
"West Philly"

West Philly artist James Dupree saves his studio from eminent domain

Posted on 12 December 2014 by

Photo from

Great news for West Philly artist James Dupree and his supporters: After two years of fighting the authorities to save his 8,646-square-foot art studio near 36th and Haverford from being destroyed to build a supermarket, the artist announced victory yesterday.


James Dupree (Photos from

Dupree purchased an auto repair shop at 3617-21 Haverford Ave in 2005 and turned it into a sprawling art space, known as Dupree Studios, but the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority seized and condemned the property along with other properties in a two-block area in December 2012 as part of efforts to revitalize the Mantua neighborhood. Since then 64-year-old Dupree has been fighting the plans of turning the lot into a grocery store with a parking lot through legal appeals and public campaigns. The PRA has finally ended the proceedings to condemn the property, which includes art studios, classrooms, and even three “quirky” apartments.


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UPDATED: Suspect in recent assaults on women arrested during a violent robbery of another female

Posted on 11 December 2014 by

Police say a 55-year-old man has confessed to robbing and assaulting a 38-year-old woman near 41st and Pine Streets Thursday evening. The man was apprehended around 6:40 p.m. by plainclothes officers. Police say he approached the victim from behind while she was walking alone, struck her in the back of the head with a bicycle U-lock and demanded her bag. He then started dragging the woman down the street and took her bag and cell phone, when two plainclothes police officers who were nearby observed the assault and arrested the attacker. Police were on a high alert in the last few days due to the recent attacks.

Police say he is also a suspect in other assaults on women in the area over the last five days, including an attempted robbery near 41st and Sansom on Saturday and two indecent assaults on female students late Thursday morning near Drexel’s campus. Police are also checking if this person is linked to a sexual assault and robbery of a 23-year-old female, which took place on Monday night near 47th and Chestnut.

The victim of the Thursday evening attack sustained lacerations to the back of her head and was taken to the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania where she received stitches.

Police say the man they apprehended has 25 prior arrests.

The suspect does not appear to be linked to the rape of a Drexel University student, which took place early Wednesday morning in her off-campus apartment near 34th and Spring Garden Streets. The investigation continues.

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Car and foot chase ends in arrest near 47th and Warrington

Posted on 11 December 2014 by

A police-DUI driver car pursuit that started in Southwest Philadelphia ended in a foot chase and arrest near 47th and Warrington Wednesday night, according to police.

Several residents reported higher police presence last night in the area around 8-8:30 p.m:

An unidentified driver was pulled over in Southwest Philly but took off. Police first pursued him by car, but then he exited and tried to run away on foot. He was apprehended and faces DUI and other charges.


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Windermere fire victims reach multi-million-dollar settlement

Posted on 11 December 2014 by Mike Lyons


Dozens of former residents of the Windermere Court apartments at 48th and Walnut, which burned down in early 2011, have scored a tentative multi-million-dollar victory in a class action lawsuit against the building’s owners.

The suit was filed soon after the devastating January 2011 fire and claimed that the building’s owners and management company failed to maintain smoke detectors, fire alarms and the four-story building’s sprinkler system. The suit was filed against owners David, Sam and Aron Ginsberg, all from New Jersey, and the management company that oversaw maintenance of the building.

The residents’ attorney, Thomas More Marrone, said in a statement that residents were in tears in the court hallways when they heard the news of the proposed $4.75 million settlement, which was reached three days after the civil trial began.Fire-address-300x225

Most of the residents fled the four-story building with very few possessions and were barred from re-entering their apartments, prompting weeks of protests following the fire. The building was demolished in April 2011.

Before the demolition, residents were told they could request belongings from their apartments, but they had to fit into two garbage bags.

The fire prompted an outpouring of support from West Philly residents, businesses and non-profits, many of whom organized fundraisers and collected clothing for the more than 100 displaced Windermere residents. Animal relief organizations also worked around the clock to help save many of the pets that didn’t make it out of the building.

Here is an interview days after the fire with one of the plaintiffs named in the case, J.B. Farley, on the quick demolition of the building.

Here is video of the fire:

Mike Lyons

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UPDATED: Women targeted in recent assaults at 47th and Chestnut, 34th and Spring Garden, 41st and Sansom

Posted on 11 December 2014 by

UPDATE (12/11/2014): Unfortunately, there was another report this week of a sexual assault in West Philadelphia. A 21-year-old woman, a Drexel University student, was raped in her off-campus apartment on the 3400 block of Spring Garden street. The assault happened early Wednesday morning, around 4:15 a.m. An unidentified man broke into the student’s apartment and threatened her with a meat cleaver prior to the assault, according to reports. The man fled the apartment after the assault. The description of the attacker is not available. The apartment was dark, and the victim could not describe the man who assaulted her, but this assault and Monday’s assault near 47th and Chestnut (see below) “do not appear to be related at this time,” according to PPD spokesperson Tanya Little. Drexel police and the Special Victims Unit of the Philadelphia Police Department are investigating.

(12/10/2014): A 23-year-old woman was sexually assaulted and robbed on Monday evening near 47th and Chestnut, according to police.

The woman was walking in the 100 block of S. 47th Street at around 8:30 p.m., when an unidentified male approached and grabbed her from behind. He then forced the victim to the ground and physically and sexually assaulted her before taking her purse and fleeing on foot, according to a police report. The attacker is described as a black male between 30 and 35 years of age, approximately 6 feet tall, heavy build, with short hair, close-trimmed beard and mustache. He was wearing a blue jacket, a black knit hat and gloves and had a backpack on. The extent of the victim’s injuries are currently unknown.  Continue Reading

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Proposed West Philly charter school hearings on Thursday; watch online here

Posted on 10 December 2014 by Mike Lyons

Representatives of about a dozen proposed West Philly charter schools will present their applications to the  School District of Philadelphia on Thursday beginning at 10:10 a.m.

This is the first time the District has considered adding new charter schools since 2007. The District received a total of 40 applications and the hearings on them began Monday. Protesters have also showed up at the hearings. Most are calling for more support of the District’s neighborhood schools.

The public is welcome to comment on the applications from 3 p.m. (after they are all complete) to 6 p.m. at the District headquarters at 440 N. Broad St. Speakers are asked to register at 215-400-4010 and should arrive before 6 p.m. Each speaker will be allotted three minutes.

Some 62,000 students currently attend one of the city’s 86 charter schools, which account for about a third of the District’s budget – roughly $730 million. The District has until late February to vote on the applications.  Continue Reading

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