
"West Philly"

MLK Day happenings, closings, schedule changes

Posted on 18 January 2016 by

Happy Martin Luther King Day! Here are reminders about what’s going on in the area today and information on today’s closings and schedule changes.

If you missed our post about MLK Day of Service happenings and volunteer opportunities, you can read it here.

• West Philly Community Pet Pantry, where low-income residents can get free food for their pets, is happening from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at the Shepard Recreation Center (5700 Haverford Ave.).

• SEPTA buses and trolleys are operating on a modified weekday schedule. Go here for more information.

• Public schools and libraries, government offices and post offices are closed.

• There will be no trash and recycling collection today. If your trash collection day is Monday, set out your materials for Tuesday pick-up. Trash collection for the rest of the week will be delayed by one day.

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Need help feeding your pets? Get free pet food at MLK Day Pet Pantry in West Philly

Posted on 17 January 2016 by

PetPantryMLKLow-income West Philadelphia residents who need help feeding their pets are invited this Monday, on Martin Luther King Day, to a Community Pet Pantry and Help Desk. Individuals and families can get supplemental free pet food and supplies for their four legged family members from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at the Shepard Recreation Center (5700 Haverford Ave.).

The Community Pet Pantry targets specific Philadelphia neighborhoods each month to serve families in need all around the city.

Red Paw Emergency Relief Team, PAWS (Philadelphia Animal Welfare Society), and Best Friends Animal Society will also be on-site to distribute information about emergency preparedness and low-cost spay/neuter.

Recent documentation of financial hardship is required. Email for more information or visit

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Check out ‘We’re on a Road to Nowhere’ exhibit opening Friday at UC Arts League

Posted on 15 January 2016 by

PatrickMaguireexhibitIf you’re looking for something interesting to do tonight, check out this special exhibition opening at University City Arts League (UCAL). An emerging young artist, Patrick Maguire, has totally transformed the gallery space at 4226 Spruce St. The exhibition includes an amazing structure in the middle of the gallery, paintings on the walls, and ambient sound installation.

“Without ruining the experience it will be difficult to tell you much except that even the walls and doors of the space will be entirely different, almost disorienting–in the best possible sense of the word,” UCAL director Annette Monnier wrote in an email.

The opening reception for Maguire’s “We’re on a Road to Nowhere” exhibition is tonight from 6-10 p.m. You can also stop by any weekday from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. during the run of the exhibition (January 15th-February 12th).

For more information, go to:

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MLK Day of Service: where and how to volunteer, celebrate

Posted on 15 January 2016 by

mlk-day-logoThis Monday, we’ll be celebrating the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We have compiled a list of many of the MLK Day of Service projects and events (including events for the whole family) happening in West Philadelphia. We have also included information about MLK Day celebration at the African American Museum in Philadelphia.

Check to find more projects in your area. If you know of more MLK Day events or projects, please post them in the comments below.


MLK Commemorative Symposium for Social Change at University of Pennsylvania

The University of Pennsylvania and the surrounding communities come together to commemorate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This commemoration includes a day of service and special programming and events through Friday, Jan. 29, 2016 (click here for more events):

Friday, Jan. 15, 6 p.m. – God’s Great Expectations of Men of Color, Christian Association, 118 S 37th St – A panel discussion on men of color’s shared understanding of God or a higher power’s relationship to them and their mission in everyday work.

Monday, Jan. 18:

8:00 – 9:30 a.m. – MLK Day of Service Breakfast, Hall of Flags, Houston Hall, 3417 Spruce St. – Day of Service Breakfast with include performers and guest speakers, including Jasmine Senior, Affinity Group Director, NeXT Philadelphia, and Urban League Youth Outreach. Free and open to the public.

10 a.m. – 2 p.m. – Community Beautification Projects at Comegys Benjamin B School, 5100 Greenway Ave., Community Education Center (CEC), 3500 Lancaster Ave., Martha Washington School, 766 N. 44th St. Volunteers will clean, paint, and organize. Refreshments will be served. Come dressed for painting and doing light cleaning. Meet at Houston Hall for transportation to sites at 9:45 a.m. Free and open to the public. Contact: Robert Carter to register at 215.898.0104.  Continue Reading

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Windermere Apartments fire victims get their money

Posted on 14 January 2016 by Mike Lyons


Protestors took to the streets in the days following the devastating 2011 fire at Windermere Court Apartments. Photos by West Philly Local).

Five years after a catastrophic fire destroyed the Windermere Court Apartments at 48th and Walnut, building tenants who participated in a class-action lawsuit have received their share of a $4.75 million settlement.

fireThe fire that broke out on Jan. 10, 2011 destroyed the 90-unit building and left its residents scrambling for housing. Many spent days protesting the building owner’s decision not to let them return to retrieve their belongings and pets that may have survived the blaze.

The cause of the fire is disputed. An expert determined on behalf of the tenants during a 2013 civil trial that the fire resulted from faulty smoke alarms and sprinklers. The building owners – David, Sam and Aron Ginsberg – settled the suit a few days into the 2014 trial for $4.75 million and the settlement was certified last January.

The tenants’ class-action attorney, Tom Marrone, said that the payouts were completed this week. Each tenant who signed onto the suit received an average of $25,000 after legal and other fees.

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Girl Scout cookies go on sale this Thursday

Posted on 13 January 2016 by

girl-scout-cookiesLocal Girl Scout troops are getting ready to set up their tables for the annual cookie sale, which begins on Thursday, Jan. 14. Starting tomorrow and until March 13, you can buy delicious cookies with great eight flavors around the neighborhood, including at some grocery stores (check out the Fresh Grocer at 40th and Walnut).

Girl Scout troops Junior 91143, Brownie 93273, and Daisy 91569 will be selling cookies from Jan. 14 to Jan. 24. Check out their table locations and schedule below. All the classics are $4 a box, plus gluten-free Trios (peanut butter, oatmeal, and chocolate) will be offered for $5.

Orders of 12 boxes or more can also be delivered (please contact Amy at; cash only).

Eastern Mountain Sports
3401 Chestnut Street

Jan. 14 – 4:00-6:00pm
Jan. 15 – 4:00-6:00pm
Jan. 21 – 4:00-6:00pm
Jan. 22 – 4:00-6:00pm  Continue Reading

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