
"West Philly"

Learn more about what’s happening in Cedar Park at annual CPN meeting

Posted on 15 April 2016 by


The Cedar Park Neighbors Community Association is inviting community members to hear reports on their activities over the past year at their annual meeting on Monday, Apr. 18. Representatives from CPN’s committees on Zoning, Jazz, Scholarships, Holiday Baskets, and the Park will be available to talk about CPN’s work in these areas.

In addition, attendees will get lightning round updates on lots of cool things happening in and around the neighborhood. There will be five-minute presentations from:

Ryan Kuck, Greensgrow West, talking about this summer’s expansion plans

Akeem Dixon, 52nd Street Commercial Corridor Manager, discussing recent developments on the street

Jeff Wicklund, The Enterprise Center, providing an update on the Common Table and the Culinary Center at 48th and Spruce

Kittson O’Neill, Shakespeare in Clark Park, previewing this summer’s presentation of The Two Gentlemen of Verona
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PIC Plant Pre-sale extended through Monday, April 18; Pick-up on April 28-30

Posted on 15 April 2016 by

PlantSale_web_0UPDATE (April 15, 2016): If you wanted to pre-order your plants at the annual Parent Infant Center’s Plant Sale, but didn’t get a chance yet, here’s good news: Pre-sale deadline has been extended through Monday, Apr. 18. Please go to to browse the selection of plants and to make your purchase.

A large variety of annuals, perennials, fruits & veggies, herbs and other plants is currently available for pre-order at the annual Parent Infant Center (PIC) Spring Plant Sale. The sale will be held on April 29 and 30 at the beautiful St. Andrews Chapel (42nd and Spruce), which will be turned into a pop-up garden center that weekend.

This annual event supports PIC’s Tuition Assistance Fund. About 100 volunteers help prepare and run the sale.

Over 100 varieties of plants are available for online pre-order, and you can pick up your order on Thursday, April 28 (for orders over $250), or during the sale on Friday, April 29, 4-6 p.m. and on Saturday, April 30, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. There are also $1 raffle tickets available for a chance to win a $100 gift card to Talula’s Garden.

For more information about the sale at St. Andrews Chapel (42nd and Spruce), visit:

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Series of gunpoint robberies with similar pattern between Walnut and Pine Streets (updated)

Posted on 14 April 2016 by

UPDATE (Thu, April 14, 2016): Another armed robbery attempt took place on Monday night on the 200 block of S. Melville St. (between Locust and Spruce) by the same person, police believe. It happened at around 9:20 p.m. A 27-year-old woman was walking up to her door on the block when a man approached her from behind, said that he had a gun and demanded money. The woman ran into the house and closed the door, and the man fled. Nothing was taken and no injuries were reported. In this case the suspect was described as a black male in his 20’s, thin build, 5 foot 7 inches, short hair, no facial hair. He was wearing a dark jean jacket.

April 11, 2016, 14:52 p.m.: The Southwest Detective Division is investigating a series of gunpoint robberies and robbery attempts on Walnut and Pine Streets in the past two months that may be connected.  The most recent incident was reported on Thursday, Apr. 7.

The first happened on February 18, when a man was walking near 47th and Walnut at around 6 p.m. and was approached by an unknown male who stated: “I have a gun, give me your wallet.” The man said “No” and the suspect threatened to shoot him, according to a police report. The victim then elbowed the attacker and ran to his residence a short distance away. Nothing was taken.

The suspect was described as a black male in his 20s, 6 feet tall, with medium length dreads, wearing all black.  Continue Reading

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Burned-out building at 46th and Spruce back before zoning committee

Posted on 14 April 2016 by Mike Lyons


The developers who want to build a 21-unit apartment building at 46th and Spruce make another presentation at the Spruce Hill zoning committee last night.

The owners of the property that includes a burned-out building at the corner of 46th and Spruce were back in front of the Spruce Hill Community Association (SHCA) zoning committee last night with their plans for a new 21-unit apartment building that had many nearby residents concerned about parking and aesthetics.

The proposed brick and metal panel building at 4534-36 Spruce St. would include 21 mostly two-bedroom apartments, ground-floor retail and a rooftop deck. The developers need several variances from the Zoning Board of Adjustment, including one to build 21 units and another for the building’s height – 44 feet.

A point of contention between some nearby neighbors and the property’s owner is over whether the site, which is actually several smaller parcels, is where an apartment building should be allowed regardless of size. It is zoned for single-family duplexes and minimal retail. But the property owners are arguing that the current building, which was most recently a transitional housing facility and at one point a small grocery store, and the construction of apartment buildings on adjacent properties have long ago made that designation practically obsolete.  Continue Reading

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The Smart Set presents ‘Free Speech on the College Campus’ Forum (Sponsored)

Posted on 14 April 2016 by


The issue of free speech has, over the past year, become a highly charged one on college campuses across the country. Free speech — once seen as an uninflected, universal value — has been re-framed. Now, there is a feeling among some students and faculty that unfettered speech can create an environment that marginalizes certain groups and impedes learning. The result has been a series of confrontations on campuses from Connecticut to California.

On April 21, 2016, the Center for Cultural Media in the Pennoni Honors College at Drexel University will host a special event, The Smart Set Forum 2016: Free Speech on the College Campus, to explore this controversial issue. The Forum will feature talks by cultural critic Camille Paglia and noted legal scholar Laura Beth Nielsen, with respondents from the Drexel faculty to their respective positions. The event will also include a panel of Drexel students who will address the free speech issue, drawing on their own perspectives and experiences.
Possible topics to be discussed will include the Yale Halloween costume debacle, the reach of Title IX policies, the value or harm of trigger warnings and safe zones, and the difficulties attached to defining hate speech and harassment.  Continue Reading

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Parklets are back in the hood!

Posted on 14 April 2016 by

fuwah parklet

Parklet outside of Fu-Wah Market at 47th and Baltimore.

Spring is finally here, and University City District has begun reinstalling Parklets, temporary outdoor seating platforms with tables, decorated with planters. Overall, six Parklets are being installed around Spruce Hill and Cedar Park, all of them next to popular businesses:

• 4040 Locust St. (hosted by Ramen Bar)
• 261 S. 44th St. (hosted by Honest Tom’s Tacos and Lil’ Pop Shop)
• 4239 Baltimore Ave. (hosted by Green Line Cafe)
• 801 S. 47th St. (hosted by Fu-Wah Market)
• 4903 Catharine St. (hosted by Little Baby’s Ice Cream)
• 125 S. 40th St. (hosted by Hai St. Kitchen, Jake’s Sandwich Board & Zesto Pizza)

The Parklets will stay until October or early November, depending on the weather.

Just a reminder that Parklets are public spaces open to everyone, and you don’t have to eat at the restaurant where the Parklet is located in order to use it.

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