
"West Philly"

Free baklava if you find cat from Manakeesh (45th and Walnut)

Posted on 13 April 2015 by


The family that runs Manakeesh Café Bakery at 45th and Walnut are looking for their missing cat. The cat is described as a female ginger and white cat (pictured).

If you find the cat please call (215-921-2135) or bring her to Manakeesh. A free smoothie and half-dozen baklava are offered for anyone who finds her!

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Two teenage girls reported missing in West Philly

Posted on 13 April 2015 by

Police are asking for the public’s assistance in locating two teenage girls who recently went missing in the area.


Lajaida Beverley

Lajaida Beverly, 15, was last seen on Thursday, April 9, at her residence on the 5800 block of Cedar Avenue. Lajaida is  5 feet 7 inches, 120 pounds, with brown eyes and black hair. She was last seen wearing a black/gray leather jacket, black pants with leather front and white sneakers. She may have run away with other female juveniles, according to police.

Jannat Williams is also 15, and she is from the 5700 block of Delancey Street. She was last seen at school (Freire Charter, 2027 Chestnut Street), on Thursday, April 9, at approximately 4:30 p.m. Jannat is 5 feet 2 inches, 120 pounds, and has green eyes and brown hair. She was last seen wearing a gray shirt with white block writing, black jeans, a black hooded jacket, and multi-colored Muslim garb.

Anyone with information about the whereabouts of these persons is asked to contact Southwest Detective Division at 215-686-3183/3184 or call 911.


Jannat Williams (Photos from Philly Police Blog)

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Community zoning meeting for church at 4700 Kingsessing this Tuesday

Posted on 13 April 2015 by

church wideAs many of you know, the 115-year-old Frank Furness-designed church building at 47th and Kingsessing was saved from demolition last year and is currently undergoing renovation. Developer Guy Laren is planning to re-purpose the building by opening two local day care centers, Little Learners and Children’s Community School, in that location after the renovation has been completed. Rezoning is necessary for this plan to come to life, and the first community zoning meeting for the church conversion project will take place this week.

Community members are invited this Tuesday, April 14, at 6 p.m. to Kingsessing Recreation Center at 50th and Kingsessing to hear more about the project and provide their feedback. The meeting is being organized by the Registered Community Organization (RCO) for the area – Southwest District Services.

The project stakeholders also asked community members to show their support of the church conversion project by signing a petition last month. Over 250 people have so far signed the online petition on Tuesday’s meeting is another opportunity to gauge the amount of support of the plan by the community.

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Squirrel Hill Falls Park to reopen for cleanup this Saturday

Posted on 10 April 2015 by


The locked gate of Squirrel Hill Falls park at 48th and Chester.

Squirrel Hill Falls Park, a pocket park which was built in the 1990’s but has been closed for years, will reopen for several hours this Saturday for a spring cleanup. The organization that owns the lot at 48th and Chester, Friends Rehabilitation Program (FRP), has allowed the Friends of Squirrel Hill Park community group to enter and clean up the park from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday.

Taking into account the park’s deteriorating condition FRP has two requirements though: Anyone wishing to help in the cleanup has to sign a waiver, and because of safety concerns minors will not be permitted to participate in this cleanup. The Friends of Squirrel Hill Park will have copies of the waiver on hand.

Anyone wishing to help with the cleanup is welcome to join the Friends. The tools will be provided, but you can bring your own rake or set of gloves.

Read more about the latest efforts to reopen the park for community use here.

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Trolleys diverted during shooting investigation at 40th Street portal (updated)

Posted on 09 April 2015 by Mike Lyons

UPDATE (April 10, 12:43 p.m.) Two men have been charged in the shootings that resulted in the lengthy shutdown of the 40th Street trolley portal late yesterday afternoon. A witness who was sitting in a South Philly park told police he heard several gunshots and saw two vehicles parked side by side near 25th and Wolf streets. The vehicles then fled in opposite directions. One vehicle was found at 40th and Woodland, near the trolley portal, with several bullet holes. A passenger in the car had been taken to the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and is listed in stable condition. That person, a 22-year-old man, is under police guard at the hospital and faces firearms and other charges. A second man, 26 years of age, who police say was in the other vehicle was also apprehended and faces similar charges.

UPDATE (8:30 p.m.): Trolley service resumed around 7 p.m. with residual delays. There are conflicting reports about where the shooting took place. A car with bullet holes was found near the portal, and the driver was taken to the hospital. We’ll update when we have more information.

Several trolley lines were diverted at about 5 p.m. following a shooting near the trolley portal at 40th Street and Baltimore Avenue, according to police. is reporting that an argument between two motorists near 25th and Wolf streets in South Philadelphia ended in gunfire in West Philadelphia at the trolley portal. One person was reportedly injured and has been taken to the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.

Trolley lines 11, 13, 34 and 36 in both directions have been diverted.

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Storied Yale Russian Chorus will be at Penn on Saturday, April 18

Posted on 09 April 2015 by Mike Lyons


Alumni from the Yale Russian Chorus, a storied all-male singing group that specializes in Russian and Slavic songs, will perform at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church (3916 Locust Walk) on the Penn campus on Saturday, April 18.

A small group of students studying Russian at Yale started the chorus in the 1950s, during the early days of the Cold War when more Americans were trying to understand the culture and people of the then Soviet Union. The group took its first of many trips to Russia in 1958 where members performed impromptu concerts on Moscow street corners. They were soon dubbed “Yale’s singing ambassadors.”

Under the musical direction of co-conductors Brock Holmes and Bruce Lieberman, Saturday’s concert will be a rare opportunity to enjoy seldom-performed Russian and Eastern European musical masterpieces for male-voice choir. “Expect powerful music, thrilling solos, exceptional ensembles, and top-notch musicianship,” according to a press release from the chorus.

The chorus sings folk and religious music in Russian, other Slavic and East European languages, and occasionally in English. Its repertoire includes works by Kastalsky, Rachmaninoff, and Tchaikovsky.  Continue Reading

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