, the store is officially open to the public.
Currently, their store hours are as follows: Monday through Friday – 7 a.m. – 3 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday – 8 a.m – 2 p.m. Continue Reading
Posted on 09 November 2016 by
The 2016 Presidential Election is over, and now it’s time to look more closely at how Philadelphia and, in particular, West Philadelphia residents voted.
According to unofficial citywide results, Hillary Clinton received 560,542 votes (82.18 percent of total votes) after 98.75 percent (1665 out of 1686) precincts reported their results. Donald Trump received 105,418 votes (15.46 percent).
And here are the election results in West Philadelphia (by ward). For more 2016 Election results, including results by division, visit:
Ward 6 (Mill Creek):
Hillary Clinton – 5,865 votes (96.29 percent)
Donald Trump – 121 votes (1.99 percent) Continue Reading
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