Posted on 10 January 2024 by
Here’s some great news for the old Calvary Church building, which has been home to many local community and arts organizations over the last few decades. As a result of the fundraising efforts supported by the community, a new, much-needed HVAC system has finally been installed and will provide heating and air-conditioning at this historic building.
The new HVAC system was installed at the end of last month and has been working well, according to Calvary Center’s social media posts.
The fundraiser was announced last summer with a goal to match a $100,000 grant from the National Fund for Sacred Places.
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Posted on 09 January 2024 by
The historical Woodlands cemetery, located at 40th and Woodland, has announced its 2024 Grave Gardener season and is currently accepting applications for this popular annual program. The non-profit organization is currently recruiting volunteers who will take care of Victorian-era “cradle” graves originally designed to be planters. As usual, the season kicks off with a series of winter workshops where participants can learn about historical contexts and helpful how-to’s.
Each volunteer will be assigned to a cradle grave to tend to throughout the growing season (March to November). The application period closes on Wednesday, Jan. 17.
For more information and to apply, click here.
The Woodlands has also announced a Volunteer Site Work Day, which will be held on Saturday, Jan. 27, from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Volunteers are needed to help remove ivy and other invasive plants from trees, collect fallen sticks and branches, pick up trash along Woodland Avenue, and do other outdoor site clean-up chores. To learn more and to sign up, go here.
Posted on 05 January 2024 by

A pedestrian plaza at 48th and Baltimore.
Spruce Hill residents have a chance to learn more about a new traffic calming and pedestrian safety proposal for the busy intersection at 43rd and Spruce Streets.
On Tuesday, Jan. 9, Nate Hommel, the director of Planning and Design at the University City District (UCD) will present a plan for a pedestrian plaza at 43rd and Spruce at the monthly Spruce Hill Community Association Board (SHCA) meeting.
Pedestrian plazas are permitted by the City of Philadelphia through its Streets Department. Pedestrian plaza hosts receive a one-year Pedestrian Enhancement Permit that is renewable for up to three years. To receive a Pedestrian Enhancement Permit, an application must be submitted and approved by the Street Department. Pedestrian plaza locations are subject to review by the City’s Chief Traffic Engineer.
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Posted on 02 January 2024 by
The City’s annual Christmas Tree Recycling Program, which provides residents with an environmentally friendly alternative for the disposal of live trees, has kicked off today and will run through Saturday, Jan. 13. Residents of West and Southwest Philadelphia who wish to drop off their trees to be recycled may take them to the Sanitation Convenience Centers listed below open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday:
• 3033 S. 63rd Street
• 5100 Grays Avenue
Residents may also drop their trees off at 13 designated locations on Saturdays, Jan. 6 and Jan. 13 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The two locations in West Philly are:
• 54th St. and Woodbine Ave.
• 43rd St. and Powelton Ave.
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Posted on 29 December 2023 by
The annual community art project, Fun-A-Day, is celebrating its 20th anniversary next month and inviting community members to participate in the 2024 project and art show.
Community members are encouraged to pick a creative project or activity to do every day during the month of January, then display their work in a big group art show at Studio 34 Yoga in February!
“You can do anything! Draw a picture, take a photo, sing a song, bake a cake, write a novel – come up with a daily creative practice and HAVE FUN!” reads the project description.
The Fun-A-Day project and art show is free, non-juried, non-commercial, and all-ages. All skill levels and mediums are welcome.
The project starts on January 1, 2024. The Fun-A-Day Community Art Show will take place on Friday, Feb. 9 and Saturday, Feb. 10 at Studio 34 Yoga (4522 Baltimore Ave).
Fun-A-Day was started by a group of artists known as the Artclash Collective in West Philadelphia and has spread to other cities throughout the world!
For more details and to sign up, visit
Posted on 29 December 2023 by
Homeowners in Philadelphia may qualify to receive a real estate tax credit, but the program application period expires soon.
This year, the city conducted property value re-assessment. If your home’s property value goes up, you will see an increase in your real estate tax bill. A special fund was set up in collaboration with the FORWARD program to help people who own a home in Philadelphia to pay their real estate tax bill. If your bill has increased, you may qualify for a one-time credit (up to $500) that will be added to your real estate tax account located at the City of Philadelphia’s Department of Revenue.
The money will be used to pay your 2023 or 2024 tax bill or will be added to your City of Philadelphia Real Estate Tax Account as a credit for future tax years.
To apply for the tax credit, fill out an application on this page. Application deadline has been extended until January 31, 2024 at 5 p.m.
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