
"West Philly"

The Matter of Frank Schaefer, the story of defrocked minister, opens this week at Curio

Posted on 11 November 2014 by Mike Lyons

Frank Schaefer

Curio Theatre Company opens its 10th season this week with the world premiere of a performance that is, as they say, ripped straight from the headlines.

The Matter of Frank Schaefer tells the true story of the Methodist minister from Lebanon, Penna. who is defrocked for officiating his son’s gay wedding, refrocked on appeal and is currently threatened with another defrocking.

“What grabbed us right away with the story of Frank Schaefer is that it felt like a civil rights movement was starting right in front of us,” said Curio’s artistic director Paul Kuhn. “When we started this project gay marriage had not been legalized in Pennsylvania and Frank Schaefer had not yet been defrocked.”  Continue Reading

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Woodlands Cemetery vandalized; police searching for teenage suspects

Posted on 11 November 2014 by

Vandalism Woodlands Cemetery

The historic Woodlands Cemetery was holding a Veterans Day celebration earlier today, but this report, unfortunately, is about despicable acts that took place this week at the cemetery. The Woodlands’ executive director Jessica Baumert writes that vandalism was reported and witnessed at The Woodlands on Sunday, Nov. 9, and Tuesday, Nov. 11. Both incidents happened during the daytime, and there are reasons to believe that the same people were involved in each incident.

Police are searching for the following individuals:

White, male teenager (< 18 years), tall (± 6′), well built with a mop of black hair, pale complexion, large mouth, dark eyes, wearing a black zip-up jacket and black pants.

White (maybe Hispanic) female teenager (< 18 years), petite (< 5′ 4″) with long, straight, dark brown hair, olive complexion and dark eyes, wearing a brown (possibly leather) jacket and blue jeans.

On Sunday, there was an additional male. His description is not provided.

If you see people that fit this description on the grounds of The Woodlands, please call 911 and report it to the police immediately. Do not confront these individuals.

If you have additional information or witnessed any suspicious activity, please contact Southwest Detectives at 215-686-3183 or

(Photo courtesy of The Woodlands)

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Veterans Day closings, schedule changes

Posted on 11 November 2014 by

Veterans Day is observed today nationwide (please check out some locally scheduled events and celebrations). And here are a few things to keep in mind since it’s a federal holiday.

Public schools, libraries and government offices and courts are closed.

• All USPS branches are closed and there will be no mail delivery today.

• Most banks and credit unions are closed.

• Retail, grocery and liquor stores are open for regular business hours.

• SEPTA buses, trains and trolleys are operating today on a regular weekday schedule.

• There will be no trash and recycling collection today. Trash pickup will run one day behind schedule for the rest of the week (starting Wednesday, Nov. 12).

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Veterans Day celebration this Tuesday at VA Hospital, The Woodlands

Posted on 10 November 2014 by

Veterans-Day---1068248Veterans Day is this Tuesday and some events are scheduled locally to celebrate the lives of those who served our country. Veterans and all interested residents are invited to a Veterans Day celebration organized by the VA Medical Center and the Woodlands Cemetery. The event will be held from 10:45 a.m. until 1 p.m.. Here’s the schedule:

10:45 a.m. – The ceremony starts at the VA Medical Center (3900 Woodland Ave). Enter at the Woodland Avenue Entrance where you will be directed to the PVAMC LVA Auditorium.

11:15 a.m. – Procession from the VA Medical Center to The Woodlands (40th and Woodland), led by the Philadelphia Police and Fire Pipes and Drums Corps.

11:30 a.m. – Anticipated arrival at the Cemetery Gates. The procession will continue through the Cemetery where respects will be paid and wreaths will be laid at the graves of Civil War Surgeon Dr. John Hill Brinton and Gettysburg Nurse, Emily Bliss Souder.

12:15-1:00 p.m. – After the ceremony, there will be a reception with refreshments at The Hamilton Mansion.

Special guests at this event include: Descendants of Emily Bliss Souder and Dr. John Hill Brinton, Dr. Robert Hicks (Civil War Surgeon Re-enactor) and Kerry Bryan (Civil War Nurse Re-enactor). Others in attendance will be in period uniforms from World War II, Vietnam and present day. Guest speaker: Paula Johnson (Air Force OIF/OEF Veteran).

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‘Microbirth’ film screening on Tuesday to support free childbirth classes

Posted on 10 November 2014 by

microbirth-A3-poster1There will be a great event this Tuesday to support free childbirth classes in the area. Microbirth, a brand new documentary looking at childbirth through the lens of a microscope and raising awareness of the importance of “seeding the baby’s microbiome,” will be screened. All proceeds from the screening will benefit childbirth classes offered by the Helen O. Dickens Clinic at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.

In addition to free childbirth classes, the clinic provides birth balls, sleep sacks, baby books, and healthy snacks to attendees, mostly low-income families.

The film will be followed by a discussion panel with Penn/CHOP faculty and researchers, and there will also be concessions and a lot of fun items to raffle off. Suggested donation is $5-$20 (click here to buy tickets).

West Philly community members are welcome to attend this event. “The film is awesome, and it would be great for everyone to see,” writes Nicole Chaney, one of the event organizers and the Dickens Clinic staff member.

The event will be held at the University of Pennsylvania (Hall of Flags, Houston Hall, 3417 Spruce St), from 5:45 – 10 p.m. Check out the event’s Facebook page.

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Reminder: 2014 Philly Leaf and Recycling Program kicks off Nov. 10

Posted on 09 November 2014 by

leavesThe Streets Department’s 2014 Philly Leaf and Recycling Program will kick off on November 10 and will run through December 19. During the six-week program, leaves will be collected for composting purposes, such as fertilizing gardens and nourishing trees.

There will be changes in the way leaves are collected for recycling this year, according to an announcement by the Streets Department. Bagged leaves will no longer be collected curbside. Instead, residents can drop them off at specially designated locations throughout the city. Here are the bagged leaf collection locations in West and Southwest Philadelphia area (open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturdays from Nov. 10 through Dec. 19):

• 66th & Haverford Avenue
• 54th & Woodbine Avenue
• 43rd & Powelton Avenue
• 72nd & Buist Avenue

Bagged leaves may also be taken to any of the four Sanitation Convenience Centers (visit the Streets Department website for more information).

Another requirement for recycling is that bagged leaves will only be accepted in biodegradable paper bags because they can be processed for recycling along with the leaves. The Streets Department doesn’t provide biodegradable bags, but you can purchase them at your local home improvement or hardware store.  Continue Reading

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