Photo courtesy Scribe Video Center.
As part of the annual (17th!) outdoor film screening series Street Movies!, Scribe Video Center will present a great selection of independent films on Thursday, Aug. 14 at Malcolm X. Park (52nd and Pine). Malcolm X. Park is the only West Philly location where the films are being presented this summer, from August 2 until August 21 (although you can catch them in other neighborhoods). This year, the program includes animation, shorts, and powerful documentaries celebrating cultural histories and exploring issues of community concern. The events also include live entertainment and a video emcee to complete a great night of movies under the stars.
Tomorrow’s screening starts at 7:45 p.m. All the films are free and family-friendly! Emcee: DJ C (WPEB 88.1 FM).
Here’s more information on the films to be shown at tomorrow’s event (from the Street Movies! at Malcolm X Park Facebook page):
“The Mill Creek Documentary: Past, Present, and Future by Joyce Eli Bevins
‘The Mill Creek; Past, Present and Future’ documentary is an urban preservation outreach project documenting the Mill Creek Community during the 20th Century to date through personal interviews. The goal of the film is to serve as an outlet and resource to preserve, inform, empower, heal, and inspire the Mill Creek community, its residents and surrounding communities. (USA, 2014, 4 min)
711 Sidney King School of Dance by the 711 Precious Places Group and Scribe Video Center
The Sydney King School of Dance was one of several neighborhood-based black dance schools founded in Philadelphia during the 1940s, 50s, and early 60s. Responding to the cultural needs of a vibrant post-war black middle class, these studios produced world-recognized dance professionals and fostered a lasting appreciate for the arts. Through interviews with King’s students, this video underscores the role the Sydney King School of Dance played in supporting its West Philadelphia community and shaping the direction of American dance and performance. (USA, 2010, 10 min)
Creation Story by Natasha Ngaiza
Clay animation weaves in and out of live action to reveal the intimate relationship between mother and daughter, hair and history. (USA, 2011, 9 min)
The Moorish Science Temple of America: Branches to Philadelphia, Rooted in Peace by Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc., Temple #11 and Scribe Video Center
The Moorish Science Temple of America highlights its one hundred years of existence as one of the first Islamic organizations in America, and its historical impact in Philadelphia. (USA, 2014, 16 min)
Them That Do: Juanita Hatton by Lori Waselchuk
Part of the Them That Do series, which features local Philadelphia block captains. This segment highlights Juanita, who is passionate about keeping her neighborhood clean. (USA, 2014, 5 min) Editor’s Note: Check out a series of posts connected to Waselchuk’s multimedia documentary project Them That Do.
Revival From the Roots: Part 1 by Media Mobilizing Project
Media Mobilizing Project presents the first installment of a three-video series, “Revival From the Roots: A Tour of Neighborhood Schools.” The series follows Jerry Jordan, President of the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers, and Helen Gym, parents and award-winning education advocate, as they hear firsthand from students, parents and teachers fighting to turn around public education from the bottom up. Part one of ‘Revival From the Roots’ features West Philadelphia, with visits to school communities at West Philadelphia High, Lea Elementary, Penn Alexander Elementary, Barry Elementary, and the now closed Alexander Wilson Elementary School. (USA, 2014, 8 min)”
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