A 29-year-old woman was robbed while walking on the 4900 block of Osage Avenue on Tuesday evening. The incident happened at around 7:15 p.m., according to police. The woman told police that three young men, approximately 17-18 years old, approached her from behind and asked her what time it was. When she pulled her cell phone out of her pocket to check the time, one of the men grabbed her from behind and threw her to the ground, according to a police report. Then, the men demanded the pass code for the woman’s phone before one of them grabbed it from her hand.
The woman told police that while she was on the ground struggling with the attackers something resembling a black handgun fell next to her head. She believes the gun was fake because of the hollow sound it made when it hit the ground. The weapon was picked up and all three men fled east on Osage toward 48th. Police say the weapon was never pointed at the victim during the attack.
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