Posted on 22 September 2015 by

This dog was found on Monday night at 53rd and Spruce. He was reportedly hit by a car and has a few scrapes on his face and paw, but otherwise doesn’t appear injured. He’s a very young, thin, tan and white intact male. He was wearing a studded leather collar when he was found. The dog will be taken to the vet today to be checked and scanned for a chip. If you have any information about this dog or his owner, please leave a comment or email:
Posted on 21 September 2015 by Mike Lyons

Demolition crews were finishing off the University City High School building last week as plans for “uCity Square” were announced.
As demolition crews finish off University City High School along 36th Street between Filbert and Warren, officials from the University City Science Center and developers Wexford Science and Technology unveiled the planned office and lab complex “uCity Square” that will take its place.
The 4-million-square-foot project will include a cluster of glassy lab and office buildings with commercial and retail space that will border 37th Street to the west and Lancaster Avenue and Market Street to the north and south. The site will also house an “urban grocery store,” fitness center and parking, according to the announcement made earlier this week. Continue Reading
Posted on 18 September 2015 by Mike Lyons

Twins at 4300-4306 Osage Avenue.
The city Historical Commission’s Committee on Historic Designation recommended on Wednesday adding the Second Empire style twins at the 43rd and Osage and the south side of the 3600 block of Lancaster Avenue, both eyed by developers, to the Register of Historic Places.
Proposals for both properties now move to the Historical Commission for final approval scheduled for Oct. 9. Placement on the Historic Register stipulates that the commission “must review all proposals that require a building permit and/or that would alter the appearance of the historic resource prior to the commencement of work,” according to the commission website. Continue Reading
Posted on 18 September 2015 by
Dollar Strolls always bring huge crowds to Baltimore Avenue looking for $1 specials from neighborhood restaurants and other businesses, but last night was something absolutely crazy. Reader Marshall Ledger sent us this panoramic photo with the following commentary:
“Two lines to Desi [Village] (its tables of samosas, pakoras, and mango lassi on the left): one stretching to and past Melville, the other up toward 46th Street, past Renata’s Kitchen (tables of croissants, chocolate cookies, and sodas on the right).”
[photonav url=’/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/DesiVillage.jpg’]
Also check out photos by Bob Lannon: Continue Reading
Posted on 17 September 2015 by
While many were out and about this evening enjoying the Baltimore Avenue Dollar Stroll, a blown transformer caused a fire near 46th and Hazel, according to various reports. The fire was reported shortly before 8 p.m.:
One witness said that the fire engulfed a car parked nearby. We’re trying to get more details.
Posted on 17 September 2015 by
Apart from tonight’s Baltimore Avenue Dollar Stroll, another big semi-annual event is happening this week in West Philly – Go West! Craft Fest at The Woodlands (40th and Woodland). More than 70 artists and crafters are expected to participate in the Fall edition of this popular event happening on Saturday, Sept. 19 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The event also features live music, children’s activities, acrobatic performances by tinycircus, and food by local eateries. Go West! Craft Fest is open to the public and free to attend.
Festival guests can find unique treasures by local makers, including jewelry, ceramics, art, prints, stationery, home wares, children’s items, bags, candles, soaps, and more. Follow @gowestcraftfest on Instagram for sneak peeks of all the Festive finds. Also, visit the Go West! Craft Fest website for more information and performance schedule.
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