Posted on 26 November 2014 by Mike Lyons
If you want to get really fresh ingredients for that Thanksgiving feast, you should check out these pre-Thanksgiving farmers’ markets in West Philly. This will be the last weekday market of the season at Clark Park and 58th and Chester.
• Clark Park (43rd and Baltimore) – Open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
• 52nd and Haverford – Open 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
• 58th and Chester – Open 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
For more information on local farmers’ markets visit The Food Trust website.
Posted on 25 November 2014 by

Where an old, grand church building stood for 136 years until last December there is a glass box now. Well, at least it’s a useful box.
Many of our readers will be excited to know that the new retail space at the corner of 40th and Sansom was completed earlier this month and already started welcoming its first occupants. Dunkin’ Donuts, Zesto Pizza, and Jake’s Sandwich Board already opened their doors. Hai Street Kitchen, a Japanese burrito shop, is coming in early 2015, according to’s The Insider.
Posted on 25 November 2014 by Mike Lyons
West Philly musicians Sterling Duns and RB Ricks have released a single in response to the events in Ferguson, Mo. “Dr. X.” was uploaded to YouTube in anticipation of the verdict in the grand jury investigation of police officer Darren Wilson.
A handful of protests are expected today in Philadelphia. The group People Utilizing their Real Power (PURP) (Facebook page) is leading a rally, along with clergy, that is scheduled to begin at 3:30 p.m. From City Hall, the rally is expected to move along North Broad Street to Cecil B. Moore Avenue.
Here is “Dr. X”:
Posted on 24 November 2014 by
UPDATE 2 (8:35 p.m.): Several pets were also affected by today’s fire at 51st and Ludlow. The Red Paw Emergency Relief Team were on the scene searching for cats missing after the fire. Sadly, two cats perished in the fire and two more are still missing:
UPDATE: Red Cross is assisting six people affected by the fire. We’re trying to confirm neighbors’ information that no one was injured in the fire.
4:40 p.m.: West Philly Local readers are reporting a fire at a three-story duplex at the corner of 51st and Ludlow. Smoke is coming out of the 2nd and 3rd floor windows. Fire fighters are on the scene.

Photos by Matty Starrdust.
Posted on 24 November 2014 by Mike Lyons
Fresh, healthy food is a luxury a lot of folks can’t afford, but the Powelton-based People’s Emergency Center and Drexel University have come up with a way to combine healthier food and economic opportunity with the recently launched Fresh Start Foods West Philadelphia.
The program provides unemployed young adults an opportunity to build skills through paid food service apprenticeships through Drexel’s Department of Culinary Arts and Food Science. The apprenticeships will include culinary preparation training, nutrition, meal planning and recipe development. The first cohort will begin in March.
Once fully operational, the program will be able to provide some 2,000 healthy meals each day to neighborhood school children. Organizers also plan to open a retail store next fall at 3945 Lancaster Ave.
Fresh Start Foods West Philadelphia has received more than $700,000 in federal and state grants.
Posted on 24 November 2014 by

UPDATE (11/24/2014): The Holiday Basket Drive continues in Cedar Park and Cedar Park Neighbors will also be sending out letters to residents asking for donations, starting this week. To donate online, visit this page.
11/6/2014: Winter holidays are approaching fast – an exciting time for all, but also worrying for many neighbors who will struggle putting food on the table during this time. In a continuous effort to help Cedar Park residents and families in need, Cedar Park Neighbors (CPN) is holding a holiday food basket drive again this year.
CPN, in cooperation with some local churches and other nonprofit organizations, will prepare and distribute food baskets during the holiday season. Last year, they were able to help over 600 people in the neighborhood. In order to make this event successful again, they are asking for help from the community.
A suggested donation is $36. This amount will help CPN and their partners feed two families. To donate to the CPN Holiday Basket Drive, go to this page.
If you have questions, please contact Michelle at
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